Joe Biden

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Palin, Biden Square Off on Economy, Iraq, Climate

(Newser) - Joe Biden and Sarah Palin squared off tonight in a cordial but high-stakes debate, largely sticking to party talking points as they defended their running mates. On the economy, Biden sought to link John McCain to Bush's policies and called him "out of touch" on the issue and on...

Biden's No Average Joe
 Biden's No Average Joe 

Biden's No Average Joe

Poor by Senate standards, VP candidate lives large

(Newser) - On the campaign trail, Joe Biden gives the impression that he’s a normal, middle-class guy taking the train to and from work each day. But the home he’s commuting to happens to be a four-acre estate worth almost $3 million, the New York Times reports. Biden isn’t...

What Happens If One Kicks Before Election Day?
What Happens If One Kicks Before Election Day?

What Happens If One Kicks Before Election Day?

Plans for window before Jan. 20 also diverge

(Newser) - With the VP hopefuls girding for tonight's debate, it's natural to wonder what would become of their respective tickets should either presidential candidate die or otherwise become incapacitated before Nov. 4. Each party has its own protocol, explains Nina Shen Rastogi, writing for Slate, but in neither case does the...

Moderator of VP Debate Mired in Bias Brouhaha

Ifill's book on black politics has been reported for months

(Newser) - When the two presidential campaigns agreed that Gwen Ifill would moderate tonight's VP debate, it was already known that she was writing a book on contemporary black politics. But yesterday the right wing blogosphere erupted with claims that Ifill is biased toward the Democrats and should pull out. As the...

'Sexist' Boobytrap Awaits Biden Tonight

Ex-beauty queen Michigan gov putting Biden through paces in practice debates

(Newser) - The biggest challenge that awaits Joe Biden tonight is not to appear sexist and condescending when he faces off against the far less experienced Sarah Palin, reports the Wall Street Journal. Biden plans to avoid the pitfall by emphasizing issues rather than attacking his opponent, said aides. He's preparing for...

I Debated Her, and Had No Chance
 I Debated Her, and 
 Had No Chance 

I Debated Her, and Had No Chance

(Newser) - Joe Biden will trump Sarah Palin tomorrow night with facts, analysis, and a senatorial track record that leaves her looking green. In other words, he doesn't stand a chance. Take it from Andrew Halcro, a former Alaska state rep who debated Palin dozens of times. "She's a master, not...

Mired in 3rd Place, Couric Rallies

(Newser) - After 2 years of stories about bad ratings and an uncertain future, Katie Couric is in the news for a positive reason, the AP reports—her work. Her CBS Evening News interviews with Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, and John McCain have brought the broadcast unprecedented buzz even though, as the...

Debater Biden Doesn't Always Know When to Zip It
Debater Biden Doesn't Always Know When to Zip It

Debater Biden Doesn't Always Know When to Zip It

Exuberant speaking style, experience could turn into liabilities at debate

(Newser) - Joe Biden is a skilled and captivating speaker but his inability to stop speaking at the right time could turn debate victory into defeat, Katherine Q. Seelye warns in the New York Times. Biden's "gusto and exuberance" could make him seem to be bullying Sarah Palin if he's not...

Palin Nailed Alaska Debates With 'Stiletto and a Smile'

VP nominee won Alaska debates with ready barbs, despite lack of policy know-how

(Newser) - What Sarah Palin may have lacked in policy knowledge during campaign debates in Alaska, she made up for in self-assurance and an astute sense of strategy, reports the LA Times, delivering verbal thrusts with a disarming smile. Joe Biden may find her a formidable opponent tomorrow night; in gubernatorial debates...

Dems Cringe as Gaffe Express Rolls Onward

VP candidate Biden largely drowned out by Palin, economy

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s freewheeling style makes him a big hit on campaign stops, and he usually draws front-page headlines in the towns he visits. But often, those stories carry word of the VP hopeful’s latest slip-up. Biden has lived up to his reputation as a gaffe machine, contradicting his...

