cell phones

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Bluetooth to Combine With Wi-Fi
Bluetooth to Combine With Wi-Fi

Bluetooth to Combine With Wi-Fi

Products for speedy data transfer could be available next year

(Newser) - Bluetooth companies plan to combine the technology with Wi-Fi to increase speed, an industry group said. The combination could facilitate the speedy transfer of large amounts of data—like music, pictures, or video—between devices, like your laptop and cellphone. The first products with the combined technology should be available...

Apple Boosts Memory on Hot Gadgets
Apple Boosts Memory on
Hot Gadgets

Apple Boosts Memory on Hot Gadgets

16GB iPhone, 32GB iPod cost $100 more, allow movie rentals

(Newser) - Apple released new iPhone and iPod Touch models today that cost $100 more than their predecessors and have double the memory. The new iPhone boasts 16GB of memory, and the new iPod Touch has 32GB; each costs $499. "For some users, there's never enough memory," an Apple VP...

Company Yanks Online Cell Directory

90 million numbers taken offline after consumers freaked out

(Newser) - Data company Intelius scoured business records and other sources and managed to compile around half the cellphone numbers in America, MSNBC reports. When it put those 90 million numbers online, available to anybody paying a $15 fee, people were outraged. Consumers were shocked to find their private cellphone numbers were...

Porn Moves Toward Bold, Tiny New Era

Adult entertainment, already huge overseas, aims for US cellphones

(Newser) - Porn is setting its sights on the small screen—the really small screen. As both mobile phone screens and internet capabilities expand, pornographers see American opportunity in a trend that's already sweeping Europe, Reuters reports. “It will be impossible to stop the adult business exploitation of mobile entertainment,”...

Motorola May Sell Ailing Cell Phone Division

Company struggling against smart phone competition

(Newser) - Motorola, battered by more innovative competitors in the cell phone industry, is considering spinning off or selling its flagship mobile phone division to concentrate on other parts of its business. Motorola, which once rocked the industry with its innovative StarTAC flip phone and the ultra-slim Razr, now plans to refocus...

Cell Phone Can Read to the Blind
Cell Phone
Can Read
to the Blind

Cell Phone Can Read to the Blind

4-ounce, $2K talking device is smallest reader ever made

(Newser) - A new cell phone can read aloud to people with impaired vision—and at 4 ounces, it's the smallest such device ever made, NPR reports. The $2,000 phone can help with the myriad daily tasks that seeing people take for granted, like identifying a $20 bill. "All you...

AT&amp;T and Yahoo Forge Alliance
AT&T and Yahoo Forge Alliance

AT&T and Yahoo Forge Alliance

Yahoo nets AT&T's subscribers in search and ad deal

(Newser) - Yahoo and AT&T announced a new alliance today in which Yahoo will provide search and advertising on AT&T’s mobile phones, the San Jose Mercury News reports. AT&T in turn will get their att.net web portal redesigned by Yahoo, through which their customers will get access...

Verizon Q4 Profits Ride Wireless Gains

Cell phones, Internet continue to shine as landlines decline

(Newser) - Verizon Communications, riding a wave of wireless and Internet growth, yesterday announced net income rose to $1.07 billion for the fourth quarter, up nearly 4% from $1.03 billion a year ago, reports the New York Times. Verizon Wireless, second to AT&T in the US, added some 2...

Porn Photos of High School Students Travel Far by Phone

Pa. community reels from cyber-exposure

(Newser) - Pornographic cell phone pictures of students have been spreading like wildfire at and beyond Pennsylvania’s Parkland High School, the Morning Call reports. The images, two separate pictures of undressed girls and another of a couple making love, have apparently circulated widely. ''My boyfriend, who's not even in high school...

Cell Phone Novels Take Japan by Storm

Audience, sales huge for works written, read on handsets

(Newser) - Japan’s literary world has been rocked by the ascendancy of cell phone novels: serial works written mainly by young women on their phone keypads. The New York Times reports five of 2007’s 10 bestsellers were cell phone novels reprinted as conventional books—despite the fact that the country’...

