political advertising

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McCain Hopes $6M Olympic Ad Buy a Winner

Last-minute grab, rare in national reach, tops Dem's $5M outlay

(Newser) - Athletes won’t be the only competitors when the Beijing Olympics open Friday, Advertising Age reports: John McCain’s campaign made a last-minute, $6 million ad buy with NBC, topping the whopping $5 million Democratic opponent Barack Obama is spending. The large national scope of the advertising blitz is a...

McCain Ad Links Obama to Castro
McCain Ad
Links Obama
to Castro

McCain Ad Links Obama to Castro

'Guilt by endorsement' ad runs on South Florida websites

(Newser) - The McCain campaign is running an Internet ad composed of photos of Barack Obama and Fidel Castro side by side, with the caption “Fidel Castro thinks he is 'the most advanced candidate,'" the Huffington Post reports. The ad is running on websites catering to South Florida, home to...

McCain's $22M June Is Best Month to Date

Mac, RNC have $95M on hand

(Newser) - June was John McCain's best fundraising month yet, the AP reports, with the Republican bringing in $22 million; the perennially poorer candidate now has $27 million on hand. The Republican National Committee also had a good month, bringing in $26 million; the two camps together have $95 million in the...

YouTube Warriors Redefine Politics

Independent web ads for favored candidates are making an impact

(Newser) - A glut of political amateurs who produce popular videos on the cheap for YouTube and similar sites is redefining campaign politics. The New York Times takes a look at the phenomenon, in which partisans with nothing but passion and a computer produce often scathing videos about McCain and Obama. The...

TV Sees Big Bucks in Campaign
 TV Sees Big Bucks
 in Campaign 

TV Sees Big Bucks in Campaign

Ad spending bolstered by Obama's refusal of public campaign funds

(Newser) - This election season is shaping up as a windfall for television stations, with some $3 billion likely to be spent on TV ads, about 27% of that on the presidential race, reports USA Today. Democrat Barack Obama’s campaign—with no spending cap because Obama turned down public campaign funds—...

Obama Reintroduces Himself
 Obama Reintroduces Himself 

Obama Reintroduces Himself

Candidate moves to shore up weak spots, reaches out to GOP, undecided voters

(Newser) - Barack Obama is going back to basics as he launches his general election campaign, the Washington Post reports. The Democrat's first ad is a getting-to-know-you effort, recounting his biography and his values. “You can't presume that everybody was paying attention during the primary season,” explains one adviser—or,...

Obama Aims Blue Paintbrush at Red States

Campaign turns to Clinton supporters in new hirings

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign will hit GOP-dominated states as the candidate looks toward November, starting tomorrow with North Carolina, the New York Times reports. Obama hopes he can turn those states blue with the help of get-out-the-vote operations launched during the primaries—and aims to use his financial heft to...

McCain Declares, 'I Hate War,' in New Campaign Ad

He seeks to soften his image

(Newser) - John McCain seeks to soften his image as a warmonger in a new ad by declaring, "I hate war," the Chicago Tribune reports. In the ad, now airing in swing states around the nation, McCain highlights his military past and mentions his experience as a POW. He tries...

Obama Wallet Strikes Fear in GOP Hearts

He's already shown he knows how to spend

(Newser) - Republicans not used to worrying about money are sweating pennies, given John McCain's relatively inept fundraising in the face of an unprecedented Democratic war chest. Barack Obama, by conservative estimates, will have $300 million to McCain’s federal cap of $85 million for the general-election campaign, Politico reports—and with...

Clinton Ads Fire Up Gas Clash
 Clinton Ads Fire Up Gas Clash 

Clinton Ads Fire Up Gas Clash

Indiana commercial targets Obama's take on gas tax holiday

(Newser) - Congress killed hopes of a “gas tax holiday,” but that won't stop Hillary Clinton from running on it. Her camp issued its second Indiana TV ad today blasting Barack Obama’s opposition to the measure, Talking Points Memo reports. Obama responded to her first ad by saying the...

