health care reform

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

Sinking Health Bill Packed With Hidden Costs

Dems scramble to pass bill before true price emerges

(Newser) - The Democrats are in a race against time to get a health care bill passed before the public realizes the scale of the hidden burdens involved, writes Michael Gerson. The money to provide comprehensive coverage to everyone has to come from somewhere, and young people, seniors and union workers who...

Howard Dean: Kill the Bill

 Howard Dean: 
 Kill the Bill 
health care reform

Howard Dean: Kill the Bill

Lieberman's moves have made it worthless, he says

(Newser) - President Obama may be pushing for Senate Democrats to keep working on health care reform, but Howard Dean has had enough. The former party chairman says Joe Lieberman's success at weeding out the Medicare buy-in—which itself had replaced the public option—makes the bill worthless.

Obama Rallies Dems: I'm 'Absolutely Confident'

President makes late push for health care reform

(Newser) - President Obama met with Senate Democrats behind closed doors today to make a final push for health care reform, then emerged with a note of cautious optimism. "I am absolutely confident if people know what's in this bill and if the senators know what’s in the bill ... it...

Dems Still Need Lieberman on Other Issues
Dems Still Need Lieberman on Other Issues

Dems Still Need Lieberman on Other Issues

White House working with him on climate change, gay benefits

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman’s health care gadfly act may have Democrats royally cheesed off, but they’re still working with the Connecticut senator on other important legislation. White House officials regularly meet with Lieberman on climate change, sources tell Talking Points Memo , as well as several bills in the Homeland Security...

Stop Whining, Liberals: Senate Bill Is Fine
Stop Whining, Liberals: Senate Bill Is Fine
Nate Silver

Stop Whining, Liberals: Senate Bill Is Fine

Crunch the numbers, and you'll see it's way, way better than nothing

(Newser) - Progressives who oppose the Senate health care bill are “batshit crazy,” writes Nate Silver, because the bill is way, way better than nothing. Crunching the numbers over at , Silver estimates that a family of four in the individual market making $54,000 a year could expect...

Stop Citing Jewish Ethics Against Health Reform!
Stop Citing Jewish Ethics Against Health Reform!
rabbis to lieberman:

Stop Citing Jewish Ethics Against Health Reform!

Senator backed Medicare buy-in 3 months ago, and still should

(Newser) - “A hallmark of Judaism is disputation,” writes David Gibson, and it shows—Joe Lieberman is in a pitched battle with his home state coreligionists over health care reform. Rabbis from across Connecticut, in tones both dulcet and shrill, are lobbying the senator to drop his opposition to anything...

Lieberman Wins: Dems to Drop Medicare Buy-In

Health bill takes another hit as leaders seek votes

(Newser) - Senate Democrats, in danger of losing the votes they need to pass health care reform, bowed to Joe Lieberman last night and acknowledged that they are ready to drop the plan to allow people over 55 to buy coverage under Medicare. That idea itself was a compromise intended to appeal...

Dems' Supermajority: Be Careful What You Wish For

Sixty-senator caucus makes Reid hostage to any naysayer

(Newser) - The convergence of events that led to the Democrats getting 60 senators in their caucus must have felt like fate to Harry Reid, a sign that health care reform was meant to be. But as negotiations drag on, lucky No. 60 feels more like unlucky 13, because Reid must do...

White House to Reid: Get Lieberman on Board

Senate leader unwilling to cut Medicare buy-in just for Joe

(Newser) - The Obama administration is urging Harry Reid to do what he has to to secure the support of Joe Lieberman. Lieberman has gummed up the Democrats' plans for the health care reform bill by announcing his firm opposition to the expansion of Medicare to Americans 55 to 64, and Reid...

Joe Lieberman Wants Liberals to Suffer
Joe Lieberman Wants
Liberals to Suffer
Nate Silver

Joe Lieberman Wants Liberals to Suffer

Nelson and Lieberman reject 'Br'er Rabbit compromise'

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman rejected the Democrats’ Medicare buy-in compromise mostly because “his objective really is to make liberals suffer,” writes Nate Silver of Lieberman knew that though they might have wailed and moaned, liberals would have been happy with the Medicare expansion. “It was a br’...

