
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Naked Bikers Hit Mexico City

World Naked Bike Ride underscores cyclists' rights, health and environment benefits

(Newser) - Mexico City's infamous smog-inducing traffic ground to a brief halt yesterday as throngs of naked bicyclists took to its streets in an attention-grabbing bid to protest the Mexican capital's car culture and promote their own rights, reports the BBC . Dubbed the World Naked Bike Ride, an estimated 300...

Supreme Court's Stephen Breyer Falls Off Bike, Breaks Shoulder

It's his third major accident

(Newser) - One of Stephen Breyer's Supreme Court clerks might gently suggest that it's time to put away the bike: Breyer broke his shoulder today after taking a spill in DC near the Korean War memorial, reports the Los Angeles Times . It's actually his third major bike accident, notes...

GOP Lawmaker: Bicycles Pollute Worse Than Cars

Washington state Rep. Ed Orcutt takes a stab at science

(Newser) - All that sweaty cycling can kick up a lot of carbon dioxide—right? So said House Republican Ed Orcutt in an email as he defended a bike tax proposed for Washington state, reports the Seattle Bike Blog . Writing a constituent, Orcutt wrote that bicyclists emit more CO2 than car drivers...

Cyclists, Beware: Bike Deaths Take Big Jump

Rise 8.7% in 2011

(Newser) - Last year was a good year for road warriors—so long as they were on four wheels, not two. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration today released its analysis of 2011 traffic deaths, and overall fatalities sank 1.9% to 32,367, outpacing the 1.2% drop in the number...

Olympic BMX Cyclist Killed in Car Accident

33-year-old was three-time world champ

(Newser) - Olympic BMX cyclist Kyle Bennett has been killed in an automobile accident in eastern Texas. He was 33. A statement from USA Cycling says the single-vehicle crash happened early yesterday in Conroe, north of Houston. Bennett was a three-time BMX world champion and won an automatic spot on the first...

UK's Wiggins Wins Tour de France

Becomes first Briton to win the storied race

(Newser) - Bradley Wiggins has become the first Briton to win the Tour de France by safely protecting the yellow jersey during today's final processional ride into Paris—and even helping Sky teammate Mark Cavendish earn his fourth straight sprint victory on the Champs-Elysees. Wiggins secured his win with a dominating...

Bicycling Can Hurt Women&#39;s Sexual Health
Bicycling Can Hurt
Women's Sexual Health
study says

Bicycling Can Hurt Women's Sexual Health

Low handlebars seem to be the big problem, say researchers

(Newser) - Previous studies have shown that riding a bicycle regularly can take take a toll on men's sexual health, and new research from Yale suggests the same holds true for women, reports the New York Times . The one stand-out finding: the lower the handlebars, the greater the trouble. If a...

Lance Armstrong Escapes Doping Charges

Federal prosecutors close investigation

(Newser) - Good news for Lance Armstrong: Federal prosecutors won't charge him with doping, reports the AP . Authorities announced today that they're shutting down a two-year investigation into whether Armstrong juiced his way to repeated Tour de France glory. Armstrong has denied the charges all along, even as former teammates...

Mayor Smashes Car Parked in Bike Lane With a Tank

Arturas Zuokas shows us why Lithuania is awesome

(Newser) - Here’s one emphatic way to crack down on cars squatting in the bike lane: Run them over with a tank. The mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania, did just that recently. In the video below you can see Arturas Zuokas—supposedly an “avid cyclist”—climb into an armored personnel...

TV Car Crashes Into Tour de France Bikers

Yesterday was a bad day for bikers

(Newser) - The most treacherous element of this year's Tour de France seems to be the people watching it. A fan's elbow caused a big crash during Stage 1 , and the unfortunate collisions continued yesterday when a French TV car turned into a group of bikers it was tracking, causing...

Cyclist Surrenders Gold Medal Over Doping

Tyler Hamilton gives it up; Lance Armstrong still denying

(Newser) - Congratulations, Viatcheslav Ekimov of Russia. It looks like you've won the gold medal in cycling at the 2004 Olympics. The US cyclist originally awarded the medal, Tyler Hamilton, surrendered it last week and has admitted to doping, reports Bloomberg . Hamilton also is making headlines by accusing former Tour de...

