Thomas Friedman

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Bail Out America's Brains
 Bail Out America's Brains 

Bail Out America's Brains

To stay afloat, we need more Gateses and Jobses

(Newser) - Building roads and bridges will give our economy a short-term boost—but we need to look farther into America’s future on the global stage, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. That means investing to make sure the next Microsofts and Googles are home-grown. How? For a start,...

Gaza Encapsulates Mideast Strife: Friedman

Can the Jews have a room at this hotel?

(Newser) - The bloody scene playing out in Gaza is painful, but “all too familiar,” writes Thomas Friedman of the New York Times: It’s “a mini-version of three great struggles that have been playing out since 1948.” Those struggles:
  • Who Owns This Hotel? Who’s the Mideast

The US Has Become the GM of Nations
The US Has Become the
GM of Nations

The US Has Become the GM of Nations

Friedman: Stimulus must be a reboot, not just a bailout

(Newser) - Last week Tom Friedman flew from Hong Kong to New York, and the contrast between the two cities' airports was "like going from the Jetsons to the Flintstones." For the New York Times columnist, American infrastructure has become a symbol for a country that, for all its...

Madoff Scheme Not Much Worse Than Legal Ones
Madoff Scheme Not Much Worse Than Legal Ones

Madoff Scheme Not Much Worse Than Legal Ones

End of communism let Wall Street become unhinged: Friedman

(Newser) - Wall Street used to be the epicenter of capitalism that the whole world wanted to emulate, but, on a trip to Hong Kong, Thomas Friedman discovers that the American financial establishment has lost its credibility. "We don’t just need a financial bailout," he writes in the New ...

Why Are We Bailing Out Car 1.0?
 Why Are We Bailing Out Car 1.0? 

Why Are We Bailing Out Car 1.0?

Detroit is getting left behind

(Newser) - In the modern global economy, Thomas Friedman has a simple rule: “Whatever can be done, will be done,” and if you’re not the one doing it, someone else is. Detroit’s automakers aren’t exploring new business models, so other companies are. When one of them clicks,...

We Need New Leadership, Now
 We Need New Leadership, Now 

We Need New Leadership, Now

Washington's following 'business as usual' amid crisis

(Newser) - Washington is carrying out “business as usual in the most unusual economic moment of our lifetimes,” writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. It’s time for our leaders to wake up to the enormity of the financial crisis, the real "weapon of mass destruction,"...

To Save Economy, Go Shopping
 To Save Economy, Go Shopping 

To Save Economy, Go Shopping

Friedman suggests how Obama should lead America out of its economic mess

(Newser) - To stop the economic recession from slipping into a depression, Barack Obama shouldn’t mince words: Americans need to go shopping and support federal efforts to rescue banks and homeowners, Thomas Friedman writes in the New York Times. “No, it’s not fair. But fairness is not on the...

Fake NYT Declares War Over
 Fake NYT Declares War Over 

Fake NYT Declares War Over

Among other liberal fantasies like, 'Universities free!' and 'Thomas Friedman to resign'

(Newser) - “IRAQ WAR ENDS” declares the New York Times—or at least, an amazingly realistic imitation. A group of pranksters blanketed New York City with a fake edition of the paper of record this morning, reports Gawker. Dated July 4, 2009, the paper sports other headlines spun from liberal fantasies:...

Bailout? Detroit Needs a Brain
 Bailout? Detroit 
 Needs a Brain 

Bailout? Detroit Needs a Brain

US auto industry needs to re-learn how to innovate; Mich. lawmakers not immune, either

(Newser) - The appalling prospect of a $25 billion bailout for Detroit automakers—“ an industry that became brain dead”—has Thomas Friedman, writing in the New York Times, outraged. He blasts “a very un-innovative business culture, visionless management, and overly generous labor contracts” for the mess, and heaps blame...

Gas Prices Are Down&mdash;and That's Bad
Gas Prices Are Down—and That's Bad

Gas Prices Are Down—and That's Bad

Investment in green is our only way out of crisis, writes Friedman

(Newser) - Gas prices are dropping at last, back down to an average of less than $3 a gallon for the first time in a year. That's good news for recession-fearing consumers, writes Thomas L. Friedman, but there's a downside: the push to drive less and make Detroit build more fuel-efficient cars...

