health care reform

Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>

In Health Battle, Dick Armey Rides Again

Ex-House leader strides back onto national stage over health care

(Newser) - This year's battle over health care reform feels like the early '90s all over again to Dick Armey. The former House majority leader and his FreedomWorks foundation have been at the heart of protests against the Obama administration, channeling conservative power in the same way the Christian right used to,...

AARP Will Endorse House Dems' Health Bill

Seniors group helped Bush get drug plan through Congress

(Newser) - In a coup for House Democrats, AARP will endorse sweeping health-care overhaul legislation, officials said today. An endorsement from the seniors' lobby was crucial when then-President Bush pushed the Medicare prescription drug benefit through a closely divided Congress in 2003. House Democrats are hoping it will work the same political...

Dems Threaten to Kill Health Care Bill Over Abortion

Bart Stupak says he's got the votes to derail it

(Newser) - The House is barreling towards a health care vote, hoping to pass its bill by the end of the week, but there’s a potential stumbling block ahead: abortion. A group of socially conservative Democrats are threatening to vote against the bill because the subsidies it offers to help people...

Lieberman Won't Sink Health Reform: Reid
 Lieberman Won't Sink 
 Health Reform: Reid 

Lieberman Won't Sink Health Reform: Reid

Indy senator promises he'll vote with Dems to end filibuster

(Newser) - Forget all the grandstanding about joining a GOP filibuster of health care reform if it contains any kind of public option: Sen. Joe Lieberman won't do it, Harry Reid tells liberal interest groups, who tell the Hill . He has a deal with the Connecticut Independent, the majority leader claims. Lieberman...

Beck Rates Health Reform as 9/11 Attack

9/12ers are girding for this year's national catastrophe

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's found a new way to frame his opposition to heath care reform, and this one's a doozy: It's a terrorist attack. A decade ago “I could have shouted every single day about Osama bin Laden,” the Fox News commentator said, “and nobody would have been...

Obama's Had Year We Can Believe In
 Obama's Had Year
We Can Believe In

Obama's Had Year We Can Believe In

Prez has already changed the world

(Newser) - There's been plenty to quibble about over the last year, but a look at the big picture shows that President Obama has been changing the world just as he was elected to do, writes Eugene Robinson. Obama's biggest accomplishment has been averting another Great Depression, Robinson notes in the Washington ...

Lieberman's Name Ain't Benedict
Name Ain't 
Meghan McCain

Lieberman's Name Ain't Benedict

We need more pols who cross party lines, says maverick junior

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman’s taking a lot of heat for saying he’ll join a GOP filibuster of the health care bill, but Meghan McCain thinks it’s the kind of courageous stand we need more of in politics. “It’s no secret I have an aversion to partisan politics...

Life Inside Nancy Pelosi's Bubble
Life Inside Nancy Pelosi's Bubble

Life Inside Nancy Pelosi's Bubble

For feisty speaker, there are only Dems, donors and vote counts

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is smiling that trademark mask-like smile as she sits down for the interview. A recent California poll puts her approval rating at 34%, a big plunge from 48% in March, but the speaker barely noticed. Whenever poll numbers come up she waves her staff off, saying, “I’...

Bachmann Urges Uprising Against Health Reform

She calls for Americans 'by the carload' to descend on DC

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann wants Americans "by the carload" to come to Washington next week so she can lead them through the halls of Congress to oppose health care reform. "This is our liberty and tyranny moment," she told Sean Hannity on Fox yesterday. "This is about patriotism...

Senate Finally Confirms Surgeon General

Republicans relent after weeks of procedural delays

(Newser) - The Senate unanimously confirmed Regina Benjamin as US surgeon general yesterday after Republicans ended a procedural delay that had dragged on for several weeks. Mitch McConnell and seven other GOP senators said they stalled because of an administration “gag order” that prevented insurers from giving their opinions on the...

