Abraham Lincoln

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Now 100, Lincoln Penny Was First With 'Heads'

'Monarchical' fears long prevented use of presidents

(Newser) - As Honest Abe's 200th birthday approaches, his likeness in our pockets is often disregarded. But the 100-year-old Lincoln penny is actually an American artistic milestone: Its debut marked the first appearance of a real person on a US coin, the New York Times reports. After the nation’s birth, putting...

President Obama Takes Office
 President Obama Takes Office 

President Obama Takes Office

Chief justice swears in US' first black president

(Newser) - Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. In front of record crowds and with his hand on the Bible used by Abraham Lincoln, Obama took the oath of office from Chief Justice John Roberts. The new president swore: “I will faithfully execute the office of president...

Youth, Ambition Will Meet Over Lincoln's Bible

Roberts to swear in the man who voted against his confirmation

(Newser) - The first person to call Barack Obama “Mr President” will be John Roberts, appointed chief justice of the Supreme Court in 2005. Today marks the first inauguration for Roberts, who invited Obama to visit the Court last week; both are Harvard Law grads, ambitious men who attained the highest...

America Is Now Truly the Land of Lincoln: Durbin

Obama's election makes the dream of the Founding Fathers more real than ever

(Newser) - Abraham Lincoln's dream of extending the liberty set out by the Founding Fathers to all Americans comes one step closer to reality with Barack Obama's inauguration today, Sen. Dick Durbin writes in the Hill. Obama's election represents a “new summit” in America's long struggle to be "one nation,...

Speechwriter Obama Gets Competitive
Speechwriter Obama Gets Competitive

Speechwriter Obama Gets Competitive

Inaugural address pressure is on, but Lincoln may help

(Newser) - Barack Obama has nearly completed his inaugural address, and he's uniquely qualified to take on a seemingly insurmountable challenge: living up to the example set by the likes of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy. "I would think we would hear the most eloquent speech since JFK’s 48...

Inaugural Bibles: Past Presidential Picks

Lincoln provided the Bible, but Obama must turn to others for verse ideas

(Newser) - As Barack Obama prepares to take the oath of office Tuesday with his hand on the Lincoln Bible, the Wall Street Journal offers a sample of the Bibles other presidents have chosen—and the passages they've chosen to open them to. Eisenhower, Carter, and Bush Sr. took their oaths on...

Bush's Failures Show the Need for Pragmatic Prez

Like Hoover, Dubya stuck to his principles rather than compromise

(Newser) - What exactly made George W. Bush such a terrible president? His unwavering commitment to his principles, Alan Brinkley argues in the New Republic. Most Americans favor idealists over realists, in theory, so the criticism might seem strange. But the presidents we remember for their lofty goals and convictions—such as...

50 Ways to Improve Your 2009
 50 Ways to Improve Your 2009 

50 Ways to Improve Your 2009

Resolutions for your health, wealth and playful self

(Newser) - Just in case your pledge to exercise more didn’t satiate your need for self-improvement resolutions, US News and World Report offers 50 more ways to improve your life in 2009. Here are a few:
  • Pack up for Vermont: When it comes to healthy habits and community, the Green Mountain

Obama Will Take Oath on Lincoln Bible
Obama Will
Take Oath on Lincoln Bible

Obama Will Take Oath on Lincoln Bible

President-elect the first to use volume since Abe himself

(Newser) - On January 20, Barack Obama will place his hand on the same Bible Abraham Lincoln used during his 1861 swearing-in, Politico reports. Obama will be the first president to use the tome since Lincoln. Though it’s not constitutionally required, “Presidents have traditionally used Bibles for the ceremony, choosing...

Anti-Abe Views Resonate in Dixie

(Newser) - The bicentennial of Lincoln's birth will be celebrated Feb. 12, so expect endless tributes to the president beloved by ordinary citizens and historians alike. Unless, of course, you're south of the Mason-Dixon line, where anti-Lincoln views "aren't particularly radical," writes Alex Beam of the Boston Globe. Lincoln is...

Obama Will Train It to Inaugural
 Obama Will Train It to Inaugural 

Obama Will Train It to Inaugural

Train journey from Philadelphia to capital via Baltimore echoes Lincoln's historic ride

(Newser) - Barack Obama will follow in Abraham Lincoln's tracks by taking a train to Washington for his inauguration, the New York Daily News reports. The president-elect plans to set off from Philadelphia on January 17, stopping in Wilmington—where Joe Biden will hop aboard—and Baltimore before entering the capital by...

