
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Paris Weighs Ban to Darken City of Lights

Rule would require lights off between 1am and 7am

(Newser) - Paris may have to come up with a new nickname, because a proposed new rule from France's minister for energy and environment would ban lights in and around stores and other public buildings between 1am and 7am. The energy-saving ban, scheduled to take effect in July, would affect the...

Empire State Building Dazzles With New Lights

New, eco-friendly LED lights wow New Yorkers

(Newser) - In the wee hours of Thanksgiving morning, as most of New York slept, something big and bright lit up the Manhattan skyline for just seconds, a tightly held secret to all but a handful of people. It was a tiny test for the huge public surprise four days later: the...

US Will Be World's Top Oil Producer by 2020: Report

And green energy could surpass fossil fuels by 2035

(Newser) - Hello, energy independence: The US will become the world's top oil producer by 2020 and require almost no foreign energy by 2035, according to a new International Energy Agency report. The agency bases its daring prediction on the rise in output caused by new technologies like fracking, the LA ...

US CO2 Emissions Dive to 20-Year Low

Cheap natural gas has made a huge difference

(Newser) - America's carbon emissions have, amazingly, dropped to levels near where they would be in an alternate reality where President Al Gore signed the Kyoto Protocol. Emissions of the greenhouse gas are at their lowest in 20 years and government officials say the dramatic fall is thanks to cheap natural...

Air Conditioners Aren&#39;t Evil
 Air Conditioners Aren't Evil 

Air Conditioners Aren't Evil

Daniel Engber: So ease up on the 'hipster sanctimony'

(Newser) - Feel a twinge of guilt as you jack up the air conditioning? Daniel Engber at Slate would be happy to absolve you. He's tired of the holier-than-thou attitude of those (he calls them the "brrr-geoisie") who view A/C units as an evil symbol of modern society. They...

Fracking's Unlikely Beneficiary: India's Farmers

Tiny bean brings success to one of the world's poorest regions

(Newser) - Talk about a magic bean. Guar, a tiny, durable legume grown in Rajasthan, one of the poorest regions of India, has proven to be a moneymaker thanks to the fracking boom in the US. Indian farmers in the arid region who once grew the bean to help feed their families...

6 Things You Should Unplug to Cut Your Energy Bill

Weirdest entry on list: digital picture frames

(Newser) - You're probably spending $100 per year on energy costs for devices that are plugged in—even if they're switched off, an EPA spokesperson tells Mother Jones . She lists six of the worst offenders you should consider unplugging first if you want to save energy—and cash:
  • Cable boxes:

To Keep Eye on Its Oil, Iraq Buys US Drones

Unarmed drones will watch over Persian Gulf

(Newser) - Iraq is looking to America to help it monitor its oil interests—sort of. The country is buying unarmed surveillance drones from the US that will scour Iraq's Persian Gulf waters, which Iran has spoken of blockading in the past and which the majority of Iraq's oil exports...

Vermont First to Ban Fracking
 Vermont First to Ban Fracking 

Vermont First to Ban Fracking

...Not that there was any fracking going on

(Newser) - Vermont became the first state in the union to ban fracking yesterday, in what would be a landmark moment if any fracking were actually going on there. There was no drilling taking place in Vermont, no plans to drill, and no indication that there was even gas to drill for,...

Latest Global Warming Culprit: Wind Farms

Study finds air around wind farms 1.4 degrees warmer

(Newser) - From the damned-if-you-do department: A new study has found that wind farms, those environmentally friendly sources of clean, renewable energy, could be contributing to global warming, reports the Telegraph . The problem is that the giant propellers cause the air to circulate more. That means that during the night warmer air...

Gas Prices Level Off, May Have Peaked

High supply, falling demand will ease prices, say experts

(Newser) - Gas prices are holding steady at $3.92 a gallon, and that could be on the verge of coming down, reports USA Today . With a key benchmark falling to a two-month low yesterday and growing signs of a global economic slowdown, experts think pump prices will fall short of the...

Obama Slams ... Rutherford B. Hayes

He dissed the telephone, thought 'backward'

(Newser) - President Obama has never shied away from attacking his Republican predecessors, but this time he's really going back a ways. Obama roasted our 19th president, Rutherford B. Hayes, for his "backward" thinking, Politico reports. "President Rutherford B. Hayes reportedly said about the telephone: 'It’s a...

US Imports 1M Fewer Barrels of Oil Daily
 US Imports 1M Fewer 
 Barrels of Oil Daily 
new report

US Imports 1M Fewer Barrels of Oil Daily

White House report says we're closer to achieving energy security goals

(Newser) - The US is well on its way toward achieving President Obama's energy security goals as laid out a year ago, says an administration report out today. The White House is looking to cut oil imports by a third over the next decade, boost domestic oil and natural gas production,...

$4.25 a Gallon? Gas Prices Could Be Trouble for Obama

Republicans plan to make it a big issue

(Newser) - The AP is out with stats that will not be welcome news at the White House: Gas is at $3.53 a gallon, up 25 cents from Jan. 1. Worse, one forecast sees $4.25 a gallon by May. And as the New York Times reports, the GOP can't...

White House to Reject Keystone Pipeline

Obama won't issue permit, but company can reapply with alternate route

(Newser) - The White House will not allow the controversial Keystone XL pipeline to be built as is: The State Department is expected to make the announcement official this afternoon, but it's spreading the word in the meantime via anonymous sources in the big news outlets, including the Washington Post , Politico...

Please, US, Don&#39;t Blow It on Shale Gas

 Please, US, 
 Don't Blow It 
 on Shale Gas 
David Brooks

Please, US, Don't Blow It on Shale Gas

'Fracking' can be an energy revolution: David Brooks

(Newser) - David Brooks jumps on the the "fracking" bandwagon in a big way today, writing in the New York Times that "it would be a crime if we squandered this blessing." Fracking is the controversial method of extracting natural gas from shale. As Brooks sees it, the US...

Another US-Backed Energy Company Goes Bankrupt

Beacon Power adds to Obama administration's post-Solyndra woes

(Newser) - More potential trouble for the Obama administration: On the heels of Solyndra, another federally-backed power company has gone bankrupt. A year ago, Beacon Power received a $43 million loan guarantee from the Department of Energy, Reuters reports. The company drew down $39 million of that loan for a $69 million...

North Dakota Oil Drillers Waste Millions in Natural Gas

Enough to heat half a million homes is burned off every day

(Newser) - Gaze into North Dakota’s sky some night, and you might see flickering as flames light up the sky. That’s the sight of oil companies wasting staggering amounts of natural gas, the New York Times reports. The gas bubbles up alongside oil in the state’s Bakken shale field,...

Belarus Behind on Bills ... So Russia Cuts Its Power

Russia's power supply accounts for 10% of country's power

(Newser) - You know what happens when you don't pay your electricity bill. What happens when a country doesn't? Basically the same thing: Russia has cut electricity supplies to Belarus in half over unpaid bills, and may shut off supplies—which fulfill 10% of Belarus's needs—completely. Belarus is...

Pot Farms Eat Up 1% of Nation's Electricity

Smoking joint like leaving light on all day

(Newser) - Bad news for eco-conscious stoners: That joint you just smoked hurt the planet. Marijuana grown indoors accounts for 1% of America’s yearly electricity consumption, or $5 billion worth of energy, a study finds. That’s equivalent to the annual energy bills of 2 million homes. And in terms of...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>