political advertising

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Mixed Reviews for the 'O Show'
 Mixed Reviews for the 'O Show' 
Pundit Roundup

Mixed Reviews for the 'O Show'

Some did, some didn't, making a headline tough to write

(Newser) - Barack Obama's half-hour TV pitch scored with writers on the left—though one found it embarrassing to admit to being seduced by an infomercial—while those on the right were turned off:
  • Saying it was hardly the "gauzy, feel-good commercial," McCain labeled it in advance, John Nichols of

Infomercial Smartly Put Feelings Before Facts
Infomercial Smartly Put Feelings Before Facts

Infomercial Smartly Put Feelings Before Facts

(Newser) - Barack Obama made few concrete proposals in his multi-million-dollar TV spot last night, but the infomercial wasn't about policy, writes Tom Shales; it was about "sensibility." For the Washington Post columnist, Obama's long-form advertisement succeeded as a soft-focus, optimistic simulation "of how it would feel to live...

Senate Contests Ringing Up Record Ad Tabs

Some races tipping $30M mark, inundating voters with 'cacophony'

(Newser) - Senate races in 11 hotly contested states are drawing record sums in spending on TV advertising, the Washington Post reports. Both parties stick to repeated attacks: Democrats and their backers tie Republicans to Bush and aid for big corporations, while GOP supporters say Democrats will tax and spend freely. “...

Obama Shatters Records With $150M Sept.

Brings total to more than $600M

(Newser) - Barack Obama scored $150 million in September, he said today, a monthly record that brings his fundraising total to another record topping $600 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. The previous monthly record was Obama’s $66 million in August. Those figures give the Democrat a big leg up in...

Obama Set to Smash Spending Records

Unprecedented Democratic ad blitz to break Bush record within days

(Newser) - Barack Obama is outspending John McCain 4-to-1 on advertising nationwide and is on course to break George Bush's 2004 spending record within days, reports the New York Times. Obama has stepped up his spending since the start of October and is blitzing network TV, cable TV, and even video games...

Obama Ad to Delay World Series Game

If there is a Game 6, MLB agrees to push start back 18 minutes so Fox can air spot

(Newser) - The GOP is crying foul after Fox announced it would delay a possible World Series Game 6 to air a 30-minute Barack Obama spot, CNN reports. Obama has bought airtime from Fox, CBS, and NBC for Oct. 29. “Not only is Obama putting politics before principle, he’s putting...

In Crisis, Ads Are Just Noise
 In Crisis, 
 Ads Are 
 Just Noise 

In Crisis, Ads Are Just Noise

McCain attacks, Obama saturates, and no one cares

(Newser) - With the election weeks away, the airwaves are thick with campaign ads. McCain has gone almost completely negative, while Obama has used his huge war chest to unleash an unprecedented barrage of messages—and none of it matters, strategists tell the Washington Post. “Most people are looking at their...

Obama Buys Half-Hour of Network Primetime

30 minutes on October 29th may be accompanied by other TV buys

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign is planning an 11th-hour advertising blitz and has purchased a half-hour of primetime TV on CBS for October 29th, Politico reports. A special will air that night, just days before the election, at 8pm. Rumor has it that Obama also is nearing deals with NBC and...

Palin Pumps Up Funding for Both Sides

Candidate inspires conservatives, scares liberals

(Newser) - Political action groups have spent far less on ads during this presidential election than they did in 2004, but Sarah Palin’s entry into the race has begun to push that number up, reports the Wall Street Journal. Groups like Planned Parenthood have seen an uptick in donations from “...

Obama Gets Tough in Sharp New Ads
Obama Gets Tough in Sharp New Ads

Obama Gets Tough in Sharp New Ads

Camp launching preemptive counter-assault

(Newser) - Barack Obama is getting his political jujitsu on, reports Politico, launching a preemptive strike against John McCain’s upcoming attack ads with an aggressive message of his own: McCain is erratic and out of touch. The McCain camp plans to run ads next week tying Obama to a convicted money...

