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He's a Homeless Refugee —and Best at What He Does

Tanitoluwa Adewumi just owned the New York State chess championship

(Newser) - After the college admissions scandal , this is refreshing: A homeless 8-year-old immigrant just smoked his category at the New York State chess championship, the Hill reports. Tanitoluwa Adewumi, who lives with his family in a Manhattan shelter, went undefeated last weekend among kindergartners to third graders. "I want to...

To Be the Best, American Has to Beat the Best
To Be the Best, American
Has to Beat the Best

To Be the Best, American Has to Beat the Best

Fabiano Caruana could become first US chess champ since 1972

(Newser) - Not since Bobby Fischer nabbed the title in 1972 has an American been named world chess champion. That could change within a week's time. Italian-American Fabiano Caruana, for a time the youngest grandmaster in US history , is facing off against Norway's top-ranked defending champion Magnus Carlsen in a...

UK Backs Down From Deporting Child Chess Prodigy

Shreyas Royal, 'greatest British chess prospect in a generation,' was to be sent back to India

(Newser) - The UK's Home Office says that 9-year-old Shreyas Royal shows "immense promise." But that didn't stop the country from preparing to deport the chess prodigy—ranked fourth in the world for his age group and said to be the "greatest British chess prospect in a...

For First Time in 46 Years, American Vies for Chess Title
Win Brings 46-Year
First for US Chess

Win Brings 46-Year First for US Chess

Fabiano Caruana to face Magnus Carlsen in world championship

(Newser) - For the first time in almost 50 years, an American has the chance to be crowned world chess champion. Not since Bobby Fischer nabbed the title in 1972 has a US-born player even made it to the final table of the world tournament, reports the Guardian . Fabiano Caruana, however, just...

Meet 'New Age' of Chess: Live Streams, Thrown Chairs

Online chess is more popular than you might think

(Newser) - If the idea of watching a game of chess online sounds a little dull, then perhaps you're not familiar with the Chessbrahs on the gaming website Twitch. A stream can last up to four hours, during which "you might see chairs thrown amid a torrent of f-bombs, freestyle...

Young Chess Grandmaster Dies in Extreme Sport Fall

Yuri Eliseev, 20, was apparently practicing parkour, fell from balcony

(Newser) - Russian news reports say a prominent young chess grandmaster has died after falling from a Moscow balcony apparently while undertaking the extreme sport of parkour. The reports cited police as saying 20-year-old Yuri Eliseev died late Saturday after falling from the 12th story of his apartment building in Moscow, reports...

Female Chess Players Outraged by Iran's Hijab Requirement

Competitors at world championship must wear head scarf

(Newser) - The US women's chess champion won't be competing in the Women's World Chess Championship February in Iran over that country's law that makes it mandatory for women—including foreign chess players—to wear hijabs, CNN reports. Nazi Paikidze-Barnes calls the law "religious and sexist discrimination....

Practice Doesn&#39;t Make Perfect When It Comes to Chess
Practice Doesn't Make Perfect
When It Comes to Chess
study says

Practice Doesn't Make Perfect When It Comes to Chess

Study suggests that you need to be naturally smart, too

(Newser) - If you were hoping to become a chess master by practicing 10,000 hours, think again. Contrary to the theory that expertise at chess is based on intensive training, researchers at the University of Michigan have concluded based on a meta-analysis of 19 studies that hard work is important but...

Twitter Erupts After Saudi Cleric Says Chess Is Forbidden

The game 'wastes time and money and causes rivalry and enmity'

(Newser) - A video clip of Saudi Arabia's top cleric saying that the game of chess is "forbidden" in Islam because it wastes time and leads to rivalry and enmity among people has provoked heated debate, and widespread criticism, among Arabic Twitter users. The clip was shared on YouTube in...

