Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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Clinton Walks Back Remarks on Sanders

'On a good day, my wife likes me,' he jokes

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has walked back her explosive remarks on former rival Bernie Sanders, clarifying that if the choice is between him and President Trump in November, she will support the Democratic nominee. Clinton faced a backlash Tuesday after she confirmed she had said "nobody likes" Sanders and wouldn't...

Hillary's Bombshell on Bernie: 'Nobody Likes Him'

Clinton's 'Hollywood Reporter' interview offers a scathing rebuke; plus, Sanders says sorry to Biden

(Newser) - If you were wondering why the hashtag #NobodyLikesHim was trending on Twitter on Tuesday, it's because the Hollywood Reporter dropped a big election-tied bomb. In a chat to promote the upcoming Hulu documentary Hillary, Hillary Clinton was asked to confirm that she said the following in the film about...

Belfast University's Next Chancellor: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton will be the first woman with the title

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has accepted a five-year posting as chancellor of Queen's University in Belfast. The job involves advising management and presiding over graduation, the BBC reports. Mostly, though, the former secretary of state will act as an ambassador for the Northern Ireland school. Clinton will be the first woman...

8 Accused of Conspiracy Around Clinton Donations

Lebanese-American businessman George Nader is back in the news

(Newser) - The Justice Department on Tuesday charged eight people—including a prominent political donor to both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and a Lebanese-American businessman who was a witness in Robert Mueller’s investigation—with conspiring to conceal the source of more than $3.5 million in donations to Clinton, the...

Clinton: I'm Under 'Enormous Pressure' to Run

She says 'many, many people' want her to consider it

(Newser) - With the deadline to register for the New Hampshire primary just a few days away, Hillary Clinton still isn't ruling out a 2020 White House run. "I, as I say, never, never, never say never," she told the BBC Tuesday when asked if she was considering a...

Why Clinton Wants to Give Meghan Markle a Hug

Former first lady says the Duchess of Sussex has been subjected to racist treatment

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is no stranger to negative media portrayals, and since getting involved with Prince Harry, neither is Meghan Markle. In a BBC interview this week, Clinton said she'd like to offer some encouragement to Markle, now the Duchess of Sussex. "She is an amazing young woman, she...

Tulsi Gabbard's Lawyers to Clinton: Take It Back

They want Clinton to retract her comments about the 2020 candidate

(Newser) - The Tulsi Gabbard-Hillary Clinton beef now includes lawyers. Attorneys for the 2020 hopeful on Monday sent a letter to Clinton demanding that she "immediately" retract her "defamatory" comments on Gabbard; they want a verbal retraction, as well as one posted to Twitter, reports the Hill . The comments in...

Presidents and Family Mourn a 'Fierce Champion'

Obama, Clintons honor the life of Elijah Cummings

(Newser) - Rep. Elijah Cummings was eulogized as a leader with the fiery moral conviction of an Old Testament prophet Friday at a funeral that brought former presidents and ordinary people alike to the Baltimore church where the congressman worshipped for four decades. "Our Elijah was a fierce champion of truth,...

He 'Bundled' for Obama, Hillary. Then He Gave $900K to Trump

Prolific political fundraiser Imaad Zuberi to plead guilty to tax evasion, hiding work as foreign agent

(Newser) - A prolific political fundraiser who raised millions of dollars for Democrats before donating large sums to President Trump's inaugural committee has agreed to plead guilty to multiple federal charges, including tax evasion and concealing his work as a foreign agent as he lobbied high-level US government officials, the Justice...

People Are Chattering About Clinton 2020

Though the 'NYT' sees the chances as 'remote'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is not running in 2020. Right? She's said so herself . And yet the influential Drudge Report on Tuesday has a lead headline trumpeting, "Dem Halloween: Hillary Leaves Door Open." The headline links to the American Mirror , which has a story about what Clinton didn't ...

Clinton Tweets Parody of Trump's Turkey Letter

Get your missiles out of Cuba. Everybody will say, 'Yay, Khrushchev! You're the best!'

(Newser) - In a move President Trump is likely to have a few things to say about, Hillary Clinton poked fun at his heavily criticized letter to his Turkish counterpart in a tweet Sunday. Writing "From the archives," she shared a letter that parodied Trump's tone in the letter...

Clinton Emails: Violations, but No 'Deliberate Mishandling'

State Department wraps up 3-year investigation

(Newser) - A three-year-long internal State Department probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server has wrapped up, and dozens may be facing disciplinary action, though, per the AP , the investigation found "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information." According to a report submitted...

Clinton-Gabbard Feud Is Now in Full Swing

Hawaii congresswoman calls Clinton 'queen of the warmongers' after Clinton insinuations

(Newser) - It's the presidential primary fight no one really expected: Hillary Clinton versus one of the lowest-polling Dems in the race. In a podcast appearance this week, the former secretary of state took a swing at who most people agree was Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, saying that the Russians had...

Hillary Clinton Joins Critics of Tulsi Gabbard

She implies congresswoman would have Russian backing as a third-party candidate

(Newser) - At this week's Democratic debate, Tulsi Gabbard called out "despicable" reports in the media suggesting that she's a favorite of the Russians. Now it appears that Hillary Clinton is joining the Gabbard critics. In an appearance on the David Plouffe podcast Campaign HQ, Clinton suggested that the...

Hillary Issues Tantalizing Tweet in Tiff With Trump

The former Secretary of State suggests anything is possible in 2020

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton isn't running in 2020—positively, definitely, for sure—except for a tantalizing tweet posted Wednesday on her Twitter account, CNN reports. After President Trump urged her to join the Democratic fray, Clinton responded: "Don't tempt me. Do your job." And while talking to Judy...

Hillary Clinton's Answer to GMA Question Stuns Chelsea

Staying in marriage to Bill is 'gutsiest' thing she's ever done, ex-secretary of state reveals

(Newser) - Hillary and Chelsea Clinton appeared on Good Morning America Tuesday to promote their new book, The Book of Gutsy Women , and host Amy Robach wrapped up the interview with a question playing on the book's title, per Politico and CNN . "Can I ask you, what's the gutsiest...

Clinton Visits Art Exhibit Focused on Her Emails, Reads Them

Former presidential candidate spends an hour with the now-infamous messages

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's controversial emails are the subject of a new art exhibit , and none other than Clinton herself spent an hour at the exhibit reading them Tuesday. HILLARY: The Hillary Clinton Emails, by artist and poet Kenneth Goldsmith, features all the emails that WikiLeaks reported were sent from the...

Clinton Fires Back After Trump Shares 2016 Election Theory

He blames Google for 2016 popular vote loss

(Newser) - Losing the popular vote in 2016 apparently still stings for President Trump, who repeated a claim Monday that undecided voters ended up choosing Hillary Clinton because of search engine bias. "Wow, Report Just Out! Google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016...

She&#39;s the Most Admired Woman in the World
10 Most Admired
Men, Women in World

10 Most Admired Men, Women in World

Michelle Obama and Bill Gates lead their respective lists

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is not only the most admired woman in America , but also in the world, according to new poll. Market research firm YouGov asked 42,000 people in 41 countries to name the men and women they most look up to, and Obama's name came up a lot,...

Hillary Clinton&#39;s Brother Is Dead
Hillary Clinton:
'We Lost My

Hillary Clinton: 'We Lost My Brother'

Tony Rodham apparently died on Friday

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's younger brother is gone, CNN reports. The 2016 presidential candidate tweeted Saturday that Tony Rodham, 65, had died the night before. "We lost my brother Tony last night," she wrote. "It's hard to find words, my mind is flooded with memories of him...

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