health care reform

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama to Conyers: Stop 'Demeaning' Me

President calls liberal congressman to carp about criticism

(Newser) - John Conyers hasn't been shy about what he sees as the president's failings, and his remarks seem to have struck a nerve. “I’ve been saying I don’t agree with him on Afghanistan, I think he screwed up on health care reform, on Guantánamo," said the...

Medicare Buy-In May Replace Public Option

Reid tells Democrats to find compromise by tonight

(Newser) - Senate Democrats trying to hammer out a compromise on health care reform are considering ditching the bill's public option in favor of expanding the public options that already exist. People over 55 will be able to buy into the Medicare program and Medicaid will be expanded under the proposals being...

Reid Compares Health-Reform Opponents to Segregationists

... to predictably furious Republican reaction

(Newser) - Not that the health-reform debate needed more fuel for its rancorous fire, but Democrat Harry Reid tossed some on today anyway, comparing conservatives who would block the current measure to those who tried to stop the emancipation of slaves and universal suffrage. The GOP reaction was swift and angry, with...

The Senate's Health Care Plan: Try Everything
The Senate's Health Care Plan: Try Everything

The Senate's Health Care Plan: Try Everything

Pilot programs might be the best way to solve the cost problem

(Newser) - The Senate health care plan ensures universal coverage, but when it comes to controlling costs, all it offers is…pilot programs. Sounds pretty flimsy, right? “Two thousand seventy-four pages and trillions of dollars later, this bill doesn’t even meet the basic goal,” complained Mitch McConnell, “to...

Many Health Care Naysayers Are Liberal
 Many Health Care 
 Naysayers Are 
Nate Silver

Many Health Care Naysayers Are Liberal

Surprisingly large number say bill doesn't go far enough

(Newser) - Polls show that the health care reform bill is pretty unpopular, but what they don't always show is how much of the opposition actually comes from the left. In a new Ipsos/McClatchy poll, 46% said they opposed “the health care reform proposals presently being discussed,” versus 34% in...

GOP: Congress, Prez Must Go On Public Option
GOP: Congress, Prez Must Go On Public Option
bluff and counterbluff

GOP: Congress, Prez Must Go On Public Option

If there is one, which we hope there isn't. Good idea, say Dems.

(Newser) - In the circus that is the Senate these days, a couple of anti-public-option Republicans—Tom Coburn and David Vitter—rolled out an amendment to the health care bill Friday requiring members of Congress to enroll in any such plan that might come to pass. When Dems didn’t object—Sherrod...

Obama Leans on Senate Dems
 Obama Leans on Senate Dems 
health care reform

Obama Leans on Senate Dems

President hits the hill to help move bill along

(Newser) - President Obama returned to his old haunts today in an attempt to unite Senate Democrats as he pushes to have health care reform legislation passed before the end of the year. Almost as unusual as a visit from the president is the fact that the Senate is meeting on a...

Obama Goes to Hill Tomorrow to Cajole Dems
Obama Goes to Hill
Tomorrow to Cajole Dems
health care reform

Obama Goes to Hill Tomorrow to Cajole Dems

He will meet with Senate Democrats to try to iron out differences

(Newser) - President Obama will head to Capitol Hill tomorrow afternoon to try to keep health care reform from flying off the track in the Senate. Obama will attend a meeting of Senate Democrats at 2pm as internal squabbles intensify over key parts of the legislation. The two big ones revolve around...

Senate Targets Insurance Exec Pay
 Senate Targets 
 Exec Pay 
rare saturday debate

Senate Targets Insurance Exec Pay

Meanwhile GOP will keep battling Medicare cuts

(Newser) - Democratic senators are taking aim at insurance industry executive pay today as they jockey for advantage in a rare weekend session to debate health care overhaul. Republicans will be targeting the bill's cuts to Medicare, seeking to undermine support among seniors. With talks on the key divisive issues of abortion...

Senate Abortion Amendment Set to Fail

But Ben Nelson says he won't vote for final bill if it does

(Newser) - Ben Nelson’s strict anti-abortion amendment appears set to fail, despite the support of nearly all 40 Senate Republicans. The amendment, which mirrors the language of Bart Stupak’s House amendment, banning insurance companies that offer abortion from receiving government funds, would need 60 votes to pass, and there’s...

