health care reform

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>

Health Reform Faces Tougher Battle in Senate

A very different health bill enters a sharply divided Senate

(Newser) - "That was easy," Nancy Pelosi quipped after health care reform squeaked through the House; viewed from the other side of the Capitol, this is no joke. As the action shifts to the Senate, Harry Reid has a tough hand to play. The GOP minority wields more power in...

Palin Renews 'Death Panels' Argument

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has returned to her Facebook soapbox to reinvigorate the "death panels" meme she helped popularize. "We had been told there were no 'death panels' in the bill," says an essay posted to the former Alaska governor's page. "But look closely at the provision mandating...

Casey: Send More Troops to Afghanistan
 Send More 
 Troops to 

Casey: Send More Troops to Afghanistan

Lieberman to probe Fort Hood shootings as 'attack' on US troops

(Newser) - President Obama would do well to give Stanley McChrystal more troops in Afghanistan, Army chief of staff George Casey said on Meet the Press today. "We have already made progress, and I would look for that progress to continue,” Casey said, without saying how many troops he thought...

Meet the Lone GOP Rep to Vote for House Bill

La. freshman Cao cites district's health woes, abortion concession

(Newser) - House Democrats are wryly proclaiming their health care bill a bipartisan victory—and thanks goes to Ahn "Joseph" Cao, the New Orleans freshman who was the lone Republican to support the bill, reports the New York Times in a look at the man behind the vote. The new abortion...

Pelosi: 'That Was Easy'

 Pelosi: 'That 
 Was Easy' 

Pelosi: 'That Was Easy'

It's speaker's moment in the sun as House passes health care bill

(Newser) - "This victory belongs to her," said a 10-term rep as Nancy Pelosi doggedly pushed health reform through the House last night. “As far as I know she never sleeps nor eats.” And though the speaker herself joked, "That was easy" last night, Politico notes that...

House Passes Landmark Health Care Reform

Measure passes 220-215, with only one Republican in favor

(Newser) - The House narrowly passed landmark health care legislation tonight to expand coverage to tens of millions who lack it and place tough new restrictions on the insurance industry. The measure passed 220-215 with only one Republican—Louisiana's Joseph Cao—in favor and 39 Democrats opposed. "Oh, what a night,...

Palin Warns Again of 'Rationed' Care

Abortion mindset could be applied to elderly and disabled, she says

(Newser) - She didn't use the term "death panel," but Sarah Palin kept up her criticism of "rationed" care for the elderly and disabled last night. In a speech to abortion opponents, Palin warned that the same philosophy that allows abortions could be applied to those two groups with...

Obama: 'Let's Finish the Job'
 'Let's Finish the Job' 
heatlh care push

Obama: 'Let's Finish the Job'

President rallies Democrats as House debates bill

(Newser) - President Obama rallied the Democratic troops today and told the nation that "this is our moment to deliver" on health care reform. In a brief Rose Garden address that took place as the House debated its long-awaited bill, Obama again stressed the need for reform and urged lawmakers to...

House Opens Debate on Health Care Bill

Final vote is expected sometime tonight

(Newser) - It's crunch time in the House for health care reform. Representatives opened debate this morning on the monumental plan to provide universal coverage to Americans for the first time. A final vote is expected to take place tonight, maybe in the wee hours, and Nancy Pelosi continues to wheel and...

Health Care Reform Hinges on House Abortion Vote

Stupak amendment blocks private insurers offering procedure

(Newser) - In a last-ditch effort to corral 40 anti-abortion party members whose votes are needed to pass health care reform, Democrats last night agreed to let the whole House vote today on an amendment that would bar insurers participating in the new government-run health care exchange from providing abortions except in...

Obama Can, Should Lock Congress In Until Health Vote
Obama Can, Should Lock Congress In Until Health Vote

Obama Can, Should Lock Congress In Until Health Vote

Constitution would allow it, so let's get a yea or nay

(Newser) - Grumpy old man Jack Cafferty is getting tired of Congress dragging out health reform, and wants President Obama to get lawmakers motivated. Using his constitutional powers, Obama should deliver this ultimatum: I’m ordering the Congress to remain in session until both houses vote on a final version of health-care...

