Thomas Friedman

Stories 61 - 68 | << Prev 

Radical Steps Needed to Break Israel Impasse
Radical Steps Needed to Break Israel Impasse

Radical Steps Needed to Break Israel Impasse

Involving Jordan would be key move in new pragmatism: Friedman

(Newser) - The distance to a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians grows longer by the day, Thomas Friedman laments in the New York Times, and involving Jordan is the best bet. He calls for “radical pragmatism” as “energetic as the extremism that it hopes to nullify.” Giving...

Who Cares Who We Talk to?
Who Cares Who We Talk to?

Who Cares Who We Talk to?

The only way to revive US influence is to stop empowering our foes with oil dollars

(Newser) - Though politicians and pundits alike are caught up in which foes the US should or shouldn't be reaching out to, Thomas Friedman, in the New York Times, points out that few world leaders of any stripe are sitting by the phone waiting for our call. Waning American influence and the...

What Makes a Prez 'Good for Israel'?
 What Makes a Prez
 'Good for Israel'? 

What Makes a Prez 'Good for Israel'?

Key is choosing one who will bolster America's clout, says NYT' s Friedman

(Newser) - The next US president must build an America strong enough to sway the Middle East, but needn't be doggedly pro-Israel, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. And while Barack Obama is dogged by questions of whether he's “good for Israel,” Friedman notes, none other than "...

NYT 's Friedman: Call Your Mother
 NYT's Friedman: 
 Call Your Mother 

NYT's Friedman: Call Your Mother

Columnist breaks from politics for Mother's Day

(Newser) - New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has a piece of policy-free advice for readers today: “Call your mom.” His own died last month, and on his first Mother’s Day without her, he recalls her influence on his own optimism, which can be found “between the lines...

Oil Driving 'Democratic Recession'
Oil Driving 'Democratic Recession'

Oil Driving 'Democratic Recession'

High prices, US inaction let 'bad guys' run amok: Friedman

(Newser) - A "democratic recession" is threatening to roll back freedom around the globe, Thomas Friedman writes today in the New York Times. The high price of oil—which facilitates authoritarian rule—combined with the loss of US ability to effectively promote democracy means dictators have freer reign and freedom suffers,...

McCain Tweaks Friedman Over Gas-Tax Column

He jokes that columnist probably gets chauffeured around

(Newser) - John McCain pushed back today against a New York Times op-ed that deemed a gas-tax holiday “shameful pandering,” painting Thomas Friedman as elitist: “I understand in New York City that you don't really drive a long way," he said. "And then maybe you're chauffeured.”...

NYT Columnist Pied at Brown
 NYT Columnist Pied at Brown 

NYT Columnist Pied at Brown

Activists take issue with Friedman's corporate environmental solutions

(Newser) - Two environmental activists threw cream pies at New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman at an Earth Day speech Tuesday at Brown University, the AP reports. Friedman’s speech was about the corporate world's ability to help the environment with schemes such as cap-and-trade for carbon emissions. One of the pie-chuckers,...

Right-Wing Voices Get More Ink
Right-Wing Voices Get
More Ink

Right-Wing Voices Get More Ink

Report: 60% of papers run more conservatives, 20% more liberals

(Newser) -  Voices from the right dominate those from the left in US newspapers, with the former reaching 152 million buyers and the latter only 125 million. Sixty percent  of papers print more conservative syndicated columnists, while just 20% run more liberals, according to a report by Media Matters for America....

Stories 61 - 68 | << Prev