Second Amendment

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Fired for Carrying Gun, Wells Fargo Manager Sues

Ivette Ros says she needed it to protect her employees

(Newser) - Don't get between Ivette Ros and her 9mm, or she'll slap you with a lawsuit. That's what Wells Fargo Bank learned when it fired Ros from her position as manager in the rural city of Oldsmar, Fla., the Tampa Tribune reports. Ros said she liked carrying her...

Across Country, Sheriffs Take Aim at New Gun Laws

Most in Colorado have signed federal lawsuit against them

(Newser) - Across the country, sheriffs continue to oppose new gun laws, with some refusing to enforce them and others just making them a low priority. In Colorado, sheriffs are actively fighting laws requiring background checks and limiting magazines to 15 rounds: In May, 55 of 62 elected sheriffs signed a federal...

NRA Unholsters New Museum— in Gun Store

'If you are a gun person, you are going to love this place'

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association has unveiled a new museum—inside a gun store. The National Sporting Arms Museum, inside a sprawling Bass Pro store in Springfield, Mo., features close to 1,000 firearms, including ones owned by historical figures as diverse as Teddy Roosevelt, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Jesse James, Reuters...

Last Holdout State Legalizes Concealed Carry

Illinois lawmakers shoot down governor's veto

(Newser) - The final state with a ban on concealed weapons has dropped it—just in time to beat a federal deadline . Lawmakers in the Illinois House and Senate, fearing a firearms free-for-all if they failed to act, voted by hefty margins to override Gov. Pat Quinn's veto and pass a...

Gun Dealer: Wayne LaPierre Is on the 'Wrong Side'

Lifetime NRA member calls out group's honcho

(Newser) - Lifetime NRA member Mike Weisser has strong words for Wayne LaPierre and the "culture war" he claims he's fighting: "If there is a war going on, you represent the wrong side," Weisser writes for the Huffington Post . LaPierre's concern about expanded background checks has nothing...

Senate&#39;s Gun Control Debate: Let the Showdown Begin

 Senate Votes to 
 Allow Gun Debate 

Senate Votes to Allow Gun Debate

But fight could last weeks

(Newser) - The Senate's gun control bill cleared its first major hurdle today, as the chamber voted 68-31 to begin debate, defeating at least the first attempt to filibuster the bill. Sixteen Republicans joined 52 Democrats in voting to begin debate, the Washington Post reports, while two Democrats voted against. But...

Georgia Town Would Make Residents Own a Gun

Proponents say measure necessary with just 1 cop in town

(Newser) - Residents of Nelson, Ga., could soon have more than the right to bear arms—they could be legally required to, reports WSB-TV . With just one police officer in the 1,300-person town that straddles two counties, Nelson residents face long police response times, so local officials are introducing the Family...

Newtown Dad 'Heckled' at Gun Hearing

Parents disagree over assault weapons ban

(Newser) - The father of a 6-year-old killed in the Sandy Hook shooting took his case for gun control to authorities in Connecticut last night, asking during a public hearing whether anyone in the room could tell him why private citizens should be allowed to own semi-automatics. Neil Heslin paused for a...

Obama: We Go Skeet-Shooting &#39;All the Time&#39;
 Obama: We Go 
 'All the Time' 

Obama: We Go Skeet-Shooting 'All the Time'

President covers gun control, football in 'New Republic' interview

(Newser) - Perhaps it's the commander in chief who's clinging to his guns? In a wide-ranging interview with the New Republic , President Obama tackles slew of issues ranging from gun control to football, including this little gem when asked if he'd ever fired a gun: "Up at Camp...

NRA Ad Slams Obama Over Protection for His Girls

It makes him an 'elitist hypocrite'

(Newser) - If President Obama questions the idea of putting armed guards in every school, then why is he willing to let the Secret Service protect Sasha and Malia while they're in class? Because he's an "elitist hypocrite when it comes to a fair share of security," asserts...

NRA: We've Signed Up 100K Since Sandy Hook

Group says it doesn't intend to bend on gun control

(Newser) - The Sandy Hook shooting has been good for business for the NRA. In the last 18 days, the group has signed up more than 100,000 new members, it told Politico today. That bumped its overall membership from 4.1 million to 4.2 million. "Our goal is to...

White House: Piers Morgan Gets to Stay

Except Jay Carney didn't use words 'Piers' or 'Morgan' in statement

(Newser) - Let's say you're the White House. You're obligated to reply to any petition that gets enough signatures on the "We the People" site—even the one to deport Piers Morgan over his gun-control stance. What do you do? Well, you could issue a statement that never...

Pro-Gun Petition Founder Blows Up at Piers Morgan

'1776 will commence again,' Alex Jones warns host

(Newser) - Things got pretty heated on Piers Morgan Tonight as the host came face-to-face with the man who started a petition to deport him for supporting gun control. Morgan barely got a word in as conspiracy theorist talk show host Alex Jones attacked him as a "hatchet man of the...

Want to Deport Piers? You're Un-American

Tommy Christopher: What's patriotic about having the government silence people?

(Newser) - In theory, the White House's "We the People" petition site is a great way to let Americans interact with their government. In practice, it lets a small number of morons "shame the entire nation before the world," writes Tommy Christopher at Mediaite . The latest example: The...

UK Petition to US: No, You Keep Piers Morgan!

Original one to deport him has more than 70K signatures

(Newser) - The petition calling for CNN host Piers Morgan to be deported back to Britain because of his anti-gun views has cracked the 70,000 mark in signatures. And today comes the inevitable counter-petition on the White House's We the People site: It calls for Morgan to stay in the...

New Petition: Deport CNN's Piers Morgan

Signers say he is attacking 2nd amendment with gun-control views

(Newser) - And the quirky White House petitions continue. The latest request submitted to the White House's "We the People" website: an effort to get British CNN host Piers Morgan deported "immediately" for "attacking [the] 2nd amendment." More than 31,500 people have signed the petition thus...

Jason Alexander Stirs the Pot on Gun Rights

Offers lengthy post on 2nd Amendment

(Newser) - George Costanza's political stature just keeps growing. Former Seinfeld actor Jason Alexander has taken to Twitter to voice his stance on gun control, noting that the weapon on the Dark Knight massacre was "a military weapon. Why should it be in non-mil hands?" After that prompted online debate,...

Obama Won't Push New Gun Laws

Romney banned assault rifle in question in Massachusetts

(Newser) - The Dark Knight shooting certainly has people talking about gun control again. The AP and New York Times are both running reports on the largely unregulated nature of Internet gun sales; James Holmes was able to order 3,000 rounds of assault rifle ammunition and 3,000 rounds of handgun...

As Guns Spark Fires, Utah Gov Pleads With Shooters

But Utah, other states banned from emergency gun restrictions

(Newser) - With 20 wildfires around Utah this year believed to be caused by target shooters firing in bone-dry conditions, states are urging gun owners not to shoot in high-risk locations. “Now is not a good time to take your gun outside and start shooting in cheat grass that’s tinder...

Maryland Court Strikes Down Gun Control Law

Handgun permit system unconstitutional, judge decides

(Newser) - Maryland has no right to demand that residents explain why they need to carry a gun outside the home, a federal judge ruled yesterday, declaring the state's handgun permit system unconstitutional. The law required residents to provide a "good and substantial reason” to carry a gun, but "...

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