Young Voters Like Obama, Not His War

Two-thirds oppose the president's Afghan war surge

(Newser) - The young voters who helped President Obama get elected say they approve of his performance as president, but that doesn't seem to include his Afghan war strategy—or any of his other major policy moves, a Harvard poll finds. Some 58% of the 18- to 29-year-olds polled gave the president...

We'll Be on Fiscal Life Support if Health Bill Dies
We'll Be on Fiscal Life Support if Health Bill Dies

We'll Be on Fiscal Life Support if Health Bill Dies

This could be the last chance to rein in Medicare costs

(Newser) - Centrist senators worried about the fiscal burden of the health care bill should be asking themselves what will happen if it doesn't pass, writes Paul Krugman. The legislation almost certainly represents the last chance to rein in Medicare costs, the main cause of projected future deficits, before they cause a...

Senate Safeguards Mammograms
Senate Safeguards Mammograms

Senate Safeguards Mammograms

Vote on amendment kicks off legislative debate on health care

(Newser) - The Senate cast its first votes on remaking the nation's health care system today, approving an amendment to safeguard coverage of mammograms and preventive screening tests for women. The 61-39 vote on a provision by Democrat Barbara Mikulski and Republican Olympia Snowe was the first substantive ballot in an acrimonious...

Reid, Carper to Unveil New Public Option

'Hammer public option' emerges as Plan B

(Newser) - Facing the reality that his "opt-out" public option doesn't have enough votes to clear the Senate, Harry Reid will reveal a Plan B public option next week in a bid to break the gridlock on health reform. The new plan, largely the work of Sen. Tom Carper, looks likely...

Shatner Lashes Limbaugh on Health Care

Limbaugh sees no problem with care going to wealthy

(Newser) - Captain Kirk thinks Rush Limbaugh’s full of it. In this truly surreal clip from an upcoming episode of Shatner’s Raw Nerve, seen on Huffington Post , the actor gets into a heated back-and-forth with Limbaugh over health care. Shatner poses his premise that under the current system, "If...

CBO: Most Premiums Won't Rise Under Health Bill

People under employer plans will see rates fall or remain steady

(Newser) - Fears that the health bill before the Senate will send the cost of most health insurance plans skyrocketing are unfounded, according to a Congressional Budget Office report. The CBO found that premiums for people covered by employer plans will remain steady or drop slightly under the bill, while people buying...

Senators to Watch in the Health Care Debate

Reid, Snowe, Lieberman, Burris, and more to star

(Newser) - The Senate’s health care debate heads to the floor this week, in a show that figures to star a cadre of colorful and influential characters. USA Today breaks down the senators to watch:
  • Harry Reid: The man in the middle of it all, Reid will have to keep his

Health Care Bill a Bloated Mess
 Health Care Bill a Bloated Mess 
Charles Krauthammer

Health Care Bill a Bloated Mess

Two-thousand page monster is 'irredeemable'

(Newser) - The Senate heath care reform bill is an “irredeemable” mess that would create “an overregulated, overbureaucratized system of surpassing arbitrariness and inefficiency,” rails Charles Krauthammer. The problem with our system is that it’s complicated and inefficient, and therefore expensive. But the 2,074-page Senate bill would...

White House Backs Senate On 'Cadillac' Health Tax

Advisers outline cost control measures for health plan

(Newser) - The White House has come down firmly on the Senate's side over big discrepancies between the House and Senate health bills. Senior advisers to President Obama said yesterday an excise tax on expensive, "Cadillac" health plans and a commission to control Medicare spending were among the “four pillars"...

We Must Reduce Health Care Costs*
We Must
Reduce Health Care Costs*
Eugene Robinson

We Must Reduce Health Care Costs*

*But please don't touch mine, no matter how wasteful

(Newser) - The brouhaha over mammograms proves that we’ll never corral health care costs for one simple reason: no one wants to give up any care. Intellectually, women may understand that life-threatening breast cancer is pretty rare before age 50, but rare doesn’t mean non-existent. “Many women would rather...

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>