Let States Lead on Health Care
 Let States Lead on Health Care 

Let States Lead on Health Care

Federal meddling will only lead to higher prices and crappy care

(Newser) - The states have a handle on health care reform, write Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry, and the federal government urgently needs to take a lesson from them. “Texas, for example, has adopted approaches to controlling health-care costs while improving choice, advancing quality of care and expanding coverage” write the...

Health Vote May Have to Wait: Hoyer

Majority leader bemoans 'delay tactics'

(Newser) - The House may not vote on its health care reform bill tomorrow after all, thanks to Democrats' squabbling over abortion and spending, Steny Hoyer said today. “We’re very close,” the majority leader insisted, but “clearly things happen. Delay tactics can be employed.” Hoyer acknowledged that...

Pelosi Won't Put Final Health Care Bill Online

Speaker leaves door open for last-minute amendments

(Newser) - The Weekly Standard is beating up on Nancy Pelosi for backing out of her promise, made to a Standard reporter in September, to put the final House health care bill online 72 hours before it’s voted on. With the vote expected tomorrow, It seems Pelosi and the Standard have...

Kiss Dem Agenda Goodbye, Say Hello to Job Worries

Pelosi will try to ram health care through before Blue Dogs bolt

(Newser) - The Obama administration is running out of time in its race to enact its liberal agenda before Democratic candidates start caring more about their own re-election than the party line, writes Kim Strassel . Tuesday's results show that Obama's power is weakening, and will be the tipping point for many "...

Voters Punished Obama, Dems for Going Deaf
 Voters Punished Obama, 
 Dems for Going Deaf 

Voters Punished Obama, Dems for Going Deaf

Election should be a wake-up call for out-of-touch White House

(Newser) - The Democratic Party should view its walloping in Tuesday's election as an opportunity to start listening before it's too late, writes Peggy Noonan . The Democrats have been focusing on the wrong issues since they gained power last year and that explains the huge swing to the Republicans in Virginia and...

Bachmann Health Care Rally Draws Thousands
 Bachmann Health Care 
 Rally Draws Thousands 

Bachmann Health Care Rally Draws Thousands

Protesters will roam Capitol hallways to confront lawmakers

(Newser) - Thousands of health care reform protesters gathered in Washington today as part of Michele Bachmann’s “Super Bowl of Freedom.” Participants wielding signs like “Waterboard Congress” and chanting "kill the bill" congregated outside the Capitol to hear Bachmann, other GOP lawmakers, and even Jon Voight assail...

Dems Torn: Too Much Change, or Not Enough?
 Dems Torn: Too Much 
 Change, or Not Enough? 

Dems Torn: Too Much Change, or Not Enough?

Do voters want them to ditch presidential agenda, or complete it?

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress reading the tea leaves of Tuesday’s elections find themselves split: were the Republican wins in Virginia and New Jersey a vote of no confidence in the administration’s agenda, or frustration that it isn’t moving fast enough? Most agree on the first step going forward:...

GOP Health Plan Would Leave 52M Uninsured

Bill saves some money, expands coverage by only 3M

(Newser) - The GOP health care bill has no chance of passing—but if it did, most people who already have coverage would see their premiums drop, while 52 million Americans currently uninsured would stay that way. So says a report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which largely confirms Dems' claims...

Health Bill Will Speed Swing Back to GOP
Health Bill Will Speed
Swing Back to GOP

Health Bill Will Speed Swing Back to GOP

Suburban, independent voter trend is bad news for Dems

(Newser) - This week's election results spell out a trend that should scare Democrats in both red and blue states, warns Karl Rove . Suburban and independent voters turned away from the party at a rate that would have easily put John McCain into the White House last year, and the health bill...

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>