Second Amendment

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Supreme Court Hears First Big Gun-Rights Case in Nearly a Decade

It could lead to major expansion of gun rights

(Newser) - The last time the Supreme Court heard a gun case this big, Donald Trump was the host of The Apprentice—and not that many people had heard of Sandy Hook, Conn. The court, which now has a 5-4 conservative majority, is set to hear New York State Rifle & Pistol...

Contender for Kansas Governor Blasts 'Snowflake Meltdown'

After Kris Kobach appeared in a parade with a machine gun replica on his Jeep

(Newser) - Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach says the outrage over his appearance in a parade atop a Jeep with a giant replica of a .50-caliber machine gun mounted on the back is "the left trying to attack guns" and the Second Amendment, the AP reports. A pastor who was...

8th-Grader Banned From Wearing Pro-Gun Shirts Sues

Lawsuit calls policy unconstitutional

(Newser) - An eighth-grade student has filed a federal lawsuit accusing his northern Nevada school district of violating his First Amendment rights by telling him his pro-gun T-shirt violates the district's dress code. The suit filed in US District Court in Reno alleges the Washoe County School District policy prohibiting depictions...

South Carolina Bill Would Allow Secession From US

This time the issue is gun rights

(Newser) - South Carolina wants to have the option of seceding from the US—again—if it feels the government does anything that goes against the Second Amendment. The Hill reports three Republican legislators in South Carolina introduced a bill Thursday that would let the state debate secession specifically "if the...

A Repeal of 2nd Amendment? Trump Weighs In

'NEVER,' president tweets after suggestion from retired Supreme Court justice

(Newser) - President Trump tweeted Wednesday there's no chance the Second Amendment will ever be repealed and called on voters to elect more Republicans in this fall's congressional elections so the GOP can retain control of the Supreme Court. Trump's statements came a day after retired Supreme Court Justice...

Retired Justice's 6 Words of Advice for Student Protesters

'Get rid of the Second Amendment'

(Newser) - Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is the latest prominent figure to applaud student protesters calling for action on gun control. But in an op-ed published Tuesday in the New York Times , he says they should raise their demands to include—constitutional defenders, prepare yourself—a "repeal of...

With Bullet Crowns and AR-15s, Church Ceremony Riles Town

Offshoot of Unification Church slammed by locals for 'scary' event

(Newser) - Worshippers wearing crowns made of bullets clutched AR-15 rifles, drank holy wine, and exchanged or renewed wedding vows in a commitment ceremony at a Pennsylvania church Wednesday, prompting a nearby school to cancel classes. With state police and a smattering of protesters standing watch outside the church, brides clad in...

Michael Moore Has Penned a 28th Amendment

He wants to dump 'outdated' Second Amendment

(Newser) - In a move highly unlikely to be approved by the NRA, Michael Moore has come up with a replacement for what he says is the "ancient and outdated" Second Amendment. In a Facebook post Wednesday, Moore offered a 28th Amendment that protects the right of people to "be...

2 Musicians at Vegas Show Voice New Fears

Jason Aldean is afraid to raise kids now; Caleb Keeter changes mind on gun control

(Newser) - The singer who was performing when the shooting began in Las Vegas says he can't comprehend the violence of Sunday night. "Something has changed in this country and in this world lately that is scary to see," wrote Jason Aldean on Instagram . "This world is becoming...

After Va. Shooting, Senator Slammed for 'Second Amendment' Tweet

Rand Paul referred to 'tyrannical' government

(Newser) - Politicians have called for unity and prayers after Wednesday's congressional shooting in Virginia , but the incident has only deepened controversies including the Second Amendment debate. After Sen. Rand Paul—who was in the batting cage when James Hodgkinson opened fire on the baseball field—spoke about the shooting, critics...

Trump Under Fire for &#39;2nd Amendment&#39; Remark
 Trump Under Fire for 
 '2nd Amendment' Remark 

Trump Under Fire for '2nd Amendment' Remark

'Give me a break,' he says

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign is once again on damage control, this time over remarks that critics say hinted at Hillary Clinton's assassination . His comment that "Second Amendment people" could "maybe" do something about Clinton picking Supreme Court justices if she wins was widely condemned Tuesday, though he...

Did Trump Just Suggest Supporters Shoot Clinton?

A lot of people are saying it sure seems that way

(Newser) - Did Donald Trump just suggest gun-rights advocates could assassinate Hillary Clinton prior to the election? That's how a lot of people are reading his comments during a campaign rally Tuesday in North Carolina. "Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment," the Los Angeles Times quotes...

Court: Carrying Concealed Weapons Is Not a Right

Ruling allows California to seek 'good cause' for permits

(Newser) - Dealing a blow to gun supporters, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday that Americans do not have a constitutional right to carry concealed weapons in public. In a dispute that could ultimately wind up before the Supreme Court, a divided 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals said local law enforcement...

Petition Demands GOP Allow Guns Into the Convention

It has more than 15,000 signatures

(Newser) - What could make what already promises to be a crazy Republican National Convention even crazier? Filling Cleveland's Quicken Loans Arena with firearms. That's the goal of a petition created this week that already boasts more than 15,000 signatures. The petition worries that without guns convention-goers...

Carson Scoffs at 'Silliness' Over Ore. Shooting Comments

Says he wasn't judging victims' actions, just looking at the 'big picture'

(Newser) - Ben Carson is doubling down after catching flak for comments he made about gun control after last week's UCC shooting in Oregon . Reaction to the ensuing hubbub:
  • In a Facebook Q&A Monday, Carson said, "There is no doubt that this senseless violence is breathtaking—but I never

Vince Vaughn: Allow Guns in Schools

Banning guns 'like banning forks,' he says

(Newser) - Vince Vaughn chose an unusual place to air some forthright pro-gun and libertarian views: the British version of GQ . In a preview of an interview to be released in the magazine's next issue, the True Detective star strongly defends Second Amendment rights and says guns should definitely be allowed...

SC Schools May Teach Gun Training

House bill calls for 3-week study of 2nd Amendment

(Newser) - Two new bills could bring gun education, including gun training, to South Carolina students. The first is from Rep. Alan Clemmons, who tells WCIV that teachers don't focus enough on the Second Amendment, and that a lack of knowledge about guns and gun safety implies "the gun is...

Judge Strikes Down DC Handgun Ban

Says ban on guns outside the home violates Second Amendment

(Newser) - The District of Columbia's ban on carrying handguns outside the home is unconstitutional, a federal judge has ruled. In a 19-page ruling made public yesterday, US District Judge Frederick J. Scullin concluded that the Second Amendment gives people the right to carry a gun outside the home for self-defense....

Joe the Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Rights'

Victim's dad counters that one's rights don't negate one's responsibilities

(Newser) - Samuel Wurzelbacher, perhaps better known as Joe the Plumber, watched Richard Martinez sobbing over the shooting death of his only son in the Isla Vista rampage, and responded thusly in an open letter on : "I am sorry you lost your child. I myself have a son and...

Georgia Gov Signs 'Guns Everywhere' Bill

Guns now allowed in schools, bars, churches, government buildings, and more

(Newser) - If you want to pack heat at your local bar, church, school or government building, then Georgia is now the state for you. Gov. Nathan Deal today signed a law allowing firearms in all of those places and more, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The law allows schools and churches to...

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