Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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The Gloves Come Off Now That Romney's Clinched

Planned Parenthood goes after Mitt, Mitt goes after Solyndra

(Newser) - Now that Mitt Romney has officially clinched the Republican presidential nomination, the fight is on. An update on the lines of attack being launched now that we know for sure it's Obama vs. Romney:
  • The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is targeting Romney with one of its biggest political ad

Top Astrologers: Obama Will Win

 Top Astrologers: 
 Obama Will Win 

Top Astrologers: Obama Will Win

United Astrology Conference panel is unanimous in prediction

(Newser) - A panel of renowned astrologers unanimously predicts that President Obama will be re-elected this fall—and before you scoff, the same panel also predicted his win in 2008. The presidential election prediction is the final event—and the highlight—of the United Astrology Conference, the world's largest astrology gathering...

Obama: The Man Holding the &#39;Kill List&#39;

 Obama: The Man 
 Holding the 
 'Kill List' 
'NYT' Report

Obama: The Man Holding the 'Kill List'

'New York Times' dives into president's counterterrorism approach

(Newser) - The New York Times is running what is undoubtedly today's biggest talker—in terms of both length and heft. The paper interviewed three dozen current and past Obama advisers in an attempt to define the president's counterterrorism approach—a topic it describes using words such as baffling, confounding,...

Obama Honors Fallen Troops at Arlington

Lays wreath at Tomb of the Unknowns

(Newser) - President Barack Obama paid tribute today to the men and women who have died defending America, saying the country must strive "to be a nation worthy of your sacrifice." He said the war in Iraq has ended after nine years and is "winding down" in Afghanistan. But...

This Man Makes More Than You Would in 3.5K Years
 This Man Makes 
 More Than You 
 Would in 3.5K Years

This Man Makes More Than You Would in 3.5K Years

David Simon's 2011 pay package worth more than $137M

(Newser) - You might want to wait to read this until you're somewhere it's OK to scream: It would take the average American worker 3,489 years to make as much money as one top CEO took home in just one year. David Simon of shopping mall developer Simon Property...

Charlotte Looking Like Worse and Worse DNC Pick

It's home to Bank of America and a high unemployment rate

(Newser) - The Democratic National Convention could be meeting on enemy territory come September. The state that flipped for Barack Obama last election, making him the first Democratic presidential candidate to win the state in more than 30 years, is increasingly at odds with the White House. North Carolina just banned gay...

Obama Barely Ekes Out Wins in Arkansas, Kentucky

Nabs 60% of the vote or less in latest primaries

(Newser) - He's already clinched the Democratic nomination, but President Obama's performance in last night's primaries wasn't exactly definitive: In Arkansas, he was opposed by a Tennessee lawyer who claimed 40% of the vote to Obama's 60%; in Kentucky, Obama won almost 58% of the vote but...

Is America Over Cars?
 Is America Over Cars? 

Is America Over Cars?

Charles Lane points out a surprising trend: Americans are driving less

(Newser) - When gas prices spiked in April, Americans reacted in a logical, yet surprising way: They drove less. It's a sign, writes Charles Lane of the Washington Post , that America's love affair with the car is on the rocks. Getting a license, for instance, isn't the "rite...

Notre Dame Sues Over Obama Birth Control Mandate

Nation's most prominent Roman Catholic school says it violates constitution

(Newser) - More trouble for the Obama administration's mandate requiring most employers to cover birth control: Now the University of Notre Dame is suing, the AP reports, claiming that the mandate violates religious freedom. Observers had been waiting to see what step Notre Dame would take as the US' most prominent...

Obama Traps Himself With Gay-Marriage &#39;Contradiction&#39;
Obama Traps Himself With Gay-Marriage 'Contradiction'
charles krauthammer

Obama Traps Himself With Gay-Marriage 'Contradiction'

Charles Krauthammer: If it's a civil right, how can he let states deny it?

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer sees a "howling contradiction" in President Obama's new position on gay marriage. It's one thing to have "empathy" for the cause, he writes in the Washington Post , to feel badly for gay friends and acquaintances who can't legally marry. It's quite another...

