
Stories 61 - 79 | << Prev 

San Francisco Bans ... Street Chess

Cops say too much crime was going on around it

(Newser) - San Francisco may be tolerant of many things, but street chess is no longer among them. Police put an end to a 30-plus-year tradition in the city's Mid-Market neighborhood by dismantling tables and confiscating games, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . Players, most of them homeless, had gathered every day...

Girl, 9, Could Be Youngest-Ever Chess Master

Carissa Yip already better than 93% of US Chess Federation

(Newser) - Even if you're a skilled chess player, chances are Carissa Yip will kick your butt. The 9-year-old can beat out 93% of those registered with the US Chess Federation, making her the youngest chess expert on record, reports CBS News . And with a 2,100 rating, the Massachusetts native...

Let&#39;s Make Kids Play Chess in School
Let's Make Kids
Play Chess in School

Let's Make Kids Play Chess in School

Alex Berezow: It teaches them logic, strategy—and lessons about losing

(Newser) - Chess is such serious business in Eastern Europe that Armenia requires all kids starting at age 6 to play the game in school. The US should do the same, argues Alex Berezow at Pacific Standard . He likes the idea for all the reasons you'd imagine: The game sharpens young...

Our High School Chess Champs Are ... 8th-Graders

Chess team at IS 318 Eugenio Maria de Hostos dominates

(Newser) - It's a story that could be shelved next to Rudy and other tales of underdog greatness: Except in the case of the chess players from Brooklyn's IS 318 Eugenio Maria de Hostos, their age, not their ability, is what makes them unlikely winners. And win they did on...

Computer Program Catches Chess Cheaters

Professor aims 'to model how people make decisions'

(Newser) - Cheaters beware: A chess wiz has developed a program to catch you. Potential cheating has become a noted problem in chess, the New York Times reports. Alleged text messaging prompted a five-year ban on a trio of players in 2010; in 2006, a player was accused of using a computer...

Chess Union Warns Women: No Cleavage

European Chess Union tells gals to button up

(Newser) - Maybe this classic Austin Powers scene has affected chess championship rules? Whatever the reason, the European Chess Union has ruled that female players will have to button their shirts from now on, Time reports. "Décolletés [the French word for cleavage] are partly covered in our regulations, which...

While Libyans Battle, Gadhafi Plays Chess

Libyan leader apparently had nothing better to do...?

(Newser) - His country is being bombed and he’s now a legitimate target of NATO , but Moammar Gadhafi nonetheless took time out of his busy schedule last night … to play chess. The Libyan leader appeared on state television playing against World Chess Federation President and Russian provincial governor Kirsan Ilyumzhinov,...

Hi-Tech Cheating Scandal Shakes Chess World

French federation suspends grandmasters using texts, computers

(Newser) - Three leading French chess players have been suspended in a cheating scandal that has rocked the usually sedate world of international chess. The French chess federation accuses the trio of using a complex text message-based system to cheat at the Chess Olympiad in Siberia last fall, reports the BBC . One...

Nine-Year-Old Is Youngest American Chess Master

Californian previously youngest to hold 'expert' rank

(Newser) - A 9-year-old Californian is the youngest American to achieve the rank of "national master," reports the San Jose Mercury News . Samuel Sevian had already been the youngest person, at the age of 8, to be certified a chess "expert," and he got promoted again by the...

Iceland Exhumes Bobby Fischer in Paternity Claim

DNA will settle woman's claim he fathered 9-year-old Jinky Young

(Newser) - Authorities in Iceland have exhumed the body of American chess champion Bobby Fischer to determine whether he is the father of a 9-year-old girl from the Philippines. A police commissioner said Fischer's corpse was dug up "in a professional and dignified way and according to law. The privacy of...

Russians Kasparov, Karpov Rekindle Chess Rivalry

Russian grand masters meet in Spain for series of matches

(Newser) - More than 25 years after their rivalry gave chess, and Russia, a much-needed jolt, former champions Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov will face off for a series of matches in Spain, beginning tomorrow, the Telegraph reports. The younger Kasparov took Karpov’s world title in 1985, and then seemed to...

8 Offbeat Library Collections
 8 Offbeat Library Collections 

8 Offbeat Library Collections

Hidden treasures abound in local libraries across the country

(Newser) - Your local library may be home to an odd or wonderful specialized stash of artifacts. The Smithsonian compiles a list of the nation’s most unusual library collections:
  • The Cleveland Public Library sports perhaps the world’s largest collection of chess- and checkers-related material, with more than 30,000 items

Renegade Trader Leaves Deutsche Bank Reeling

(Newser) - How does one lose almost $2 billion in a matter of months? Look no further than the story of Deutsche Bank’s Boaz Weinstein, the chess master and gambling extraordinaire who made more than $1.5 billion for the firm in just 2 years before losing it all and more,...

Chess Too Wimpy for Olympics?
 Chess Too Wimpy for Olympics? 

Chess Too Wimpy for Olympics?

IOC says the game, along with bridge, isn't physical enough

(Newser) - Chess players and bridge players will be spectators when the Olympics begin this week, but both are making a strong push to be official sports at the 2012 Games, Time reports. First, they'll have to convince a skeptical International Olympic Committee that they belong, despite their decided lack of physical...

Old Chess Guide May Have Drawings From Da Vinci

500-year-old book of puzzles has illustrations in the master's style

(Newser) - Sections of a recently unearthed manuscript, dating back to about 1500 and describing chess strategy, were likely illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci, the BBC reports. The book, De ludo scacchorum, is a collection of puzzles by Italian mathematician and Franciscan friar Luca Pacioli, a friend of da Vinci's. The striking...

Chess King Bobby Fischer Dies
Chess King Bobby Fischer Dies

Chess King Bobby Fischer Dies

Troubled genius dies in Iceland at age 64

(Newser) - Chess master Bobby Fischer, who became a Cold War icon when he dethroned Russian Boris Spassky in 1972, has died at age 64 in Iceland, the AP reports. Fischer is considered by many to be the greatest chess player ever, but his genius for the game was often overshadowed by...

Kasparov Won't Run for Russian Prez
Won't Run for Russian Prez

Kasparov Won't Run for Russian Prez

Gov't foiled opposition's nominating meetings

(Newser) - Former chess champ and Russian opposition leader Garry Kasparov won't be running for president this March, but not for lack of trying: Other Russia, his political party, was unable to book a Moscow conference hall due to government pressure on landlords, said his spokeswoman. Today is the last day Russian...

'Chessboard Killer' Goes on Trial
'Chessboard Killer' Goes
on Trial

'Chessboard Killer' Goes on Trial

Confessed murderer of dozens lured victims to Moscow park

(Newser) - A confessed serial killer goes on trial today in Moscow, charged in the murders of at least 49 people. Alexander Pichushkin wanted to kill one person for each of the 64 squares on a chessboard, and after being arrested last year, he said in a TV interview that "a...

Chess-Playing Killer Goes on Trial in Russia

Says he tallied victims on a board, but cops are at a stalemate

(Newser) - Russia is in the grip of the king of all murder trials, the Guardian reports: A chess player has been accused of luring dozens of opponents away from the board and to their brutal deaths in a Moscow park. Alexander Pichushkin has allegedly boasted of 63 murders, one shy of...

Stories 61 - 79 | << Prev