Medicaid Kids Given Antipsychotics 4X More

Seen as most effective treatment; counseling often goes by wayside

(Newser) - Kids on Medicaid rolls are prescribed antipsychotic drugs at an eye-popping rate four times that of kids with private insurance, federal data show, underlining how pills rather than counseling are often seen as the most efficient way to deal with underprivileged children. And not only are Medicaid kids receiving more...

GOP Needs Mitch Daniels, Not McConnell
  GOP Needs 
  Mitch Daniels, 
  Not McConnell 

steven pearlstein

GOP Needs Mitch Daniels, Not McConnell

Party should replace 'shameless' Senator with Ind. gov

(Newser) - Indiana's principled and practical governor is the man who should be heading Senate Republicans instead of Mitch McConnell, writes Steven Pearlstein. The "bad Mitch" is "charmless and shameless hypocrite" who wants to see President Obama lose at any cost, while Mitch Daniels prefers getting something done to scoring...

Health Bill Snags on Opposition to Medicare Buy-In

Snowe, Lieberman, Nelson skeptical

(Newser) - Three senators uneasy about the proposed Medicare expansion in the health care bill could derail Harry Reid's hopes of getting the bill wrapped up before Christmas. Olympia Snowe, Ben Nelson, and Joe Lieberman—a Republican, a Democrat, and an independent—have expressed varying degrees of misgivings about the proposal and...

To Anti-Abortion Pols, Berkeley Sends Hangers
 To Anti-Abortion Pols, 
 Berkeley Sends Hangers 

To Anti-Abortion Pols, Berkeley Sends Hangers

Lefty Calif. city aims to remind of pre-Roe v. Wade times

(Newser) - The notably liberal outpost of Berkeley, Calif., today sent wire hangers—a reminder of pre-Roe v. Wade, back-alley times—to members of Congress who voted for an amendment that bans abortion for anyone receiving federally funded health insurance. The city council approved the measure last night, and some 20 House...

Obama Praises Public-Option Compromise

President praises deal, says it will still provide more choice

(Newser) - President Obama applauded Senate Democrats for yielding on the public option in favor of a "creative framework" for health care reform that could attract wider support. "I support this effort, especially since it's aimed at increasing choice and competition and lowering cost," Obama said at a health...

Stupak: Ignore Lies About My Amendment
Stupak: Ignore Lies
About My Amendment

Stupak: Ignore Lies About My Amendment

Foes misrepresent it as sweeping anti-abortion measure

(Newser) - The Stupak amendment does nothing but maintain “current law” that prohibits federal financing of abortion, says someone who should know: Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak. The co-author of the House amendment complains of "misinformation" characterizing it as a draconian anti-abortion measure. “The amendment specifically states that even those...

Reid Needs Snowe's Vote
 Reid Needs 
 Snowe's Vote 

Reid Needs Snowe's Vote

Health care unlikely to pass without moderate Republican

(Newser) - Harry Reid’s leaky supermajority probably won’t hold together well enough to pass health care reform without an assist from Olympia Snowe. Though Reid announced yesterday that “consensus has been reached” among Democrats, any number of them could still peel off, including Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, or Independent...

Senate Deal Includes 'Triggered' Public Option

Option will be revived if insurers fail to provide nonprofit plans

(Newser) - The Senate compromise on health care reform means the public option is dormant but not dead, according to an aide party to negotiations. The tentative deal reached last night will give insurance companies the option of creating nonprofit insurance plans to be offered on exchanges, but a federal public option...

Dems Reach Deal to Ditch Public Health Option

Reid had pushed senators for agreement tonight

(Newser) - Democratic senators say they have a tentative deal to drop a government-run insurance option from health-care legislation. No further details were immediately available. But liberals and moderates have been discussing an alternative, including a private insurance arrangement to be supervised by the federal agency that oversees the system through which...

Senate Rejects Nelson's Abortion Amendment

He wanted tougher language, has vowed to vote against overall bill

(Newser) - The Senate today rejected an effort to stiffen abortion restrictions in the health care bill. The move could ultimately complicate Harry Reid's ability to get 60 votes for the overall bill. Democrat Ben Nelson and Republican Orrin Hatch wanted to ban any insurance plan that gets taxpayer dollars from offering...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>