Need a Job? Write a Book About Lincoln
Need a Job? Write a Book About Lincoln

Need a Job? Write a Book About Lincoln

Honest Abe titles keep coming despite economic bust

(Newser) - Looking for a recession-proof job? Write a book about Abraham Lincoln, Joe Queenan advises in the Los Angeles Times. There are some 15,000 books about Lincoln already, and 50 more coming out next year. “As the very title Lincoln at Peoria suggests, there is literally no Lincoln-related subject...

$621M Hill Visitor Center Opens

Building will accommodate tourists visiting Capitol

(Newser) - Congressional leaders spoke today at the opening of the Capitol Visitor Center, the Hill reports. The center, which was heavily delayed throughout its 6 years construction and cost a well-over-budget $621 million, will be the first stop for visitors to the Capitol, who previously had to wait in long lines...

You'll Need FDR's Optimism to Save Us, Obama
You'll Need FDR's Optimism to Save Us, Obama

You'll Need FDR's Optimism to Save Us, Obama

Obama needs to emulate Roosevelt's optimism in the face of deep crisis

(Newser) - Barack Obama keeps saying he wants to emulate Abraham Lincoln but he’s lucky that he more closely resembles Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Cohen writes in the Washington Post. Lincoln faced the massive challenge of reuniting the Union but knew just how to do it, while FDR, like Obama, confronted...

History of Lincoln Inspires Obama's 'Team of Rivals'

Doris Kearns Goodwin's tome provides unexpected insight into next administration

(Newser) - “Team of rivals” is the post-campaign buzzphrase, Graeme Allister writes in the Guardian, replacing the lipsticked pigs and pitbulls. The term refers to Barack Obama’s strategy of filling Cabinet positions with Republicans and political enemies (ie, Hillary Clinton), and comes from a 2005 book by Doris Kearns Goodwin...

Dowd: Bring in Obama's Cleaning Crew
 Dowd: Bring in 
 Obama's Cleaning Crew 

Dowd: Bring in Obama's Cleaning Crew

Obama can restore the capital's brilliance, writes Times columnist

(Newser) - For Maureen Dowd, the election of Barack Obama means more than just an end to the Bush years; it's a chance for Washington itself to regain its moral standing. Outside the White House on election night—"there was no U-Haul in the driveway"—the New York Times columnist...

The Real Father of the Modern Presidency

Not George or Abe, but Andy Jackson started today's political culture

(Newser) - Most people probably remember Andrew Jackson as an Indian-fighter, if at all, but Abraham Lincoln looked to him for inspiration, and so should we, writes Jon Meacham in Newsweek. Jackson had a hand in making America what it is, for better and for worse—the legacy of this uneducated orphan...

Mudslingers Today No Match for Jefferson
Mudslingers Today No Match for Jefferson

Mudslingers Today No Match for Jefferson

Dirty campaigning has always been a feature of American democracy

(Newser) - The 2008 presidential race is getting rough, but the combatants look well-mannered compared to mudslingers of the 19th century. Thomas Jefferson was called an “infidel” and an “unbeliever,” while John Adams was accused of possessing a “hideous hermaphroditical character.” Although “everybody always assumes there...

Lincoln Penny Gets a Redesign
 Lincoln Penny Gets a Redesign 

Lincoln Penny Gets a Redesign

Commemorative issue marks Lincoln's 200th birthday, and the coin's 100th

(Newser) - The US Mint today unveiled four new designs that will adorn the back of the Lincoln penny next year to commemorate the bicentennial of Honest Abe’s birth, CNNMoney reports. The classic portrait of the 16th president will remain on the heads side. The reverse will depict scenes from Lincoln’...

Abe Lincoln Artifacts May Stay in Indiana

State group a finalist to take control of Fort Wayne collection

(Newser) - A prized collection of Abraham Lincoln artifacts and memorabilia may not leave his boyhood home of Indiana after all. A coalition of state groups, including the Allen County Public Library and the Indiana State Museum, is one of the three finalists to take control of the collection housed by the...

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