
Stories 81 - 90 | << Prev 

Fungus Poised to Kill Off World's Wheat

US scientists race to find plants resistant to the Ug99 fungus

(Newser) - A rust-colored fungus could destroy 80% of the world's wheat crops in a few years unless scientists counter it with genetically resistant strains, the Los Angeles Times reports. The Ug99 fungus—an ancient wheat-killer that rose up again in Africa 10 years ago—is already threatening 19% of the world's...

US Funded Failed Attack on Ugandan Rebels

LRA escaped 'poorly planned' attack, massacred civilians

(Newser) - The US military helped fund and plan a disastrous attack on a Ugandan rebel group that resulted in reprisals against civilians, the New York Times reports. Uganda had hoped to rout the infamous Lord’s Resistance Army from the Congolese national park it was hiding in, but it failed to...

Baby Born on Transatlantic Flight

Passengers cheer as Boston-bound flight gets an extra passenger

(Newser) - Passengers on a Boston-bound plane from Amsterdam got a New Year's surprise when a woman on board went into labor, the Boston Herald reports. Two doctors on the flight informed the pilot that the baby would come before the aircraft could make an emergency landing. Passengers cheered after the woman...

10 Places Already Feeling Global Warming's Heat

Hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast has taken the brunt of climate change so far

(Newser) - While some consider global warming a cautionary tale of things to come, its effects are already being felt all over the world, reports Scientific American. The worst-hit:
  • Darfur: The deserts have been crippled by a decades-long drought, and can no longer support farmers or their grazing herds.
  • America's Gulf Coast:

Female Thieves in Uganda Use Chloroformed Bosoms

Ugandan crooks rob Lotharios knocked out by chemical on female conspirators' breasts

(Newser) - Ugandan men, particularly traveling salesmen with hefty wallets, have been beset by bandits employing femmes fatale outfitted with chloroform-laden bosoms, the Telegraph reports. After being stripped and relieved of all his possessions, a typical victim “just remembers being in the act of romancing” and nothing after, says one official.

Congolese Exodus Begins as Rebels Reach Key City

(Newser) - The strategic Congolese city of Goma descended into chaos today, raising the likelihood of a bloody regional war. Government soldiers commandeered cars, taxis, and motorbikes in a retreat from advancing rebels, joining tens of thousands of terrified refugees struggling to stay ahead of the violence. Tutsi rebels said they had...

Uganda Threatens Ban on Miniskirts
Uganda Threatens Ban on Miniskirts

Uganda Threatens Ban on Miniskirts

Distracted drivers are causing car accidents, official complains

(Newser) - The Uganda government is considering a ban on miniskirts because the sight of a shapely thigh is causing traffic accidents, according to officials. The minister for ethics and integrity is pushing to make wearing a short skirt an act of public indecency. Other vices he has targeted include sub-standard service,...

Nations Unite to Save Gorillas
Nations Unite to Save Gorillas

Nations Unite to Save Gorillas

10-year effort is the first to help dying species

(Newser) - Three African nations where the world's last 720 wild mountain gorillas live are finally working together to save the critically endangered animal, the Guardian reports. Until the 10-year plan was announced last week, mistrust and conflict had kept Rwanda, Uganda and the Congo from collaborating as another 10 apes were...

Scramble for Peace After Kenya Carnage

African Union boss in talks today in bid to control spiraling violence

(Newser) - Political leaders scrambled yesterday to contain violence in Kenya as rioting and retaliation over an election dispute appeared to leave the nation teetering on the edge of bloody chaos, the BBC reports. Tens of thousands of people have fled their homes. At least 300 people have been killed, including 30...

Africa Nations Move to Ban Plastic Bags

90% don't make it to dumps, clogging sewers, littering streets

(Newser) - With garbage rotting in the streets and being burnt in toxic bonfires, many African countries are looking to ban plastic bags. Kenya produces 48 million every year, and is now trying to follow Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda by outlawing them. In Nairobi’s slums, bags even clog channels leading out...

Stories 81 - 90 | << Prev