France Joins US in Drug Probe of Lance Armstrong

(Newser) - Seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong's blood is coming out of the closet. Pierre Bordry, head of France's anti-doping agency, is ready to collaborate fully with a US federal investigation into allegations that Armstrong's backup "B" samples from 1999 contained EPO—a banned blood-boosting hormone. All Jeff Novitzky,...

8 More Stars Who 'Unretired'
 8 More Stars Who 'Unretired' 
a la amanda bynes

8 More Stars Who 'Unretired'

They tried, but just couldn't say goodbye

(Newser) - Just five weeks into her early retirement , Amanda Bynes is back —thank goodness. “As you let the good news sink in, possibly while IMDBing who Amanda Bynes actually is,” Mary Elizabeth Williams writes for Salon , consider eight other public figures who just couldn’t quit:
  • Cher: “

Contador Wins 3rd Tour
 Contador Wins 3rd Tour 

Contador Wins 3rd Tour

Spaniard makes mark as cycling's new star

(Newser) - He may have clinched yesterday, but Alberto Contador crossed over the finish line today, winning his third Tour de France and heralding the arrival of a new cycling superstar as seven-time champion Lance Armstrong finished the race for the last time. Mark Cavendish of Britain led a sprint to win...

Contador Clinches Tour de France Win
 Contador Clinches 
 Tour de France Win 
Lance: No. 23

Contador Clinches Tour de France Win

Spaniard secures victory ahead of tomorrow's finale

(Newser) - Alberto Contador locked up his third Tour de France title in four years today after retaining the yellow jersey in the next-to-last stage. (Today was the last competitive day of racing ahead of the short finale tomorrow.) The 27-year-old Spaniard held on to his razor-thin lead over Andy Schleck...

No Peeing, Please, and Other Tour Rules

Bicyclists in Tour de France are bound by etiquette

(Newser) - The Tour de France isn't all yellow shirts and glory. The Wall Street Journal takes a look at some of the rules—informal and otherwise—that guide the bicyclists.
  • Don't grab first place if the current leader is having mechanical trouble. (Alberto Contador broke this informal no-no in the current

NYPD Cop Avoids Jail Over Assault on Bicyclist

Rookie officer resigned over videotaped incident

(Newser) - A former New York City cop caught on videotape shoving a bicyclist to the ground avoided a jail sentence today. Patrick Hogan, who'd been on the force only 2 weeks at the time of the incident, faced 4 years in prison or probation, but got neither, reports the New York ...

A Day in the Life of a Tour de France Rider's Stomach
A Day in the Life of a Tour de France Rider's Stomach

A Day in the Life of a Tour de France Rider's Stomach

Here's what 9,000 calories look like

(Newser) - Three weeks, 2,200 miles, and a few mountains: Clearly, a few Clif bars won't hack it for Tour de France riders. LiveScience takes a look at how, and what, Lance Armstrong et al eat on race days:
  • For starters, they eat often, about 6 times a day: twice before,

Landis: Armstrong Team Sold Bikes for Doping

Lance denies that and other new allegations

(Newser) - Happy Tour de France day. Let's celebrate with more allegations from Floyd Landis against Lance Armstrong, followed by another denial from Armstrong. In a lengthy Wall Street Journal article , Landis:
  • Claims some of the bikes intended for the US Postal Service team were sold for cash instead of going to

Landis Admits Doping, Says Lance Did It, Too
Landis Admits Doping,
Says Lance Did It, Too
fingers entire US team

Landis Admits Doping, Says Lance Did It, Too

Authorities told of elaborate regimen used by entire US team

(Newser) - Floyd Landis might just be the Jose Canseco of cycling. The disgraced cyclist has sent letters to the US Anti-Doping Agency and the FDA agent who broke the BALCO case outlining an elaborate doping regimen used by the entire US Postal Service Cycling Team from 2002 to 2005, the New ...

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