McCain to Redouble Attacks
 McCain to Redouble Attacks

McCain to Redouble Attacks

New ad campaign, to debut after debate, will attempt to shift focus from the economy

(Newser) - John McCain’s struggling campaign, hobbled by the economic crisis, will go back on the attack, the Washington Post reports. Insiders said targets would include Obama’s association with convicted developer Tony Rezko. Ads criticizing the Democratic candidate’s record on taxes have already run.

Whose Voice Is That Telling You How to Vote?

Politically charged cadre of voice actors star in campaign ads

(Newser) - We all know who’s approving the message, but who are those guys actually reading it? The world of voice actors for campaign ads is a tight, politically charged one, Newsweek reports. Voters will be exposed to about 3,000 ads this season, and almost all will be voiced by...

Political Ads Target Sports Fans

Candidates buy time on regional sports networks to reach men, swing voters

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama are betting on the Minnesota-Ohio State football game this weekend—but they’d rather score points with fans than on the field, the Wall Street Journal reports. The candidates are advertising on regional sports networks to reach swing voters, and hard-to-reach men, in seven states....

McCain Doesn't Send Email: So What?
 McCain Doesn't 
 Send Email: 
 So What? 

McCain Doesn't Send Email: So What?

Obama's attacks on Mac ignore injuries that keep him from typing

(Newser) - Barack Obama's attempt to slam John McCain for his lack of email and computer knowledge is ridiculous, Jonah Goldberg writes in the National Review. Not only is McCain unable to type because of war injuries, but his exaggerated ignorance of the Internet pales in comparison to Obama’s inexperience in...

After 9/11 Truce, Name-Calling Back On

McCain 'out of touch,' Obama ad charges; Dem 'disrespectful' to Palin, Mac counters

(Newser) - Hours after making a joint appearance at a memorial ceremony for the Sept. 11 attacks, John McCain and Barack Obama unleashed harsh new attacks of their own, reports the Chicago Tribune. With the McCain camp blasting Obama as desperate and “disrespectful” to Sarah Palin, the Obama campaign made a...

McCain Puts Gloves On for a Night, Offers Congratulations

Campaign takes a break from attack commercials to say 'job well done'

(Newser) - John McCain delivers an unusual message to Barack Obama tonight in a new campaign ad: "Congratulations." In the ad, which the Republican's camp had teased as "exciting" early in the day, McCain looks into the camera and says,"How perfect that your nomination would come on...

McCain to Air Rebuttal Ad, Could Leak VP Choice Tonight

GOP goal is to distract from Obama speech

(Newser) - John McCain has a top-secret ad scheduled to run during or just after Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in battleground states—and the campaign could leak news of the Republican’s running mate even earlier, Mike Allen writes on Politico. Little is known about the ad, save that McCain will...

McCain Ad Strikes Quickly— Using Biden's Own Words

Dem veep choice praises McCain, doubts Obama in 30 sec spot

(Newser) - The McCain campaign hit hard and fast at the newly minted Obama-Biden ticket, releasing an ad early this morning that makes use of the Delaware senator’s own comments, the Wall Street Journal reports. The ad includes footage of Biden casting doubt on Obama’s readiness, then later reaffirming the...

Jackson Browne Sues McCain Over Ad

(Newser) - Jackson Browne is suing John McCain for using his song “Running on Empty” in a campaign ad without permission, the Huffington Post reports. The Ohio GOP used the tune in a spot mocking Obama's suggestion that Americans inflate their tires. McCain's not getting much love from celebrities. Earlier this...

Why Have They Lost Their Sense of Humor?
Why Have They Lost Their Sense of Humor?

Why Have They Lost Their Sense of Humor?

Neither campaign can take a joke, Andersen grumbles

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain can both crack a joke, so why can't they take one this election season? From Obama offending McCain with digs about the race card to McCain's laughable anti-Obama ads, serious matters are being laughed off and bad jokes are being taken seriously, Kurt Andersen writes...

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