John McCain

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'Bleeping' Mac Returns to Letterman

Mac's back but he's not talking about the 'bleeping' campaign

(Newser) - A jovial John McCain last night paid David Letterman his first visit since the election and made it crystal clear he wasn't interested in bringing up the past, AP reports. "I don't want to talk about the bleeping campaign," McCain said, smiling, actually using the word "bleeping....

73% of Americans Back Obama
 73% of Americans Back Obama 

73% of Americans Back Obama

Poll reveals reservoir of national goodwill for prez-elect

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama will begin his term of office with an enormous reservoir of goodwill among American voters, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. The poll found 73% of adults approve of his preparations to take over, with even 29% of John McCain voters now viewing Barack Obama...

'Unsexiest' Men Alive: Post-Election Edition
'Unsexiest' Men Alive: Post-Election Edition

'Unsexiest' Men Alive: Post-Election Edition

(Newser) - The Boston Phoenix drew up its  “Unsexiest Men” list in March, but the election season produced some new contenders, while others earned a reprieve.
  • John Edwards: The perennial Dem also-ran wasn't on the first list, but his very public dalliance earns him a spot after a recount of sorts.

Joe the Plumber 'Appalled' by McCain

Campaigning made him feel 'dirty'

(Newser) - Joe the Plumber, a sidekick of John McCain's presidential campaign who came to represent the common man, now says he was "appalled" by the Republican candidate, Politico reports. Plumber Joe Wurzelbacher, who appeared at campaign stops with McCain, told a conservative radio show host his up-close look at presidential...

Unaired McCain Spot Blasts Rev. Wright

Attack ad surfaces, but GOP candidate refused to run it

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign created a commercial slamming Barack Obama for his relationship with inflammatory pastor Jeremiah Wright. The 30-second spot, obtained by ABC News, contrasts McCain's years in a Vietnam POW camp with footage of Wright shouting "God damn America." The commercial was ready for release and...

Bill Ayers: I Was Not a Terrorist
 Bill Ayers: I Was Not a Terrorist 

Bill Ayers: I Was Not a Terrorist

But I saw no 'path to a rational discussion' during campaign

(Newser) - Even as John McCain was painting him as a domestic terrorist in Barack Obama’s rogues gallery of acquaintances, William Ayers kept silent. “I saw no viable path to a rational discussion,” he writes in today’s New York Times. Now that the election’s over, it’s...

Obama Raised a Record $750M
 Obama Raised a Record $750M 

Obama Raised a Record $750M

Dem's haul of $750 million dwarfs McCain funds, historical precedent

(Newser) - Barack Obama literally raised more money for his campaign than he knew what to do with. He hauled in a record $750 million over the course of the campaign cycle, reports the New York Times. When the race ended, $30 million remained unspent. By comparison, John McCain raised $220 million...

Palin Will Stump in Ga. Runoff

GOP turns to popular VP candidate to help Chambliss, stave off Dem supermajority

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will lend her star power to Saxby Chambliss in his Senate runoff battle against Democrat Jim Martin, Politico reports. Palin will appear with Chambliss at rallies across Georgia the day before the Dec. 2 runoff, capping a GOP full-court press that has seen Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and...

'Public Sick of Partisanship': Lieberman
'Public Sick of Partisanship':
talk show roundup

'Public Sick of Partisanship': Lieberman

Joe says Obama never called back; politicos talk bailouts on TV

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman told Meet the Press today that he regrets "some things I said in the heat of the campaign that I wish I'd said more clearly," and hopes Barack Obama will put, er, "country first" by leading in a bipartisan fashion. Lieberman said he called...

Napolitano Pick Suggests Focus on Immigration
Napolitano Pick Suggests Focus on Immigration

Napolitano Pick Suggests Focus on Immigration

Rumored Homeland Security nominee has hawk cred on border

(Newser) - If Janet Napolitano is indeed Barack Obama’s pick for Homeland Security chief, it likely signals a shift in the department away from terrorism and toward immigration issues, CQPolitics reports. The Arizona governor has been on the front lines of the immigration battle. “She would do a pretty serious...

Country Music's Pop Push as Off-Key as GOP's Populism

As Republicans' populists appeal hits dull notes, so does country's pop flirtation

(Newser) - Joe the Plumber is transforming himself into Joe the Country Singer, but he might not want to quit his day job, whatever it was. In the New Republic, David Browne warns that “country is no longer the music of the middle for many Americans.” Instead, Barack Obama's iPod,...

Finally: Mac Wins Missouri
 Finally: Mac Wins Missouri 

Finally: Mac Wins Missouri

Last state to be called leaves tally at Obama 365, McCain 173

(Newser) - Missouri, the last state up for grabs, looks to have gone Republican by less than a 1% margin, leaving John McCain with 173 electoral votes to Barack Obama’s 365, the Kansas City Star reports. There are still 3,000 uncounted provisional ballots, but McCain’s margin is large enough...

Now Joe Owes Barack One
 Now Joe Owes Barack One 

Now Joe Owes Barack One

(Newser) - Democrats everywhere, even in the Senate, are still furious with Joe Lieberman for campaigning against Barack Obama. So pushing to allow him to stay in the Democratic caucus, and continue as chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, was a savvy political move on Obama's part, Time reports: Lieberman will owe...

McCain Will Run for Fifth Term in Senate

His advisers begin setting up a political action committee

(Newser) - Sen. John McCain, whose presidential bid was snuffed out two weeks ago by Barack Obama, is setting up a political action committee as a first step in running for a fifth term in the Senate. A McCain spokesperson said the 72-year-old Arizona senator decided with his senior advisers tonight to...

Dems Likely to Let 'Wayward' Lieberman Keep Senate Chair

Only token punishment for McCain support

(Newser) - Senate Democrats are likely to allow Joe Lieberman to retain chairmanship of the powerful Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee despite his vocal support for John McCain and repeated attacks on Barack Obama during the election, Politico reports. The Connecticut independent has threatened to leave the Democratic caucus and join...

Time, Here's Your Person of the Year

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made such a splash in American politics this year that she deserves consideration for Time magazine Person of the Year, Kathryn Jean Lopez writes for the National Review. “They’ve probably long picked The One,” Lopez writes, referring to Barack Obama. But “like Obama, all...

Obama-McCain Meeting Stresses Cooperation

Former foes issue joint statement after Chicago confab

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain met today in Chicago, and reaffirmed their call for bipartisanship and cooperation, the Tribune reports. The 90-minute meeting, at Obama’s transition headquarters, was described by the president-elect as a “conversation about how we can do some work together to fix up the country....

Rivals' Meeting Today Could Benefit Both Men

Obama and McCain to get together in Chicago to talk cooperation

(Newser) - Meeting today in Chicago to bury the hatchet, Barack Obama and John McCain could each be of considerable use to the other, the Wall Street Journal notes. Working together, McCain could get his maverick groove back, and Obama could get help on these key areas:
  • Auto efficiency: McCain has worked

Obama Quits Senate, Thanks Ill. for Showing Him the Way

Will meet with McCain today in Chicago

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s presidential transition moved forward this weekend as he officially stepped down as senator, the Washington Post reports, ahead of a lame-duck session on a new stimulus package for the economy this week. In a letter in Illinois newspapers announcing his senate resignation, he thanked his constituents and...

NYT Slaps Reporter for Facebook Source

Reporter reprimanded for messaging minors

(Newser) - Backlash against the New York Times reporter who contacted minors on Facebook to locate sources has led Times public editor Clark Hoyt to declare, “I would not have sent the messages.” Jodi Kantor, author of last month’s unflattering front-page profile of Cindy McCain, reached out to classmates...

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