health care reform

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Zip It on Communion Ban: Bishop to Kennedy
 Zip It on 
 Ban: Bishop 
 to Kennedy 

Zip It on Communion Ban: Bishop to Kennedy

Tobin thinks Patrick's spiritual matters should be left private

(Newser) - The bishop who had the nerve to tell a Kennedy not to take communion—because he supports abortion rights—is steamed that he blabbed about it. “I am disappointed that the congressman would make public my pastoral and confidential request,” says Bishop Thomas Tobin of Patrick Kennedy. He...

McConnell: Dems Proceed at 2010 Peril
 Dems Proceed 
 at 2010 Peril 

McConnell: Dems Proceed at 2010 Peril

Senators hit the Sunday talk shows after health vote

(Newser) - The morning after Harry Reid scored his 60 votes, many a senator headed for the talk shows to expound on their views of the Senate health bill. A look around the Sunday dial:
  • There were 39 people unhappy with last night's outcome, and Mitch McConnell leads them, telling State of

RI Bishop Disses Kennedy Over Pro-Choice Stance
 RI Bishop Disses 
 Kennedy Over 


RI Bishop Disses Kennedy Over Pro-Choice Stance

Spat over Patrick's position on abortion escalates

(Newser) - Health care reform, the cause of his father's life, has made Rep. Patrick Kennedy persona non grata in his Rhode Island parish—thanks to the furor over publicly funded abortion. As the debate rages, Bishop Thomas Tobin has told the only public servant remaining in America's most famous Catholic family...

Senate Democrats Clear Health Care Hurdle, 60-39

Reid gets 60 votes to open full debate after Thanksgiving recess

(Newser) - Harry Reid's hope of passing health care legislation before Christmas took a giant step forward tonight. Reid got the 60 votes he needed to ward off a Republican filibuster and clear the way for full debate on the Senate floor after the Thanksgiving recess. "We can see the finish...

Reid Gets 60th Vote: Holdout Lincoln Agrees

She'll allow health care bill to move forward; vote at 8pm

(Newser) - Democrats have hit the 60-vote number needed to move ahead on health care legislation. Just hours before the 8pm roll call, Arkansas' Blanche Lincoln said on the Senate floor that she will vote with her party. The centrist Democrat had been the last remaining Democratic holdout, after Mary Landrieu and...

Landrieu's Officially In, Leaving Only One Holdout
Landrieu's Officially In, Leaving Only One Holdout
60 votes?

Landrieu's Officially In, Leaving Only One Holdout

She'll allow bill to move forward; Blanche Lincoln hasn't tipped her hand

(Newser) - And then there was one. Mary Landrieu confirmed today she'd vote in favor of allowing the Senate health care bill to move forward. "Much more work needs to be done," said the Louisiana Democrat, but she's seen enough modifications for now. She warned this doesn't mean she'll vote...

All Eyes on Blanche Lincoln in Cliffhanger Senate Vote
All Eyes on Blanche Lincoln in Cliffhanger Senate Vote
showtime: 8pm

All Eyes on Blanche Lincoln in Cliffhanger Senate Vote

Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson expected to back health reform in first vote

(Newser) - Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln is in the hot seat tonight, as the last Democratic holdout to the 60 votes Harry Reid needs in balloting tonight to bring the health care bill to the Senate floor for debate. Nebraskan Ben Nelson said yesterday he would vote yes, and Louisiana's Mary Landrieu...

Palin Pulls in Big Bucks —for Democrats

'Going Rogue' boosts Dem fundraising to new high

(Newser) - Guess who else is raking in the dough as Sarah Palin noisily returns to the national stage: her detractors. After months of trailing Republicans in fundraising, Dems raised $11.5 million in October, a record for a non-presidential year, the Washington Post reports, compared to $8.7 million for the...

Plastic Surgeons Make Faces Over Health Care Tax

Senate bill calls for 5% levy; critics cry sex discrimination

(Newser) - Plastic surgeons want to do a little work on the Senate health care bill, nipping off a 5% tax on elective cosmetic procedures. The tax, expected to raise as much as $6 billion, wouldn’t apply to anyone trying to repair a deformity caused by birth defect, injury, or disease....

Most Red State Dems Can Vote for Health Care
Most Red State Dems Can Vote for Health Care
Nate Silver

Most Red State Dems Can Vote for Health Care

Only Blanche Lincoln faces 2010 fight, and she'll be a tough sell

(Newser) - The main reason Senate Democrats have a prayer of passing health care reform is that not many of them are up for reelection next year, says Nate Silver. Only a third of the Senate is up for re-election in 2010, and most of the Democrats in that group come from...

