mail-in voting

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Voting in the 2020 Election Has Officially Begun

NC has started sending out mail-in ballots

(Newser) - Mail balloting was set to begin Friday in the presidential election as North Carolina starts sending out more than 600,000 ballots to voters—responding to a massive spike in requests that has played out across the country as voters look for a safer way to cast ballots during the...

Press Chief: Trump Isn't Advocating 'Anything Unlawful'

Kayleigh McEnany says president doesn't want people to vote twice

(Newser) - The White House is pushing back against the allegation that President Trump is encouraging people to break the law by voting twice. "The president is not suggesting anyone do anything unlawful," press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Fox News Thursday, per Mediaite . "What he said very clearly...

Trump: To Test Absentee System, Try to Vote Twice

President was asked about North Carolina's absentee system

(Newser) - When asked by North Carolina news station WECT whether he was confident in the state's absentee voting system, President Trump on Wednesday appeared to suggest that, in order to test said system, voters should attempt to vote twice and see how it goes. His answer:
  • "Well, they'll

What Looks Like a Landslide May End Up Being a 'Mirage'

Analytics firm says Trump could have big lead at first, then lose when mail ballots are counted

(Newser) - President Trump might well have a huge lead over Joe Biden when election night 2020 comes to a close, but that doesn't mean he'll win. A Democratic analytics firm warns Axios of what it calls a "red mirage" on Nov. 3. The issue is that most Republicans...

Trump: My Worry on Mail Voting Isn't With the USPS

President says elections officials won't be able to count all the ballots accurately

(Newser) - President Trump is still worried about a massive surge in mail-in voting . But in an interview with the Washington Examiner , he says his issue isn't with the US Postal Service. Instead, he argues that elections officials won't be able to accurately count all those mailed-in ballots. "It'...

USPS Chief Can't Name the Cost of a Postcard Stamp

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy says he knows 'very little about postage stamps'

(Newser) - Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testified before the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Monday, and the United States Postal Service head couldn't answer certain questions ... about postage. While he correctly answered when asked the price of a first-class stamp, he responded "I don't know" when questioned about...

After the Primaries, an Ominous Sign on Mail-In Ballots

At least 500,000 rejected, signaling a possible 'mess' in the general, especially in swing states

(Newser) - All eyes are trained on Nov. 3, expected to be the most chaotic election in modern US history. Now, a new possible wrench that has some worried the battle may be prolonged way past Election Day, as well as about disenfranchisement. The Washington Post reports that nearly 535,000 mail-in...

Twitter Flags Trump Tweet About Mail Drop Boxes

He said, without evidence, that they 'make it possible for a person to vote multiple times'

(Newser) - Another of President Trump's tweets has had a warning slapped on it by Twitter. This time, the POTUS tweeted Sunday that "So now the Democrats are using Mail Drop Boxes, which are a voter security disaster. Among other things, they make it possible for a person to vote...

Pelosi in Rare Saturday Session: 'Ignore' Trump

The speaker calls in lawmakers over Republican objections

(Newser) - The House is meeting for a rare Saturday session over mail delivery disruptions, poised to approve legislation that would reverse recent changes in US Postal Service operations and send $25 billion in emergency funds to shore up the agency ahead of the November election, the AP reports. Speaker Nancy Pelosi...

Cuomo Offers Way to 'Fix' Mail-In Ballots

New York state's governor says voters should be able to amend errors

(Newser) - Anticipating a wave of mail-in voting this fall, New York state will now give voters a chance to correct missing signatures and other clerical errors so their absentee ballots can be counted—but the exact provisions haven't yet been made public after last-minute negotiations between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and...

McEnany Is Asked: Will Trump Accept the Election Outcome?

Kayleigh McEnany answers without really answering

(Newser) - White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany punted twice Wednesday when asked whether President Trump would accept an election loss in November, the Hill reports. "The president believes he's done a great job for the American people, and that will show in November," she said, telling a reporter...

Pelosi Takes Action on USPS Drama
Pelosi Takes
Action on
USPS Drama

Pelosi Takes Action on USPS Drama

She calls House back early to vote on legislation

(Newser) - US representatives will see their summer recess cut short due to the ongoing US Postal Service drama. Nancy Pelosi announced Sunday she is calling the House back into session this week, Politico reports. Per the AP , a vote is expected Saturday to bar the Trump administration from making any changes...

House Dems to Postal Leaders: We Want to Talk

An emergency oversight hearing is set for Aug. 24

(Newser) - The Democratic-run House on Sunday demanded that leaders of the US Postal Service testify at an emergency oversight hearing Aug. 24 on mail delays, as concerns grow that the Trump White House is trying to undermine the agency during the coronavirus pandemic while states expand mail-in voting options for the...

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