Lieberman, Bayh Wives in Bed with Health Biz
Lieberman, Bayh Wives
in Bed with Health Biz

Lieberman, Bayh Wives in Bed with Health Biz

Ties to pharma, insurers make filibuster threats suspect

(Newser) - The threats from Sens. Joe Lieberman and Evan Bayh to help filibuster any health reform bill with a public option should come as no surprise to anybody familiar with their family finances, writes Joe Conason. Lieberman's wife Hadassah spent 30 years working in the corporate health sector for pharmaceutical firms...

Pelosi to Liberals: Cheer Up, Shut Up
Pelosi to Liberals:
Cheer Up, Shut Up

Pelosi to Liberals: Cheer Up, Shut Up

Get on board, says speaker, and don't expect amendments

(Newser) - The health care bill Nancy Pelosi unveiled yesterday may not be as liberal as some of her colleagues would like, but she says they’d better get over it. The speaker intends to keep debate to a minimum, and squash any attempt to add an amendment that would strengthen the...

Time to Pick a Side on Health Care Reform
Time to Pick a Side on Health Care Reform
Paul Krugman

Time to Pick a Side on Health Care Reform

House bill ain't perfect, but it's the best we're going to get

(Newser) - No more fence-sitting or holding out for a better bill. “It’s the defining moment for health care reform,” declares Paul Krugman. “Everyone has to decide which side they’re on.” By everyone he means not only politicians but people in the media and other influencers....

Pelosi Plan Finds Foes on Left, Right
 Pelosi Plan Finds 
 Foes on Left, Right 
first takes

Pelosi Plan Finds Foes on Left, Right

Liberals say it's too conservative, and conservatives say it's too liberal

(Newser) - Some early takes from the left and right on Nancy Pelosi's health care bill:
  • Tevi Troy, National Review: This will offend states, employers, budget hawks, insurers, even liberals who don't think it's "robust" enough. "The Pelosi approach is an impressive demonstration of coalition building—if you’re trying

Pelosi Presents $900B Health Care Bill

It could go to the floor as early as next week

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi showed off the House’s sweeping health care reform bill today, boasting that it was a historic step toward providing quality health care for nearly all Americans. The bill, which officials say will cost roughly $900 billion over 10 years, would cover 96% of the country, requiring nearly...

Dems, Health Care Need to Enter the iPhone Age
Dems, Health Care Need to Enter the iPhone Age

Dems, Health Care Need to Enter the iPhone Age

Lumbering dinosaur of a bill will fall flat with 21st century voters

(Newser) - We live in the age of the iPhone, a world in which you can take your pick of 100,000 apps—and "Democrats are pushing the biggest, fattest, one-size-fits all legislation since 1965," writes Daniel Henninger for the Wall Street Journal. It's not what you'd hope for from...

Pelosi to Unveil Bill With Weaker Public Option

Liberals suck it up as plan tied to Medicare rates lacks votes

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi will unveil her long-awaited version of the health care reform bill today, but it won’t include the top item on liberals’ wish list: a public option with rates tied to Medicare. Instead, the bill contains a weaker version of the government-run plan that would let doctors negotiate...

Grayson Weeps on House Floor

 Weeps on 
 House Floor 
water works

Grayson Weeps on House Floor

Bemoans casualties of lack of health insurance

(Newser) - Alan Grayson continued with his penchant for the dramatic yesterday, shedding copious tears on the House floor as he read letters from families of people who died because they didn't have health insurance. “For god's sake, I look forward to a time when we have finally done our jobs,...

GOP Ramps Up Attacks on AARP Over Health Care

Republicans see 'backroom deals' over reform

(Newser) - The "right-wing commentariat" has a new villain to replace ACORN, and it has a far more familiar acronym: AARP. The basic line of attack is that the AARP has struck "backroom deals" with Democrats on health care reform to steer insurance business its way, writes Evan McMorris. The...

Public Backs Afghan Troop Surge 47%-43%
Public Backs Afghan Troop Surge 47%-43%
Poll Numbers

Public Backs Afghan Troop Surge 47%-43%

....and majority support holding off on decision until after runoff

(Newser) - Public support for a troop surge in Afghanistan is surging, too, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll . Support for a troop increase edged out opposition 47% to 43%, after trailing opposition 44% to 51% last month. But 58% also support waiting until after the runoff election to make...

Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>