Gingrich: Bain Attack Won't Work, I Tried

Newt hits the campaign trail on Romney's behalf ... with advice for Obama

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has some advice for president Obama: Don't attack Mitt Romney on his Bain Capital record. Gingrich, of course, aggressively did just that, with the pro-Newt super PAC creating an entire Bain-bashing documentary . But Gingrich's failure should be a clear sign that "that dog won't...

GOP Rep: At Heart, Obama's 'Not an American'

Mike Coffman already backpedaling after bringing up birther issue

(Newser) - Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado is already backpedaling furiously after being caught on tape bringing up President Obama's citizenship and questioning his patriotism. "I don't know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don't know that," Coffman said at a...

Super PAC: We'll Hammer Obama With Jeremiah Wright

Plan to hit him where McCain pulled back

(Newser) - Top Republican strategists have devised a plan to "do exactly what John McCain would not let us do" and bombard the public with incendiary Jeremiah Wright soundbites just in time for the Democratic National Convention in September. The plan was commissioned by Chicago Cubs owner Joe Ricketts, who would...

Obama Writes Himself Into Presidents' Bios

White House slips its accomplishments into bios, conservatives guffaw

(Newser) - History is written by the winners, and in this case by the winner of the 2008 presidential election: Take a gander at almost any presidential biography on from Calvin Coolidge on up, and you'll find a "Did You Know?" section that somehow, some way, links their...

Obama's April Fundraising Falls by $10M

But Jim Messina touts number of first-time, small donors

(Newser) - Barack Obama's fundraising took a major hit in April, with his campaign and affiliated Democratic groups raising just $43.6 million—down from $53 million last month , according to Reuters . But in a video announcing the results, campaign manager Jim Messina put a brave face on things, noting that...

Obama Has an &#39;ESPN Masculinity&#39;

 Obama Has an 
 'ESPN Masculinity' 
David Brooks

Obama Has an 'ESPN Masculinity'

That explains why he's doing so well in spite of everything: David Brooks

(Newser) - Why is the race between President Obama and Mitt Romney so close? In the New York Times , David Brooks cites a number of polls that seem to indicate Obama shouldn’t even be in the game: Americans have little faith in the economy, the country is shifting to the right,...

Obama 2012 Makes Donors Ditch Phones at Fundraisers

Cell phones confiscated in strange practice

(Newser) - President Obama’s re-election campaign is asking donors to not only open their wallets, but fork over their cell phones before entering small fundraisers, a practice that veterans of other campaigns find very odd. The practice of turning over cell phones is common in secure spaces where state secrets would...

Obama Isn&#39;t Our 1st Gay President

 Obama Isn't Our 
 1st Gay President 

Obama Isn't Our 1st Gay President

That honor goes to James Buchanan: Jim Loewen

(Newser) - Tina Brown would like you to think that our 44th commander in chief is the "First Gay President." Jim Loewen would like you to know that title actually belongs to our country's 15th leader, James Buchanan. After taking a moment to smack Newsweek for the "cheap...

Obama Blissfully Unaware of Jessica Simpson&#39;s Baby
Obama Blissfully Unaware
of Jessica Simpson's Baby
'view' appearance

Obama Blissfully Unaware of Jessica Simpson's Baby

But he does know all about Kim Kardashian's marriage

(Newser) - If you feel like you can’t leave your house without hearing about Jessica Simpson’s new baby, perhaps you just need to run for president of the United States. President Obama, appearing on The View today, was given a pop quiz on pop culture—and he revealed that he...

Obama&#39;s Our First Woman President
 Obama's Our First 
 Woman President 
Dana Milbank

Obama's Our First Woman President

Dana Milbank thinks Obama's taking the pandering just a bit too far

(Newser) - Good news, Barack Obama. You may not be the first black president (that would be Bill Clinton), but you are the first gay one , and apparently the first woman, too. That's how Dana Milbank of the Washington Post is interpreting yesterday's schedule. Eager to exploit his advantage over...

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