Thomas Friedman

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The Grass Isn't Greener in China
 The Grass Isn't 
 Greener in China 

The Grass Isn't Greener in China

US problems won't be solved by mimicking other nations

(Newser) - America's present woes have revived the wrongheaded liberal tradition of believing that emulating other countries is the answer, writes Jonah Goldberg. People who suggested becoming more like the Soviet Union or Japan were wrong, and people like Thomas Friedman are just as wrong when they ignore obvious shortcomings to declare...

Time for Climate Scientists to Fight Back
Time for Climate Scientists
to Fight Back
thomas friedman

Time for Climate Scientists to Fight Back

And let's start calling it 'global weirding'

(Newser) - Hey, it's snowing a lot. Therefore, global warming is a hoax. Thomas Friedman is tired of hearing this, along with all the other skeptics' arguments of late, and he wants climate scientists to stop "playing defense." The public is understandably confused after a series of dumb missteps, so...

Times Prepares to Charge for Online Access

Newspaper lays groundwork for reinstituting paywall

(Newser) - Two-plus years after making its entire website free, the New York Times is about to roll out a plan that will charge readers for online access. The announcement may come within 2 weeks, but the pay wall won't be in force for several months, New York magazine reports. Rather than...

Muslim World Can Learn from Terror Suspect's Dad
Muslim World Can Learn from Terror Suspect's Dad

Muslim World Can Learn from Terror Suspect's Dad

It's time for Islam to shame suicide bombers: Friedman

(Newser) - The father of the failed underwear bomber set an example the rest of the Muslim world needs to live up to, writes Thomas Friedman. Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, by reporting his son's descent into radicalism to authorities, effectively admitted that his family system had broken down. And to defeat terrorism and...

1% Warming Chance Is Cause Enough to Act
 1% Warming Chance 
 Is Cause Enough to Act

1% Warming Chance Is Cause Enough to Act

'Cheney Doctrine' should apply to climate change

(Newser) - Dick Cheney once said that a 1% chance of al-Qaeda obtaining a nuke was reason enough to prepare for it, and that same logic should be applied to catastrophic global warming, writes Thomas L. Friedman. Despite "Climategate," the chances look a lot higher than 1%, he notes in...

Great Food-Throwing Moments
 Great Food-Throwing Moments 

Great Food-Throwing Moments

In honor of the tomato that almost hit Sarah Palin

(Newser) - Gawker is fully in favor of food-throwing, a la Sarah Palin’s tomato near-miss—and a host of other launched edibles that hit their targets. Noting that the long and storied history of people getting food tossed at them includes such luminaries as Richard Nixon and Ann Coulter, Adrian...

Carbon-Tax Foes Must Think the End Is Nigh
Carbon-Tax Foes Must Think the End Is Nigh
Thomas Friedman

Carbon-Tax Foes Must Think the End Is Nigh

How else to explain them being OK with the exploding population?

(Newser) - Opponents of cap-and-trade legislation must believe that a massive plague will wipe out 2.5 billion people sometime between now and 2050. Otherwise, their stance makes no sense, writes Thomas Friedman of the New York Times . Even if you don’t believe climate change is real—and Friedman does—you...

'Green China' Marks Sputnik of 21st Century
'Green China' Marks Sputnik
of 21st Century

'Green China' Marks Sputnik of 21st Century

US ignores race for clean energy at its own peril: Friedman

(Newser) - For those who think the past year will be defined by global recession, Tom Friedman says think again. Rather, for the New York Times columnist it is Red China's decision "to become Green China" that will spur a 21st-century technological race for clean energy—in the same way that...

Americans Read Over President's Shoulder

Obama's vacation book list drives leaps in Amazon sales rankings

(Newser) - President Obama’s poll numbers are faltering, but his summer reading choices are getting rave reviews, Politico reports. A survey of the standings of the five books the White House announced he would take with him on his Martha’s Vineyard vacation show a drastic improvement in sales....

