mail-in voting

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Trump, RNC Now Promote Voting by Mail
Trump Flops on Voting by Mail

Trump Flops on Voting by Mail

He urges supporters to 'vote any way possible'

(Newser) - "You know mail-in voting is largely corrupt," Donald Trump told a rally last month. But the Republican presidential candidate can't win without votes, and he's thought better of that stance. His team has joined with the Republican National Committee to launch a campaign encouraging supporters to...

Candidate Who Lost by 3 Votes Calls Daughter's Ballot Bogus

New Jersey official says she didn't meet residency requirement and voted for his opponent

(Newser) - A Republican township official in New Jersey who lost reelection by three votes wants the mail-in ballot cast by his daughter, who voted Democratic in the Nov. 8 election, thrown out. The Republican Party of Morris County maintains that several young Democrats cast ballots by mail though they didn't...

Republican Lawsuits Target Mail-In Ballots in Key States

Experts say the suits could delay results and ultimately change outcomes

(Newser) - Ahead of the midterms, courts at all levels across the country are already grappling with a slew of lawsuits targeting absentee ballots. According to the Washington Post , the latest suits stem from a "sustained campaign against alleged voter fraud" by Republican officials and candidates. Critics call it a "...

Court: Don't Count Mail Ballots Lacking Right Date on Envelope

Republicans win at Pennsylvania Supreme Court

(Newser) - In a victory for Republicans, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court told state election officials on Tuesday not to count mail-in ballots that don't have the correct date on the envelope. The ruling could make the difference in close races, potentially deciding control of Congress in next week's midterm elections,...

Voters Should Have Confidence in Postal Service, DeJoy Says

Rates will go up in January, postmaster general says

(Newser) - Inflation is going to add over $1 billion to the US Postal Service budget, necessitating a request for another rate increase in January, but Postmaster General Louis DeJoy says the service is ready for the November election. The Postal Service has already delivered about 40 million ballots to and from...

Arizona Panel Backs Dropping Voting Machines

A few Republicans join Democrats in resisting hand counts, Sharpie bans, and 'magic paper'

(Newser) - Republican state senators on Monday advanced legislation that would require every ballot cast in Arizona's elections to be counted by hand, with GOP proponents who embraced former President Donald Trump's false narrative of massive voter fraud calling it a needed reform. The proposal was approved Monday by the...

California Makes Mail-In Voting Law
Voting Law

California Makes Mail-In Voting Law

Pandemic experiment will be the new normal

(Newser) - Until recently, only a handful of states have automatic mail-in ballot systems. Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada, and DC use the system, and Vermont does, too, in general elections. California is the newest member of the club, since Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Monday making California’s...

Florida Passes New Voting Restrictions

Bill slammed as 'revival of Jim Crow'

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers in Florida have passed a controversial election overhaul bill despite the lack of problems in the state's 2020 election, which they say was the "gold standard" for the country. The state is the first swing state won by Donald Trump to introduce new voting restrictions following...

Twitter, Facebook Slap Warnings on This Trump Claim

Trump claims SCOTUS decision on Pennsylvania will lead to 'violence in the streets'

(Newser) - President Trump's latest social media warning comes from both tech giants: Twitter and Facebook have slapped labels on his post about the Supreme Court's decision on Pennsylvania ballots. "The Supreme Court decision on voting in Pennsylvania is a VERY dangerous one," Trump posted Monday night (Twitter...

This Time, SCOTUS Hands Democrats the Victory

Rules that North Carolina can count votes received 9 days after Election Day

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's latest decision on the election is a win for Democrats: North Carolina can count ballots received up to nine days after Election Day, as long as they were postmarked by Nov. 3, the high court ruled Wednesday. Republicans and the Trump campaign filed two separate appeals...

Turnout Is Off the Charts
'Crazy' Voting Numbers
May Yield a US First
in case you missed it

'Crazy' Voting Numbers May Yield a US First

Majority might cast ballots before Election Day for the first time

(Newser) - Nearly 21 million Americans have already cast ballots in the 2020 election, a record-shattering avalanche of early votes amid the pandemic. The 20.8 million ballots submitted as of Friday afternoon represent 15% of all the votes cast in the 2016 presidential election, the AP reports, even as eight states...

'Overwhelmed' Company Fails to Send Out Ballots

The media spotlight falls on Midwest Direct

(Newser) - A company tasked with supplying absentee ballots to counties in Ohio and Pennsylvania has kinda blown it—at least in some counties, so far. And the company, Midwest Direct, is unabashedly pro-Trump. "We have freedom to vote for who we want and support who we want," co-owner Richard...

Supreme Court Requires Change in State's Ballots

High court reinstates South Carolina's witness requirement

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Monday reinstated a requirement that South Carolina residents voting by mail in November’s election get a witness to sign their ballots, the AP reports. Democrats had sought to have the requirement put on hold because of the coronavirus pandemic, but Republicans had defended it as...

Florida Voter Caught Seeking Ballot for Dead Wife

Larry Wiggins is charged with a felony

(Newser) - A Florida man is in trouble after requesting a mail-in ballot for his dead wife, WFLA reports. Larry Wiggins was arrested Thursday in Manatee County and charged with requesting a mail-in ballot on behalf of another elector, a third-degree felony. His explanation? "I heard so much about ballots being...

Political Operatives Might Have Gone Too Far This Time

Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman are accused of masterminding 'fake' robocalls

(Newser) - A pair of right-wing operatives are facing serious charges in Michigan that could put them behind bars for years, the Washington Post reports. Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman—famed for their conspiracy theories and aggressive tactics—allegedly intimidated urban voters with robocalls designed to suppress mail-in voting. The calls targeted...

Official Explains Those 9 Discarded Military Ballots

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar calls them a 'bad error'

(Newser) - It looks like nine discarded military ballots were tossed out in Pennsylvania by mistake, the AP reports. The state's senior elections official said Wednesday that election workers in Luzerne County are still learning how to handle military mail-in and overseas ballots and goofed on this one. "The investigation...

Huge Lead Emerges in Mail Voting
Huge Lead Emerges
in Mail Voting

Huge Lead Emerges in Mail Voting

But it's far too early for Democrats to celebrate

(Newser) - Republicans are concerned by a wide Democratic lead in mail voting, according to the Washington Post , which reports Democrats have requested the majority of mail ballots in the battleground states of Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maine, and Iowa. Democrats represent 52% of the more than 9 million voters who've...

Trump on Committing to Peaceful Power Transfer: We'll See

President complains, once again, about mail-in voting

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday declined to commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose the election in November. "Well, we’re going to have to see what happens," Trump said when asked directly about the issue during a press conference, USA Today reports. "You know...

Official: Lawn Toilet Display Is a Crime

A Michigan resident suggested voters put mail-in ballots inside a toilet

(Newser) - A Michigan resident's apparent joke showing disdain for voting by mail is no laughing matter for one election official, the AP reports. The resident put a toilet on their lawn with a sign that says, "Place mail in ballots here." Barb Byrum, the Democratic clerk of Ingham...

Judge: Trump, Postal Service Are in Cahoots

Judge Stanley Bastian issues a nationwide injunction against the USPS 'leave behind' policy

(Newser) - A US judge on Thursday blocked controversial Postal Service changes that have slowed mail nationwide, calling them "a politically motivated attack on the efficiency of the Postal Service" before the November election, the AP reports. Judge Stanley Bastian in Yakima, Washington, said he was issuing a nationwide preliminary injunction...

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