When Did Patriots Stop Paying Taxes?
When Did Patriots Stop Paying Taxes?

When Did Patriots Stop Paying Taxes?

Palin dead wrong; now is time for US taxpayer to step up: Friedman

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is really asking for it, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times, when she blithely criticizes paying taxes as unpatriotic—especially when Uncle Sam needs the cash to pay for wars and a bailout that she supports. Does Palin "think borrowing money from China is more...

Dear Iraq: It's Time to Step Up. Sincerely, W
Dear Iraq: It's Time to Step Up. Sincerely, W

Dear Iraq: It's Time to Step Up. Sincerely, W

'Financial 9/11' calls for nation-building—at home, says Friedman

(Newser) - As America faces "a financial 9/11," what does the $1 trillion bailout mean for the country's other huge expense—the war in Iraq? Thomas L. Friedman plays ventriloquist in the New York Times, imagining President Bush telling Iraqi leaders that "you are now going to have to...

Why McCain Longs for 19th Century Fuels
Why McCain Longs for 19th Century Fuels

Why McCain Longs for 19th Century Fuels

He's making every debate, even energy, a 'cultural wedge issue'

(Newser) - Why are Republicans chanting "drill, baby, drill," a call for an outdated, 19th-century technology like fossil fuels? Because they are turning every political debate into a cultural "wedge Issue," Thomas Friedman writes in the New York Times—"including even energy policy, no matter how stupid...

Obama Needs Gut-Level Connection
 Obama Needs 

Obama Needs Gut-Level Connection

'Change' doesn't tell voters anything about the Democrat now

(Newser) - Barack Obama has lost his “gut connection” with the American people, and he’ll need a change we can believe in if he wants to get it back, Thomas Friedman writes in the New York Times. “If you as a politician connect with voters on a gut level,...

China Shifting Into Green Gear
 China Shifting Into Green Gear

China Shifting Into Green Gear

Communists know they need knowledge-based economy

(Newser) - Beijing wants to create a greener and more modern economy without losing its grip on society—but that leaves officials in a bind, Thomas L. Friedman writes in the New York Times. A green, knowledge-based economy requires personal freedoms that China may be unwilling to provide. But it must act,...

Ice Reveals Climate History
 Ice Reveals Climate History

Ice Reveals Climate History

Research offers window into changes

(Newser) - Over the next three summers in Greenland, a group of international scientists will unearth samples of the country’s ice core down to its very bedrock, in the hopes of painting a complete picture of Earth's changing climate. Each layer provides a dated mixture of water and air bubbles that...

Let Innovators Light Way Out of Energy Crisis

Washington should learn from entrepreneurs

(Newser) - As oil-addicted America looks to its energy future, the nation would be wise to follow in the footsteps of two innovators offering straightforward solutions to the crisis, writes Thomas L. Friedman in the New York Times. “The Jewish Henry Ford” has a plan to turn Israel on to electric...

Bush is Botching $4.11, Just Like He Did 9/11
Bush is Botching $4.11,
Just Like He Did 9/11

Bush is Botching $4.11, Just Like He Did 9/11

Drilling will only worsen America's addiction

(Newser) - If a "crisis is a terrible thing to waste," then George Bush's reactions to 9/11 and the $4.11 average gas cost make him a doubly terrible leader, writes Tom Friedman in the New York Times. Instead of using rising gas costs to spur the nation to energy...

Forget Iraq, US Is in Need of Nation-Building

Healing country is top priority in November, Friedman writes

(Newser) - The key issue in the presidential election won’t be national security or Iraq, as many once believed—it will be how to fix our ailing nation at home, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. “We are a country in debt and in decline—not terminal, not...

Obama: The Muslim World's Candidate
Obama: The Muslim World's Candidate

Obama: The Muslim World's Candidate

Win or not, clinching nomination gives US huge boost abroad

(Newser) - Egypt is the latest foreign spot where US journalists are finding support for the candidacy of Barack Obama, with Thomas Friedman, in the New York Times, finding "Egyptians are amazed, excited, and agog that America might elect a black man whose father’s family was of Muslim heritage."...

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