Clinton Gets Cold Shoulder From GOP
Clinton Gets Cold Shoulder From GOP

Clinton Gets Cold Shoulder From GOP

Republicans tuning her out as they focus attacks on Obama

(Newser) - Republican strategists are tuning out Hillary Clinton as they ramp up their attacks on Barack Obama, writes Jonathan Martin in Politico. The national party is increasingly focusing its ads and money on Obama, and John McCain's camp also puts a definite emphasis on him. A new daily email to reporters...

More GOP Ads Take Direct Aim at Obama
More GOP Ads Take
Direct Aim at Obama

More GOP Ads Take Direct Aim at Obama

Republicans trying to take advantage of his recent troubles

(Newser) - More Republicans are taking advantage of Barack Obama's newfound vulnerability by giving him a starring role in their political ads, the Los Angeles Times reports. One New Mexico spot says Obama disrespects “the American way of life,” and another in Louisiana that mentions his “radical” healthcare plan...

New Hillary Attack Ad Features bin Laden

Hillary invokes terrorist to cast doubt on Obama's readiness

(Newser) - Voters go to the polls today in Pennsylvania after a bruising last day of campaigning in which Hillary Clinton unleashed a particularly harsh attack ad that uses an image of Osama bin Laden. The TV spot shows news footage of Black Thursday, Pearl Harbor, the Berlin Wall and the mastermind...

Dems Shower Each Other With Attacks

Clinton, Obama swing hard as Pa. primary nears

(Newser) - Democratic hopefuls blasted each other's tactics today as Tuesday's Pennsylvania primary fast approaches, the Caucus blog reports. Hillary Clinton called Barack Obama's campaign "negative" and released an ad saying he spreads “false charges” about her health care plan. Obama's camp rolled out an ad rejecting her claim that...

Clinton Rolls Out 'Nuclear Option' TV Spot

'Red phone'-style ad asks: Who will keep your children safe?

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton today debuted an ad hinting at dire consequences of electing a commander in chief who isn’t “tested," ABC News reports. "It's 3am and your children are asleep," a voice says over images of sleeping infants. "There's a phone in the White House,...

Mitt Spending Big in Super Tuesday States

Ad buy may force McCain to match

(Newser) - The Romney campaign revealed today it will make a major ad buy in California and several other February 5 states. A spokesman said Mitt made the decision this morning, CBS reports; a small advertising budget would have signaled the campaign didn’t like its chances for the nomination. Romney, worth...

Iowa Ads Got Unlikely Results
Iowa Ads Got Unlikely Results

Iowa Ads Got Unlikely Results

Caucusgoers may have known too much about 'establishment' candidates

(Newser) - The Iowa caucus results shook up more than just political campaigns, reports Advertising Age, as age-old advertising truisms also flew out the window. Mitt Romney’s $7.9 million on broadcast ads should have sealed the deal against Mike Huckabee, who spent just $1.7 million. Like Barack Obama (who...

Obama Fires Back with Iowa TV Request

Dem wants live spot on eve of caucuses to counter Clinton ad

(Newser) - Barack Obama is getting a lesson in the politics of local TV as he angles for airtime on the evening before the Iowa caucuses, ABC News reports. After Hillary Clinton’s campaign purchased a 2-minute spot during all of the state’s 6 pm Wednesday newscasts, Obama began requesting a...

Candidates Still Figuring Out Web Ads

Romney banner appears on Gay.com in latest of many snafus in '08 race

(Newser) - Politicians have decades of experience putting ads on television, but they haven’t figured out this Internet thing, the New York Times says. Thanks to ad networks, banners are showing up in embarrassing places – Mitt Romney accidentally advertised on Gay.com – making politicians look like blunderers. “Corporate...

Anti-Obesity Ad Tap-Taps Craig's Bathroom Tryst

Anti-obesity campaign says Senators are on the 'gravy train'

(Newser) - “It’s their dirty little secret,” the commercial's voiceover says, as a well-dressed man taps his foot in a bathroom stall. And though Larry Craig’s name is never uttered, his airport indiscretion is obviously the latest target of an unlikely source—childhood obesity advocates knocking congressmen who...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>