Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama Winning Among Veterans

 Obama Winning Among Veterans 
Poll Numbers

Obama Winning Among Veterans

Most believe Iraq war was unsuccessful

(Newser) - After a decade of war, America's troops aren't feeling very war-like. President Obama currently leads Mitt Romney among veterans who have served since the Gulf War by seven points—a wider lead than he has among the general populace—according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll , and many say...

It&#39;s Over Between Oprah, Michelle
 It's Over Between 
 Oprah, Michelle 

claims book

It's Over Between Oprah, Michelle

Winfrey-Obama relationship breaks down, Edward Klein alleges

(Newser) - BFFs no more? A new, unauthorized, and contentious Barack Obama biography alleges that the relationship between Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey has been deteriorating ever since the early days of Obama’s presidency, the Telegraph reports. According to The Amateur, by former New York Times Magazine editor Edward Klein, Obama...

Obama&#39;s Mother Shaped His &#39;Essence&#39;
 Obama's Mother 
 Shaped His 'Essence' 

Obama's Mother Shaped His 'Essence'

He is his mother's son: David Maraniss

(Newser) - Barack Obama titled his memoir Dreams From My Father, but "Dreams From My Mother better evokes his story," writes Washington Post editor and Obama biographer David Maraniss. The president is very much a reflection of his mom, the Kansas-born Stanley Ann Dunham who married a Kenyan and later...

Right Argues Obama Was a Bully, Too!

Conservative commentators focus on passage from Dreams From My Father

(Newser) - Mitt Romney isn't the only one with a history of bullying . In response to the Washington Post piece about a forcible haircut Romney allegedly gave a student, conservative media outlets yesterday called attention to a passage from Obama's 1995 book Dreams From My Father in which a middle-school...

Bill Wants Hillary to Take On 'Amateur' Obama: Book

Clintons denounce author Edward Klein as a 'known liar'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton considers Barack Obama such an "incompetent" president that he begged Hillary last summer to quit the State Department and run against him in 2012—or at least, that's the story a new, unauthorized Obama biography is telling. "Barack Obama is an amateur," Clinton is...

Thousands Demand Dems Yank DNC From N. Carolina
Thousands Demand Dems Yank DNC From N. Carolina

Thousands Demand Dems Yank DNC From N. Carolina

Gay marriage vote prompts outrage

(Newser) - Thousands of angry progressives are demanding the DNC pull the Democratic National Convention out of Charlotte in protest of North Carolina's vote to amend its constitution to ban same-sex marriage. A petition advocating the move has already drawn more than 27,000 signatures, and the same sentiment...

Obama Has a Gay-Marriage Headache in 7 States

Decision could cause problems during election in key states

(Newser) - President Obama’s official embrace of gay marriage will certainly energize some of his supporters, but it’s also sure to give him grief in these seven states, as rounded up by Politico :
  • North Carolina: As evidenced by the recently-passed constitutional amendment banning it, gay marriage is not very popular

10 Facts About That Imprisoned Candidate

Keith Judd is a big fan of Nixon

(Newser) - The imprisoned felon who challenged President Obama for the Democratic nomination in West Virginia's primary and won an impressive 40% of the vote remains the bizarre political story of the day. Politico rounds up 10 facts about the locked-up candidate, Keith Judd, including:

GOP Newsletter: 'Armed Revolution' if Obama Wins

Greene County Republican Committee editor writes controversial column

(Newser) - If President Obama wins re-election, Virginia’s Greene County Republican Committee—or at least one of its members—expects an “armed revolution.” The group’s March newsletter included a column from the editor, Ponch McPhee, in which he writes that Obama is an "ideologue unlike anything world...

Jon Lovitz Doubles Down on Obama-Bashing

'He's creating a false class warfare,' says comedian

(Newser) - Last night on Piers Morgan’s show, Jon Lovitz made it clear he has no intention of backing down from his recent rant against President Obama . “Yes, I did mean what I said,” said Lovitz, referring to his comments that Obama’s claim that “the rich don'...

