Second Amendment

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Supreme Court Rejects Gun Control Case

Man convicted for carrying gun without permit

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has opted not to hear a case on the right to carry a gun outside the home, Reuters reports. Maryland’s top court upheld a state law requiring a permit to carry a handgun outside of home; the federal justices’ refusal of the case means the state’...

Ohio House OKs Guns in Bars
 Ohio House OKs Guns in Bars 

Ohio House OKs Guns in Bars

Move allows 'toxic mix' of guns and booze, opponents complain

(Newser) - Concealed-carry permit holders in Ohio will be allowed to bring their guns into bars, restaurants, and open-air arenas serving alcohol—so long as they don't drink—under legislation passed by the state House. Three Republicans joined the chamber's Democratic minority in voting against the controversial bill, the Columbus ...

President Barack Obama on Gun Control: It's Time for the American People to Find Common Ground
 It's Time to 
 Come Together 
 on Gun Control 
Barack Obama

It's Time to Come Together on Gun Control

Obama has faith the American people can find common ground

(Newser) - In the months since the Tucson shootings, 2,405 people have been shot dead , a fact President Obama laments in the Arizona Daily Star . How, he writes, was “a man our Army rejected as unfit for service; a man one of our colleges deemed too unstable for studies; a...

Mexican Drug War Being Fought With American Guns

75% of tested cartel guns come from border states

(Newser) - A significant number of people killed in Mexican drug cartel violence since 2006 may have been killed with guns bought in US border states, according to a report based on data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco. The report—prepared by the advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns—...

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama
 Gun Rights Gain Under Obama 

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama

Fear of backlash keeps Dems timid on 2nd amendment

(Newser) - Gun-rights advocates who feared that the Obama presidency would mean the end of the Second Amendment have instead found the political climate surprisingly friendly, the Washington Independent reports. The Supreme Court and state legislatures alike have awarded victories to pro-gun forces, and federal lawmakers are wary of rocking the boat....

NRA Under Fire for Being ... Too Liberal?

Group cozies up to pro-gun Democrats, moderates

(Newser) - Conservatives are taking aim at the NRA, which they complain has drifted too close to the middle, supporting both moderate Republicans and even some pro-gun Democrats against opposition from the right. The NRA has given 29% of its political contributions this election cycle to Democrats, the most in more than...

Wisconsin DA: Go Ahead, Pack a Concealed Weapon

Prosecutor won't press most cases in wake of Supreme Court ruling

(Newser) - One Wisconsin DA is taking the US Supreme Court's ruling on gun rights and running with it, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. In Jackson County, prosecutors won't be pursuing cases against defendants accused of carrying concealed weapons, among other infractions. The high court's ruling in McDonald vs. Chicago "immediately...

Chicago Rushes New Gun Ban Into Place

Unanimous vote comes in wake of US Supreme Court ruling

(Newser) - Wasting little time after the US Supreme Court threw out the city's gun ban , Chicago aldermen today voted unanimously to institute new gun regulations. By a 45-0 vote, the lawmakers passed laws considered the nation's strictest, and they weren't coy about their motivation. "No Supreme Court judge could live...

Gun Control Is Dead

 Gun Control Is Dead 

Gun Control Is Dead

Conservatives celebrate, liberals predict anarchy

(Newser) - The Supreme Court issued a major gun rights decision today, one that conservatives believe forever ends gun control in America. Here’s what the pundits are saying:
  • David Rittgers of the National Review expects violent crime to fall now that people can finally defend themselves. The decision finally kills off

Supreme Court Extends Handgun Rights Nationwide

Decision could undermine Chicago's ban

(Newser) - The Supreme Court says the Constitution's "right to keep and bear arms" applies nationwide as a restraint on the ability of government to limit its application. The justices' decision today casts doubt on a Chicago-area handgun ban, but their 5-4 vote also signaled that less severe restrictions could survive...

Sharron Angle: We're Headed for Armed Revolt

Second Amendment lets people protect selves from 'tyranny'

(Newser) - Democrats have fielded no shortage of crazy talk from Sharron Angle, the GOP candidate taking on Harry Reid, but here’s a doozy. In January, Angle actually floated the possibility of an armed conservative insurrection, Greg Sargent of the Washington Post reports. Asked about the Second Amendment on a right-wing...

Palin: Obama Would Ban Guns If He Could

Ex-governor has a packed speaking schedule

(Newser) - For someone not officially running for anything, Sarah Palin spends an awful lot of time running her mouth. Among highlights from yesterday's soundbite extravaganza, as reported by the AP :
  • If Obama and the Dems thought they "could get away with it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition and

Starbucks Caught in Gun-Control Crosshairs

And it desperately wants out

(Newser) - Starbucks doesn’t want to be part of the gun control debate, but lately it seems to be something of a bullseye. After the coffee chain refused to ban guns in its stores, both Brady Campaign protesters and those packing heat have been demonstrating at Seattle-area Starbucks, the Post-Intelligencer reports....

Supreme Court Seems Poised to Weaken Gun Bans

Scalia, others, suggest they're ready to strike down cities' rules

(Newser) - The Supreme Court suggested today it will strike down US cities' outright bans on handguns, a ruling that could establish a nationwide ownership right fervently sought by gun advocates. But the justices indicated less severe limits could survive, continuing disputes over the "right to keep and bear arms."...

Birther Queen Taitz: Take Up Arms vs. Obama

Organize armed militias against 'Kenyan, Indonesian communist usurper'

(Newser) - In taking to court her contention that Barack Obama can’t be president because he’s foreign-born, Orly Taitz has been on the receiving end of much judicial scorn, and big fines. But her latest suggestion could land her in hotter water: She writes today that Americans should “bare...

Ammo Supply Can't Keep Up With Demand

Fearing tighter laws under Obama, 12B rounds fly off shelves

(Newser) - Crime is down, gun control is on Obama's back burner, and Americans are buying more ammunition than factories can produce. While there are economic reasons—supply is off as the war effort eats up necessary materials—Americans have still managed to buy 12 billion rounds in the past year, up...

Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge to Local Gun Laws

Challenge to Chicago handgun ban could neuter local gun control measures

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will take up a case that could radically alter legal precedent regarding gun ownership and Second Amendment rights. The case is an appeal brought by Chicago-area gun owners who challenged the city’s ban on handguns. The high court overturned such a ban last year in Washington,...

Senate OKs Passenger Guns on Amtrak
Senate OKs Passenger
Guns on Amtrak

Senate OKs Passenger Guns on Amtrak

Refusal to allow firearms would cost system fed funds under bill

(Newser) - Amtrak passengers would be allowed to carry unloaded guns in locked containers in their checked baggage under a measure passed by the Senate yesterday, reports the New York Times. The rail corporation banned guns from checked baggage after the 9/11 attacks. The measure won the backing of all Senate Republicans...

DC Delegate: Ban Guns Near Obama
DC Delegate:
Ban Guns
Near Obama

DC Delegate: Ban Guns Near Obama

Says pistol-packers too close; Secret Service says not an issue

(Newser) - Washington DC's congressional delegate is watching gun-toting protesters outside venues where Barack Obama speaks, and she's not gonna take it anymore, reports The Hill. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton—whose constituency last year had its handgun ban tossed by the Supreme Court—wants guns banned in the president's vicinity, and is...

Dozen Gun-Toters Spotted at Obama Event

(Newser) - The man who brought an assault rifle to Barack Obama’s speech yesterday wasn’t alone. Roughly a dozen protesters were seen carrying guns, the AP reports. Phoenix police say the men didn’t need permits, and didn’t commit any crime. In fact, they say they were worried someone...

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