Cell Phone Radiation Disrupts Sleep

Calls interfere with deep sleep, can cause confusion, study finds

(Newser) - Researchers have found that radiation from cell phones can cause sleep loss, headaches, and confusion, the Independent reports. Mobile phone manufacturers were quick to downplay the results of the new study—which they themselves funded—but sleep experts say the research backs up previous studies, and they're calling for a...

Shopping's Future Is High-Tech
Shopping's Future Is High-Tech

Shopping's Future Is High-Tech

Retailers urged to adopt new technologies

(Newser) - Retailers need to go higher tech, adapting to cell phone use and virtual world shopping, said speakers at the National Retail Federation's annual conference this week, Reuters reports. One speaker noted that high-tech shopping is already reality in Asia, where Koreans buy McDonald’s by phone (it rings when their...

Recyclers Turn Discarded Cellphones into 'Green Gold'

Waste from old electronics can pose a threat, or turn a profit

(Newser) - With a smelter burning at more than 2,100 degrees, Belgian recycler Umicore turns tons of e-waste - discarded cellphones, computers and televisions - into “green gold,” extracting precious metals in a process that, while not environmentaly pure is, in Greenpeace’s eyes, preferable to burying the waste...

LG Develops Way to Send TV to Cell Phones

Technology needs only inexpensive upgrades

(Newser) - LG has developed a new, low-cost means of wirelessly transmitting digital television signals to portable devices such as mobile phones, the Wall Street Journal reports. The new technology, called “MPH"—short for mobile-portable-handheld—requires an inexpensive augmentation to TV broadcasting equipment, and new receiver chips in future portable...

Verizon Sues Alltel Over Guinea Pig Ad

Wireless giant says claims made in commercial are untrue

(Newser) - Verizon Wireless is suing rival Alltel for false advertising over a television commercial featuring a vicious guinea pig, the Register reports. In the ad, a caged rodent named Alice is compared to Verizon customers who lack the freedom to change calling plans without extending their contracts. Released from her cage,...

New Year's SMS Jam Sends Bad Message

Experts worry about network overloads in future crises

(Newser) - When the ball dropped to usher in 2008 so many people texted New Year's tidings that mobile networks jammed, the AP reports. Sadly, this is nothing new: Bounced missives in the midst of disasters like 9/11, the '03 blackout, and Katrina can be life and death matters. But full backup...

Al-Qaeda Launches Cell Phone Videos

Group targets wide audience with dubbed, subtitled clips

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda has released videos that can be downloaded and viewed on cell phones, the AP reports. The terrorist group launched eight video messages from Osama bin Laden and No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri, all available thanks to al-Qaeda's media branch, al-Sahab. The videos feature subtitles in English and dubbing in other...

Cell Talkers Clogging Up Highways
Cell Talkers Clogging Up Highways

Cell Talkers Clogging Up Highways

Even those with hands-free devices slow driving conditions, study says

(Newser) - In addition to being distracted and erratic, drivers using cell phones also slow traffic, a study confirms. Using a simulator with virtual traffic scenes, researchers discovered that drivers using mobile phones—even ones with hands-free devices—go more slowly on highways and pass sluggish drivers less frequently. "That SOB...

Cell Phone Ads Slowed by Privacy Worries

Carriers love targeted marketing, but are afraid to tick you off

(Newser) - With the mobile Internet and GPS location-based services expanding, marketers and mobile phone companies are anxious to tap into a new level of targeted advertising. But, the AP reports, carriers are proceeding with caution in implementing the ads because they don’t want the perception of a privacy invasion to...

Cell Tower Company Sues Impostor CEO
Cell Tower Company Sues Impostor CEO

Cell Tower Company Sues Impostor CEO

Rival founder accused of impersonating executive online

(Newser) - Cellular infrastructure company American Tower Corp has sued Jide Zeitlin, the founder of one of its direct competitors, accusing him of impersonating its chief executive through an email sent to investors. Zeitlin allegedly provided Money magazine with negative reports regarding American Tower, later forwarding the published article online with the...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>