
Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

Sanford Emails Apologies to Constituents

Rambling missive says new 'humility' could make him better gov

(Newser) - In an online apology to South Carolinians, Mark Sanford asks for forgiveness and explains his decision to keep his post in an effort to become “a better person,” WLTX reports. “Close friends” suggested he’d be “of more service in whatever doors God opened next in...

GOP Meets Ensign Apology With 'Love and Kindness'

(Newser) - Disgraced Sen. John Ensign gave Republican colleagues a well-received apology today for “embarrassing the Senate” by having an affair, the Hill reports. One colleague said the apology was “very contrite, very sincere.” Sen. Orrin Hatch pointed out that “everybody has flaws,” and said “all...

'Fire Dave!,' Chant Protesters
 'Fire Dave!,' Chant Protesters 

'Fire Dave!,' Chant Protesters

(Newser) - It wasn't exactly a throng, but a group of protesters showed up outside the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York today to urge CBS to dump David Letterman, reports the Daily News. "Fire Dave! Fire Dave!," chanted the group, which numbered about 50 at its max. Letterman, who...

Palin to Letterman: Thanks, Now Evolve

(Newser) - Sarah Palin today accepted David Letterman’s apology, but not without getting another dig in on him. She said she accepted “on behalf of young women like my daughter, who hope men who ‘joke’ about public displays of sexual exploitation of girls will soon evolve.” And then...

Terminator Director Excuses Bale Rant

McG takes responsibility for leak

(Newser) - Terminator Salvation director McG joined the Christian Bale Rant Apology Tour yesterday, telling MTV he takes responsibility. “I lead the way by having a big personality, having a strong opinion, and being very vocal on the set. I’m trying to wind everybody up to a level of adrenaline...

Craigslist to SC AG: Apologize, and Back Off

(Newser) - Craigslist is due an apology from South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster, the site’s CEO writes on his company blog, after threatening “unwarranted and unconstitutional charges against us that are clearly barred by federal law.” What’s more, Jim Buckmaster charges, Craigslist isn’t the only outlet...

Manny to Dodgers: Sorry
 Manny to Dodgers: Sorry   

Manny to Dodgers: Sorry

(Newser) - Manny Ramirez met with his Dodgers teammates today to personally apologize for flunking a drug test and drawing a 50-game suspension, the Los Angeles Times reports. Team management had encouraged the outfielder to talk with the squad. “He knows he made a mistake. I forgive him,” third baseman...

Oprah to Fake Memoirist: Sorry!

Moment of reflection leads talk show queen to apologize

(Newser) - In a moment worthy of, well, Oprah, talk-show queen Winfrey herself had an epiphany while meditating—and called memoir faker James Frey to apologize for publicly eviscerating him on her show. “When I heard her say, ‘I felt I owe you an apology,’ I was very grateful,...

Israelis Let Down by Pope's WWII Apology Dodge

Religious, political leaders say pontiff didn't go far enough

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI yesterday disappointed Israelis hoping to hear a historic statement of regret for the Catholic church's conduct during the Holocaust, the Guardian reports. The pope, speaking at a remembrance service at Israel's official Holocaust memorial, spoke of the church's compassion for the victims and the need to remember...

White House Sorry for Fly-By
 White House Sorry for Fly-By 

White House Sorry for Fly-By

(Newser) - The White House has apologized for allowing a low-flying Boeing 747 to buzz New York City, a move that traumatized many residents by sparking memories of 9/11, CNN reports. "Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," said White House Military...

Obama's Apologies Create a Sorry Situation: Rove

No reason for contrition in GOP pundit's mind

(Newser) - Barack Obama has finished his "international confession tour," and Karl Rove can’t figure out what it was supposed to accomplish. After his public apologies on two continents, "our adversaries rejoiced," Rove writes in the Wall Street Journal. David Axelrod swears this will yield “very,...

Foxx Apologizes for Miley 'Sex Tape' Rant

(Newser) - Jamie Foxx has apologized for telling 16-year-old Miley Cyrus to “make a sex tape and grow up” and “get like Britney Spears and do some heroin” on his weekend satellite radio show, OK! reports. “You guys know that whatever I say, I don't mean any of it,...

Khmer Rouge's Duch Apologizes for 'Brutal' Deaths

Owns up to 'torture and execution' in trial

(Newser) - On trial for his role in Cambodia’s murderous Khmer Rouge regime, the man known as Duch made his first public apology today for overseeing the deaths of thousands at the prison he ran, the Financial Times reports. “I am responsible for the crimes committed at S-21, especially the...

Moats to Traffic-Stop Cop: Apology Accepted

(Newser) - NFL player Ryan Moats said today he accepted the apology of the cop who stopped and detained him with a drawn gun in a hospital parking lot, preventing him from seeing his mother-in-law before she died, though his wife was allowed to go to her bedside. Moats told Good Morning ...

Fox Host Apologizes for Taunting Canadian Forces

Canadians outraged at slight

(Newser) - The host of Fox’s Red Eye apologized yesterday for a segment mocking the Canadian military, CBC reports. On March 17, Greg Gutfeld derided a general’s comment that troops need down time after Afghanistan combat, saying the military wants to “do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the...

Do Us a Favor: Don't Apologize
 Do Us a Favor: Don't Apologize 

Do Us a Favor: Don't Apologize

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff said he was sorry last week. But it’s hard to believe him, writes Joe Queenan in the Los Angeles Times, given that he’s refused to help the government find his pilfered billions, or even identify his co-conspirators. It reminded Queenan of the time his “alcoholic,...

Steele to Rush: I Take It All Back

RNC chair begs radio host's forgiveness for criticism

(Newser) - Republicans just can’t stay mad at Rush Limbaugh. A few weeks ago, Rep. Phil Gingrey begged forgiveness after criticizing the radio host. Yesterday, Politico reports, RNC chair Michael Steele came crawling back to Limbaugh, saying he didn’t meant it when he dismissed Limbaugh as an "entertainer" and...

Vatican Unsatisfied by Holocaust Bishop Apology

(Newser) - The Vatican today rejected Bishop Richard Williamson’s so-called apology for his Holocaust beliefs, CNN reports, a mea culpa mandated by the Pope. “He must also distance himself in an absolutely unequivocal and public from his stand regarding the [Holocaust],” a spokesman said. Williamson said he regretted the...

Tutu Urges Obama to Apologize for Iraq

Don't disappoint world after winning election, says ex-archbishop

(Newser) - Desmond Tutu says Barack Obama's election made him want "to jump and dance and shout," and he's encouraging the new president to apologize for the invasion of Iraq. Obama “could easily squander the goodwill that his election generated if he disappoints,” the Nobel Peace Prize winner...

Canseco to Baseball: Where's My Apology?

(Newser) - Now that some of baseball's biggest names are coming clean on steroids, Jose Canseco is wondering when the league will apologize for vilifying him, the AP reports. The former slugger wrote two books that dealt with juiced players, but he got only grief for his efforts. "It's time for...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>