Mammogram Backdown Hurts Health Reform
Mammogram Backdown
Hurts Health Reform

Mammogram Backdown Hurts Health Reform

Sebelius played politics, missed chance to show leadership

(Newser) - Health secretary Kathleen Sebelius has set back the cause of health care reform in her rush to distance herself from the recommendation of her own department's task force concerning mammograms, writes Steven Pearlstein. The advice that women under 50 shouldn't get annual mammograms was based on science, and Sebelius should...

Senators See Upcoming Vote on Obama&mdash;Not Health
Senators See Upcoming Vote on Obama—Not Health

Senators See Upcoming Vote on Obama—Not Health

Eye constituents' votes in 2008, not polls on health care

(Newser) - The upcoming Senate debate on health care reform, like the House vote before it, will be more a referendum on President Obama than a reflection of constituents’ concerns, Andrew Gelman, Nate Silver, and Daniel Lee write. What happened in the House is clear: 31 of 39 Democrats who voted no...

GOP Traffic-Jam Ploy Is Snarling Senate

 GOP Traffic-Jam Ploy 
 Is Snarling Senate 

GOP Traffic-Jam Ploy Is Snarling Senate

Stalling tactics are making Democrats turn on each other

(Newser) - Senate Democrats are starting to turn on each other like angry drivers stuck in rush-hour traffic thanks to Republican obstructionism, writes EJ Dionne. Republican senators are eating every word they once said against filibusterism and are stalling even legislation that they support in a Machiavellian effort to keep the Democrats...

Reid Rolls Out Senate Health Bill for Sat. Showdown

Public option weaker than House's, abortion restriction less severe

(Newser) - Harry Reid rolled out the Senate’s combined health care reform bill last night, earning oohs and ahhs from fellow Democrats, particularly over the price tag, and setting the stage for a cloture vote Saturday. The bill would cost a svelte $849 billion over 10 years while reducing the deficit...

CBO Estimate: Senate Health Bill Costs $849B

Figure clears the way for Reid to get measure rolling

(Newser) - Legislation headed to the Senate floor would extend health care coverage to 31 million uninsured Americans at a cost of $849 billion over a decade, says a senior Democratic aide. The long-awaited figures come from the Congressional Budget Office, clearing the way for Harry Reid to move forward. The bill...

Three Dems Threaten to Block Health Debate

Reid & Co. scramble to appease Lincoln, Nelson and Landrieu

(Newser) - Three Senate Democrats are threatening to prevent the health care reform bill from even making it to the floor of the chamber. Normally it’s a routine procedure to get the 60 votes necessary to open debate on a bill, but Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, and Mary Landrieu are balking...

Reid 'Optimistic' About 60 Votes

Majority leader thinks he's got the support to send bill to the floor

(Newser) - Harry Reid is “cautiously optimistic” about the success of his frantic attempts to unite the 60 votes of his caucus behind the Senate health care reform bill. “I think we’re together,” he says. But the majority leader was positively voluble about the bill itself, notes the...

Abortion Amendment Not a Big Deal, by the Numbers

Only 13% of abortions are billed to private insurers

(Newser) - The Stupak-Pitts amendment clamping down on abortion funding by insurers isn’t the game changer it's been made out to be: It would affect only a tiny minority of women. Though 50% of privately insured women have plans that include abortion coverage, many, perhaps most, don't use it because of...

Health Care Reform Foes Outspend Friends 2:1

Biz groups lavish $24M in last month on derailing Dem bill

(Newser) - Business foes of health care overhaul legislation are outspending supporters at a rate of 2-to-1 for TV ads as they grow increasingly nervous over a final bill. Led by the US Chamber of Commerce, opponents of the Democratic health care drive have dropped $24 million on TV commercials over the...

Stupak Is the Last Straw&mdash;No More Caving!
Stupak Is the Last Straw—No More Caving!

Stupak Is the Last Straw—No More Caving!

Women should not 'take one for the team' on abortion coverage

(Newser) - Painting the Stupak-Pitts amendment as a necessary evil—a concession women should make for the “greater good” of health care reform—is ridiculous, Katha Pollitt writes. Women have been consistently sidelined by the “theocrats and male chauvinists” throwing their weight around in the Democratic Party. “Why don't...

Stories 661 - 680 | << Prev   Next >>