Obama Friendship Sunk Lugar
 Obama Friendship Sunk Lugar 

Obama Friendship Sunk Lugar

Collegiality was one of legendary senator's greatest strengths

(Newser) - Dick Lugar's legendary Senate career came crashing to an end last night, and NPR laments that he was ironically "undone by his greatest strength." There were many reasons Tea Partier Richard Mourdock prevailed—Lugar is 80, ran a bad campaign, and was attacked for not owning a...

Bill to Lower Student Loan Rates Fails in Senate

GOP blocks measure; parties can't agree how to pay for it

(Newser) - Hope your federal student loans are paid off, kids, because Washington appears deadlocked over legislation that would prevent their rates from doubling this July. A Senate bill to do so failed in a 52-45 vote along party lines today, failing to get the 60 votes needed to avoid a filibuster,...

Obama to Congress: Here's Your 'To-Do List'

Items include bringing jobs back to US, tax credits for small business

(Newser) - Because Congress loves being bossed around like nothing else, President Obama will today unveil a "to-do list" of priorities, which have historically had bipartisan support, and which he says will "help restore middle class security." "At this make-or-break moment for the middle class, we need to...

Docs to Obama: Enough With the Burgers, Dogs

Physicians group wants president to stop unhealthy photo ops

(Newser) - Part of being president is being photographed chowing down on burgers and hot dogs, but a group of DC doctors thinks President Obama needs to put a stop to the practice. “The White House would never set up a photo op of a president with a cigarette, so why...

Voters Really Like Obama— but Romney's Dead Even

Obama, Romney dead even in new poll

(Newser) - Americans really like Barack Obama—they're just not sure they'll vote for him. In a new Politico/George Washington University poll , a whopping 70% say they approve of Obama personally, and 56% approve strongly. That's compared to only 29% who strongly approve of Romney. But when it came...

What the Heck Are We Doing in Afghanistan?
 What the Heck Are We 
 Doing in Afghanistan? 
Eugene Robinson

What the Heck Are We Doing in Afghanistan?

Eugene Robinson says Obama's strategy is incoherent

(Newser) - "Show of hands: Does anybody really understand the US policy in Afghanistan?" asks Eugene Robinson in his Washington Post column today. Because he sure doesn't, even after hearing Obama's speech from the war zone earlier this week. His big question: Why are we still there? We've...

RNC Slogan Tweaks Obama: 'Hype and Blame'

He's not the candidate of 'Hope and Change' argue Republicans

(Newser) - Hope and Change? Try "Hype and Blame." That's the message from the RNC, which unveiled its not-quite-rhyming variation on President Obama's 2008 slogan today. Going forward, both the RNC and the Romney campaign will start using the slogan (and selling $10 bumper stickers emblazoned with it),...

Mitt Romney Mocks Obama's New Slogan

Forward ... over a cliff, ha, ha!

(Newser) - President Obama got his Mitt Romney zinger in on Saturday night, and the GOP candidate returned the favor last night, reports ABC News . At a $2,500-and-up-a-head fundraiser at a Ritz-Carlton just outside DC, Romney tweaked Obama's new slogan, "Forward," saying "it's like, forward, what,...

Ex-Girlfriends' Letters Recall Younger Obama

Vanity Fair excerpts new biography

(Newser) - President Obama must be just thrilled his old girlfriends kept their letters. Vanity Fair today publishes an excerpt of Barack Obama: The Story, a biography written by Washington Post reporter David Mariniss. The excerpt focuses on the 20-something Obama's relationships with Alex McNear and, later, Genevieve Cook, when he...

Obama on bin Laden: No High-Fives, but &#39;Satisfaction&#39;
Obama on bin Laden Death:
I Didn't Do a High-Five

Obama on bin Laden Death: I Didn't Do a High-Five

Obama gives detailed interview about the terrorist leader's demise

(Newser) - It's the first anniversary of the US raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and MSNBC today released a series of interviews Brian Williams conducted with President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other top-ranking officials detailing their preparation for and reaction to the raid. "Ultimately, it was a 50/50 proposition...

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