The True Meaning of Obama's Reading List
The True Meaning of Obama's Reading List

The True Meaning of Obama's Reading List

Prez hunkers down with thrillers, Friedman

(Newser) - President Obama is on vacation, and that means it’s the media’s sacred duty to overanalyze his summer reading plans. John Dickerson of Slate delves into the meaning behind what Obama’s packing:
  • The Way Home by George Pelecanos
  • Lush Life by Richard Price
  • Hot Flat and Crowded by

Palestine Could Offer Bright Spot for Arab World

PM Fayyad's economy- first approach a good model: Friedman

(Newser) - Things are bad in the Arab world, but Thomas Friedman sees green shoots in an unlikely place: Palestine. “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is to the wider Middle East what off-Broadway is to Broadway,” he writes in the New York Times. “It is where all good and bad ideas...

The Climate Change Bill Is Awful—Now Pass It

'Pathetic' Waxman-Markey at least puts a price on carbon: Friedman

(Newser) - Waxman-Markey is a "pathetic" and "appalling" bill that totally fails to respond to the urgency of climate change—and it should be passed by the Senate and signed into law straight away, writes Thomas Friedman. For the New York Times columnist, the flawed legislation has one great...

Wallop Iran Where It Hurts: Oil Revenues
Wallop Iran
Where It Hurts:
Oil Revenues

Wallop Iran Where It Hurts: Oil Revenues

Two 'green' revolutions could bring down regime: Friedman

(Newser) - Pundits and politicians are wasting their time telling Barack Obama what he should be saying about the growing "green revolution" in Iran, writes Thomas L. Friedman. The country's reformers and protesters don't need American encouragement; they need a weakened theocracy—which will only happen when oil prices go into...

Fix Iraq to Fix the Region
 Fix Iraq to Fix the Region 

Fix Iraq to Fix the Region

A 'decent and stable' country could set an example

(Newser) - Many in the Middle East demanded action after President Obama’s Cairo speech, but the action that’s crucial right now is the Iraq peace process, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. Hillary Clinton must lead us in an effort to establish a “decent and stable political...

Old-School Diplomacy Sinks in 'Age of Pirates'

US faces leaders not 'ready' or 'able' to talk things out

(Newser) - The Obama administration wants to talk to countries like Afghanistan and North Korea—but you can’t make a deal with leaders who aren’t ready or able to make one, Thomas Friedman writes in the New York Times. The US is trying to employ classic diplomacy in an “...

Obama's Energy Policy Needs a Tuneup
Obama's Energy Policy Needs
a Tuneup

Obama's Energy Policy Needs a Tuneup

To garner support, simplify plan and focus message: Friedman

(Newser) - Proponents of cap-and-trade, the climate policy Democrats are currently championing, argue that it “'hides the ball'—it doesn’t use the word 'tax'—even though it amounts to one," writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. There’s just one problem: “Opponents are not playing hide...

Climate, Financial Crises Two Sides of One Coin

(Newser) - The key issue behind both the global economic and climate crises is exactly the same: “mispricing risk,” Thomas L. Friedman writes in the New York Times. “We have been mispricing risk in both arenas,” he contends, “producing a huge excess of both toxic assets and...

Old Gray Lady Grabs Obama by the Ear

Krugman, Friedman, Dowd, Rich, editorial board all pile on prez

(Newser) - The Obama administration bore an avalanche of criticism this weekend from the usually friendly New York Times. Influential columnists Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, Thomas Friedman, and Maureen Dowd—plus the paper’s editorial board—all piled on a president who “is increasingly overwhelmed, and not fully appreciative of the...

Israel, Palestine Need Outside Support for Lasting Fix

Neighbors must be involved: Friedman

(Newser) - The dominant theory holds that the two-state solution is the answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But the war in Gaza has pushed tensions past the point where an equitable sharing of geography is enough, argues New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. He wants a "five-state solution—Palestine, Egypt, Jordan,...

Krugman Is Top Media Liberal
 Krugman Is Top Media Liberal

Krugman Is Top Media Liberal

Krugman tops Forbes ' list

(Newser) - Washington is beginning a new liberal era, and Forbes lists the 25 media lefties likely to be the most influential in the coming years. The top 5:
  1. Paul Krugman. The Nobel Prize-winner's "prose is as pungent as his academic credentials are impeccable."
  2. Arianna Huffington: The Huffington Post's founder

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>