
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Think $100 Oil Is Bad? Here Comes $100 Uranium

American firms lag as world prepares for big crunch in supplies

(Newser) - While we’re worrying about a spike in oil prices, the rising cost of another energy source is being largely ignored: uranium. Last month, the nuclear power source reached $73 a pound, a three-year high—and in the next 10 years, it could approach its all-time high of $136 a...

Cape Wind: All Ready to Build, No Buyers

Utilities turn noses up at half project's potential power

(Newser) - After years of review, lawsuits, and opposition, Massachussetts' Cape Wind is still, well, twisting in the wind: Even though it scored its first contract last month, half its power is still up for grabs with no buyers in sight. The controversial offshore wind farm, fiercely opposed by everyone from fishermen...

Dog Poop Lights Park Lamp
 Dog Poop Lights Park Lamp 

Dog Poop Lights Park Lamp

Site turns waste into electricity

(Newser) - A dog park in Cambridge, Mass., is being lit up by the excrement of the dogs who visit, reports Fast Company . Dogwalkers are encouraged to deposit their pets' waste at a methane digester called the Park Spark, which then turns into a burnable gas that powers a lamppost. The team...

Obama to Open New Offshore Drilling

Atlantic drilling to open up first time in 20 years

(Newser) - President Obama plans to clear the way for drilling for oil and gas in new areas off the Atlantic coast, Alaska, and in the Gulf of Mexico, administration officials say. The proposal—to be unveiled today at a joint press conference with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar—keeps intact the moratorium...

Energy Exec's Body Found in New Orleans

Douglas Schantz went missing Friday after visiting Bourbon Street

(Newser) - Four days after he disappeared in New Orleans, the body of a Houston energy executive was pulled from the Mississippi River today. Douglas Schantz, 54, went missing after a night of drinking on Bourbon Street. Surveillance cameras captured footage of the president of Sequent Energy Management walking toward a docked...

Big Questions Remain Over 'Bloom Box' Servers

Company has ambitious goals but skimpy details

(Newser) - Bloom Energy's plans to put a zero-emission energy server into mass production is an "exciting development," writes David Coursey, but the company has loads of work to do before the so-called Bloom Box becomes the game-changer the hype suggests. The company is promising miniature $3,000 servers will...

Gov't Will Slash Greenhouse Emissions: Obama

Executive order requires federal agencies to reduce waste, conserve energy

(Newser) - Federal agencies have until 2020 to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 28% under an executive order President Obama signed today. The order also calls for improvements in energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction. "As the largest energy consumer in the United States, we have a responsibility to...

Obama to MIT: Win the Green Race

President pushes climate change legislation

(Newser) - President Obama urged MIT to get cracking on green energy research today, saying America’s future depends on it. “The nation that wins this competition will be the nation that leads the global economy,” he said. “I want America to be that nation. It’s that simple....

Drill, Baby, Drill!: Palin
 Drill, Baby, Drill!: Palin

Drill, Baby, Drill!: Palin

Renewable energy, domestic oil development are complementary

(Newser) - Even as the US develops renewable-energy sources and cars that don’t need gas, it’s important to recognize that petroleum will be a part of our lives for some time, writes Sarah Palin. And as long as we need it, we should be getting as much as possible from...

New Google Mirrors May Cut Solar Power Costs

Would focus sun's energy to produce heat, steam

(Newser) - Google is working on new mirrors to make solar thermal power significantly cheaper, Reuters reports. If it works, the technology could reduce the cost of building a plant to draw power from the sun by 25% or more. “We've been looking at very unusual materials for the mirrors both...

Sorry US, China Is World's Solar Powerhouse

(Newser) - If the US wants to be, in Barack Obama’s words, the “world’s leading exporter of renewable energy,” it’s got a lot of catching up to do. China is the king of solar, and it’s moving aggressively on the US market, the New York Times...

'Bourgeois' Golf Courses Tee Off Chávez

Venezuela shutting down the links—that happen to be near oil

(Newser) - Hugo Chávez has gone after oil conglomerates and media companies, and now he's hitting the capitalist pigs where it hurts: at the golf course. The Venezuelan president is trying to shut down the country's best-known courses, which he believes are part of an anti-Marxist conspiracy, the Independent reports. "...

Palin: Scrap Cap and Trade; It's Still Drill, Baby, Drill

(Newser) - President Obama's cap-and-trade energy plan is actually a "cap-and-tax" plan that is an "enormous threat to our economy," Sarah Palin writes in the Washington Post. In an op-ed piece she predicts will disappoint "the chattering class," who prefer "personality-driven political gossip," she says...

Energy Falters; Dow Off 37
 Energy Falters; Dow Off 37 

Energy Falters; Dow Off 37

A profit warning from Chevron highlights problems in the energy sector

(Newser) - The major stock indices finished mixed today, with the Dow trending down after Chevron issued a profit warning, the Wall Street Journal reports. Chevron was down 2.7% on news that a weak dollar and poor profits at refineries will cut into its second-quarter earnings. Exxon also fell 1.3%....

Traffic Congestion Dips as Economy Falters

US sees two-year congestion decline for first time ever

(Newser) - Drivers are spending less time stuck in rush-hour traffic for a second straight year, the first-ever 2-year decline in congestion. Blame high gas prices and the economic downturn, which have forced many Americans to change how they commute. In individual cities, Los Angeles traffic is getting better but is still...

China Plans Massive Push for Green Power

Country could be world's leader in clean energy by 2020

(Newser) - China is on course to obtain 20% of its energy from wind and solar sources by 2020—a transformation that would make the country the world leader in renewables. Beijing is ramping up its targets for clean energy, helped by the $590 billion stimulus package passed last year, a senior...

Usable US Coal Reserves a Fraction of Earlier Estimates

(Newser) - For years the government has estimated that the US has 240 years' worth of coal in the ground, causing officials to dub the US the “Saudi Arabia of Coal.” But that estimate may be grossly exaggerated, the Wall Street Journal reports. While there probably is 240 years' worth...

Michael Moore: 9 Ways to Rise From GM's Ashes

Let's use their facilities to overhaul America's transit

(Newser) - The end of General Motors is an opportunity for an America that now owns 60% of the company, writes Michael Moore. Let’s take advantage of the death of a firm that built poor cars, battled environmental rules, and shipped jobs away by using its facilities to implement a new...

Would-Be Car-Battery Kings Jostle Over $2.4B From Feds

States seek to become lithium-ion capital of US

(Newser) - Some 165 companies and states are battling for a $2.4 billion Obama administration grant aimed at making the US a leader in electric-car batteries, the Wall Street Journal reports. General Motors, Dow Chemical, and General Electric are among the firms vying for the money; states like Michigan, Kentucky, and...

Recession Dims Lights on Solar Sales

Banks, government cut funding for industry

(Newser) - After a bright 2008, things are looking gloomy for the solar power industry amid the recession, the Wall Street Journal reports. Banks have cut funds for some projects, and the government of Spain, the second-biggest solar power market, has shrunk subsidies. Solar-cell sales are expected to fall by some 20%,...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>