Veep Debate Bound to Be a Hit

Experience mismatch promises intriguing dynamic

(Newser) - With the presidential candidates in a tight battle after a closely matched debate, the upcoming vice presidential showdown is bound to be “must-see TV,” said one GOP strategist. Both Sarah Palin and Joe Biden are busy preparing for this week's St. Louis spar, in which Biden will need...

Lawmakers Seek $6.6B in Earmarks
Seek $6.6B
in Earmarks

Lawmakers Seek $6.6B in Earmarks

Biden requests $51.5M; Ted Stevens leads way with $238M

(Newser) - Despite campaign rhetoric against earmarks, a hefty $6.6 billion will be set aside for lawmakers’ pet projects in a $630 billion spending bill nearing approval, USA Today reports. The amount is down 11% from last year. Of note: Though both presidential candidates didn't request any earmarks this year, Joe...

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama
Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Dem's vowel-heavy name better as clue than McCain, paper says

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign chief looks to have been on to something when he accused the New York Times of being “in the tank” for Barack Obama; why else, David Levinson Wilk asks on Politico, would the paper’s crossword puzzle so thoroughly exclude John McCain? OBAMA has been...

Poll: Biden More Qualified Than Palin to Lead Nation

49% of respondents don't think Republican could be president; 64% OK with Democrat

(Newser) - Sarah Palin isn’t qualified to be president, 49% of Americans say, while 64% think Joe Biden is, according to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. Seniors particularly put more confidence in the Democrat (74%) than Alaska's governor (37%). And while only 7% of Democrats...

'Regular Joe' Wades Into Fray
 'Regular Joe' Wades Into Fray 

'Regular Joe' Wades Into Fray

Dem VP in his element talking up a storm with voters

(Newser) - If VP candidates are a campaign’s attack dog, Joe Biden is “a big, thirsty St. Bernard,” who loves kissing babies and getting in the mix, reports the LA Times. Now that the media obsession with Sarah Palin is fading, reporters are remembering that Biden is still out...

Hillary Didn't Really Want VP Slot: Bill

Clinton would've paired up with Obama only out of sense of 'duty'

(Newser) - Even as rumors continue to bounce around the Internet that Hillary Clinton could end up on the Democratic ticket, she never wanted to—and would only have accepted the VP slot out of a sense of duty, Bill Clinton said on The View today. “Not really, she didn’t,...

Quindlen: Time to Get Serious, America
Quindlen: Time to Get Serious, America

Quindlen: Time to Get Serious, America

How is an election this crucial so full of lipstick, pigs and likability?

(Newser) - Voters must cut through the fog of spin and take their votes seriously, writes Anna Quindlen in Newsweek. Amid bickering over whose lipstick is on what pig, “Nothing being said has much to do with the future of this country.” A vote, Quindlen urges, is a promise to...

Palin Lifts McCain Among White Women

Gender gap shrinks as VP pick causes shift

(Newser) - John McCain has made huge strides with female voters since choosing Sarah Palin, says a new poll reported. Before tapping his running mate, McCain trailed Barack Obama 52% to 18% on the question of which candidate better understands “women and what is important to them,” Politico reports, deconstructing...

Out of the Spotlight, Biden Battles On

The other No. 2 has been pulverizing McCain with gusto in swing states

(Newser) - He may be getting less press attention than Sarah Palin's pets but there's another vice-presidential candidate in this race and he's been blasting John McCain all across the Rust Belt, the New York Times reports. Joe Biden barely mentions Palin in his fiery speeches to crowds of varying size, but...

Obama's Tax Plan Is 'Dumb... Painful': McCain

Biden calls for tax hike on rich, urging 'it's time to be patriotic'

(Newser) - John McCain slammed Democratic plans to raise taxes as “just plain dumb” and “painful,” the Chicago Tribune reports. The vehement appraisal came after Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden urged high-income earners to embrace a tax hike targeted at them. “It's time to be patriotic…time...

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