
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

'Sorry, Saddened' Brown Seeks Counseling

Singer seeks counselling, denies online rumours

(Newser) - Chris Brown has broken his silence, saying he is "sorry and saddened" for allegedly assaulting girlfriend and fellow star Rihanna last week, Reuters reports. "I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a...

Bale Sorry for 'Ugly' Outburst

'I acted like a punk,' actor says of Internet sensation tirade

(Newser) - Christian Bale apologized today for his spectacular explosion on the set of Terminator Salvation, People reports. “I was out of order, beyond belief. I acted like a punk,” the actor said of the expletive-laden outburst that's generating massive traffic online. “It is inexcusable.” Asked about criticism...

Obama on Daschle: 'I Screwed Up'

(Newser) - President Obama made the rounds of TV anchors today in the wake of Tom Daschle's withdrawal with a common message: "I'm here on television saying I screwed up," he said on NBC. In an interview with Fox, he amplified the message, Politico reports: "I consider this a...

Daschle Faces Grilling on Charity Gifts, Apologizes on Taxes

Releases letter of apology to lawmakers for tax mistakes

(Newser) - Already beset with questions about his failure to pay taxes, Tom Daschle will likely also face questions today over whether he received improper gifts from charities, the Wall Street Journal reports. President Obama's nominee for health secretary is reported to have flown with an education charity to a Bahamas retreat...

Prince Harry Apologizes for Slur

(Newser) - Prince Harry's in hot water again. The young royal issued an apology tonight for referring to a Pakistani member of his military outfit as "our little Paki friend," the Times of London reports. In a newly surfaced video made during his officer training in 2006, then 21-year-old Harry...

Army Sends 'John Doe' Letter to Slain Soldiers' Kin

Gen. Casey writes apology to 7,000

(Newser) - The Army had good intentions in mind when it sent a letter to families of soldiers killed in Iraq to inform them of available services. Problem is, the letters to ease the most personal of sacrifices all began the same way: "Dear John Doe." Now Army chief of...

'We're Sorry, Now Pay Up,' GM Tells US

Automaker apologizes for 'betraying' consumers, makes case for bailout

(Newser) - Remorseful General Motors paid for a full-page ad in Automotive News to tell America: "We have disappointed you." The ailing automaker admitted to manufacturing substandard and "lackluster" products, pushing SUVs on consumers, and committing to "unsustainable" union pay, reports the Washington Post. Before the ink could...

Gates Apologizes for Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan

US defense secretary expresses 'personal regret' over wayward airstrikes

(Newser) - US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in Afghanistan today, apologized for recent civilian casualties from military operations, the AP reports. While the US strives for precision in airstrikes against Taliban insurgents, “it is clear that we have to work even harder,” Gates said—even as the coalition commander said...

Anglicans Making Nice With Darwin
Anglicans Making Nice With Darwin

Anglicans Making Nice With Darwin

Church's essay series aims to repair evolutionist's reputation

(Newser) - When Charles Darwin came out with his theory of evolution by natural selection nearly 150 years ago, the Church of England opposed it. But now, 200 years after the celebrated scientist's birth, the church has launched a website exploring its history with Darwin, and the church's head of public affairs...

Pope Vows Abuse Apology in Australia

He vows to help sex abuse victims, who say cover-ups continue

(Newser) - Traveling to Sydney today, Pope Benedict promised to apologize for a sexual abuse scandal that has rocked Australia's Catholic Church, Reuters reports. He also vowed to ensure it never recurs, and to help Australian victims heal—but one victims' group still accuses the Church of covering up abuse by priests...

AMA to Apologize for Racist Past
AMA to Apologize for Racist Past

AMA to Apologize for Racist Past

Group long barred black docs, kept mum on civil rights

(Newser) - The American Medical Association is to offer a full apology today for more than a century of racism against African Americans, reports the Washington Post. The country's largest medical association effectively barred black doctors for many years and stayed silent while the country was divided on efforts to end racial...

Jesse Jr. Scolds Dad for 'Ugly Rhetoric'
Jesse Jr.
Scolds Dad for 'Ugly Rhetoric'

Jesse Jr. Scolds Dad for 'Ugly Rhetoric'

Jackson's son rejects his father's 'divisive' Obama comments

(Newser) - Jesse Jackson is taking heat for his admittedly "crude and hurtful" comments about Barack Obama, and his own son is leading the charge. "I'm deeply outraged and disappointed," said Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill. Jackson called his father's remarks—in which he said he wanted to cut...

Jesse Jackson Apologizes for Unknown Obama Slur

Mic caught stray insult; Hannity to air it tonight

(Newser) - Jesse Jackson apologized profusely to Barack Obama for a comment to be aired later tonight on Fox, saying that a microphone caught a “crude and hurtful” quip that he meant to make in private. CNN did not reveal what the comment was, but Jackson said he had been criticizing...

Actor Who Called Soldiers 'Wimps' Apologizes

Everett backtracks after outburst about 'all this whining'

(Newser) - Rupert Everett apologized "without reserve" for calling soldiers “wimps” who join the army to torture prisoners, the Telegraph reports. In a recent interview, the actor said, "The whole point of being in the Army is going to war and getting yourself blown up.” He now says...

YouTube Punishment Fits YouTube Crime

Footage of fast-food prank gets teens suitable sentence

(Newser) - A judge has ordered two teens to create and post an apology video on YouTube as punishment for a vicious prank, Florida Today reports. The boys were convicted of battery and criminal mischief after posting video of one of them throwing a soda back at a drive-thru fast-food server after...

Obama Makes Nice With 'Sweetie' Reporter

Back in Michigan, Dem apologizes again, answers her original question

(Newser) - Barack Obama again did penance for calling a Michigan TV reporter “sweetie,” giving an eight-minute interview yesterday to Peggy Agar, three weeks after causing an uproar by using that term of endearment in brushing off a question she asked. At the time, the candidate apologized for his “...

Campaign Apologizes for Bill's 'Scumbag' Jab

Former president slams VF article as hit piece; wife's campaign apologizes

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign apologized last night for Bill’s description of a Vanity Fair reporter as “sleazy,” “slimy,” “a dishonest guy” and a “scumbag” in response to  a recent story about him in the magazine. "President Clinton was understandably upset about an outrageously...

Hillary's Killer RFK Quote Stuns Pundits
Hillary's Killer RFK Quote Stuns Pundits

Hillary's Killer RFK Quote Stuns Pundits

She shouldn't 'be elected dog catcher,' one gripes

(Newser) - Hillary’s RFK gaffe certainly has people talking—and most aren’t being too kind.
  • Michael Goodwin of the New York Daily News calls it “an X-ray of a very dark soul” that considers murder just another strategic possibility. Hillary has shot her chance at being vice president, he

On RFK, Clinton Should Have Known Better
On RFK, Clinton Should Have Known Better

On RFK, Clinton Should Have Known Better

Invoking opponent's killing 'sounds almost like wishful thinking'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton used history to make a point, but her RFK gaffe provides a valuable lesson for those studying it: “There are taboos in presidential politics, and this is one of the biggest,” Libby Copeland writes in the Washington Post. Clinton has apologized for referring to the assassination...

Clinton's RFK Remark Sparks Fear, Outrage

Hillary defends her prolonged bid by recalling '68 murder

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton whipped up a storm of anger today by invoking Bobby Kennedy's murder as grounds for staying in the Democratic race, the New York Times reports. Recalling the surprise outcomes of past contests, including her husband’s in 1992, the senator told editors at a South Dakota newspaper that...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>