Check This: Chess' Old Boys Club Needs More Women

Writer laments lack of women among the grandmasters

(Newser) - In a post at Aeon magazine, Hana Schank poses a simple question with a not-so-simple answer: “Where are all the women chess players?” Scan the list of 1,479 grandmasters if you don’t believe her, a list with all of 31 female names. So what’s going on?...

Ruling: Brain Is a Muscle, So Bridge Is a Sport

Chess and board games may soon join the ranks as 'mind' sports

(Newser) - It turns out that your 60-something aunt retired to Florida to be a jock, and the "mind games" she dominates aren't the ones you're thinking of. Rather, bridge is an actual sport because the brain is a muscle, a judge in the UK has ruled, and other...

Chess Champ Busted Cheating in the Bathroom

Grandmaster Gaioz Nigalidze could face 15-year ban over hidden phone

(Newser) - Chess has a case of "high-tech doping," the BBC reports. Georgia's national chess champion, Gaioz Nigalidze, visited the same bathroom stall enough during the Dubai Open on Saturday that his opponent, Armenian Tigran Petrosian, became suspicious. "Nigalidze would promptly reply to my moves and then literally...

Boy Fatally Jumped From Window After Chess Match

Police report: 10-year-old became upset with opponent over word 'checkmate'

(Newser) - It's an unspeakable tragedy, and one that police say started over a failure to say "checkmate." A 10-year-old New Jersey boy died on March 6 after jumping from his school's second-story window. After a nearly month-long investigation, the Dumont Police Department says the action followed a...

Boy Becomes Youngest-Ever US Chess Grandmaster

13-year-old Samuel Sevian wants to eventually be world champion

(Newser) - Sam Sevian likes watching hockey and basketball and hates doing chores, the Boston Globe reported in March, making the 13-year-old sound like pretty much every other American teen boy. But most American teen boys don't have the title of chess grandmaster under their belt, an honor Sam earned last...

By 6 or 7, Kids Learn How to Lie and Distrust
By 6 or 7, Kids Learn How
to Lie and Distrust
study says

By 6 or 7, Kids Learn How to Lie and Distrust

Lying comes before distrust, researchers find

(Newser) - Kids are capable of thinking strategically, including using competitiveness and lies to their own benefit, by the time they're 7. So report researchers out of the University of Minnesota who studied 69 kids ages 3 to 9 playing two games. Kids typically figure out how to infer what others...

2 Deaths Overshadow End of Chess Olympiad

Seychelles player dies during game in final round

(Newser) - A major international chess tournament in northern Norway ended on a grim note, with one player dying in the middle of a game and another found dead in a hotel room, organizers said today. A 67-year-old member of the Seychelles team collapsed and died during the final round yesterday of...

Inside the Big-Money World of College Chess

One coach recently asked for $1M for program

(Newser) - Football and basketball aren't the only college competitions playing with serious cash. Chess may not have the national spotlight athletics does, but these days, the money behind it is nothing to sniff at. In 2011, a four-time women's world chess champion asked Texas Tech for $1 million in...

Guy Fatally Stabbed Over Chess: Cops

Boarder admits to killing landlord over game

(Newser) - Chess is, apparently, serious business for some people—deadly serious. Police in Ireland believe a man who was found stabbed to death at his home early yesterday was murdered after a disagreement regarding a chess move during a late-night game, Sky News reports. Thomas O'Gorman, a 39-year-old researcher and...

Meet Chess World's Young New Champ

Magnus Carlsen, 22, seen as a game-changer, literally

(Newser) - The world of chess just got a jolt. In what the Times of India calls "the most one-sided world championship match in modern history," Norway's Magnus Carlsen, 22, beat reigning champ Viswanathan Anand, 43, today to become World Chess Champion. In doing so, he has ushered in...

San Franciscans Defy Ban, Play Chess

Cops banned public games after criminal elements moved in

(Newser) - At least for an afternoon, the chess players were back at the usual spot they've occupied for years along downtown San Francisco's busy Market Street. But instead of hustling a dollar here and there with deft openings and clever traps, the mostly homeless players and their supporters were...

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