Christine Blasey Ford

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Blasey Ford Impresses, but No New Facts Emerge
Blasey Ford Emerges
as 'Everywoman'
the rundown

Blasey Ford Emerges as 'Everywoman'

But Kavanaugh backers note that no new evidence emerged

(Newser) - For Christine Blasey Ford, the moment in the Senate spotlight she had dreaded is over. As Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was following her with testimony of his own before the judiciary panel, the early assessments on Ford were rolling in:
  • In praise: Peter Baker at the New York Times

Orrin Hatch Takes Flak for Choice of Words on Ford

Senator calls her 'attractive' and 'pleasing'

(Newser) - Orrin Hatch is taking grief for his choice of words in describing the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford on Thursday. During the lunch break, the Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee referred to Ford as an "attractive" and "pleasing" witness, reports Roll Call . "I don't...

Cup of Coffee Provides Light Moment in Testimony

Cory Booker delivers needed caffeine to Ford

(Newser) - A light—and human—moment during the Christine Blasey Ford testimony Thursday: Before Ford delivered her opening statement, she made a request: “I anticipate needing some caffeine if that is available,” Ford said, per the Hill . When she finished her opening remarks, Senate Judiciary Committee chair Charles Grassley...

Big Day of Testimony Begins in Senate
Prosecutor to Ford:
'I'm Very Sorry'

Prosecutor to Ford: 'I'm Very Sorry'

Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination hangs in the balance in Senate testimony

(Newser) - She's positive it happened. That's one big theme emerging from Christine Blasey Ford's highly anticipated testimony Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Ford told senators she has no doubt that it was Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh who accosted her on a bed at a party in...

Ford to Describe Most Terrifying Moment of Alleged Attack

Details of assault 'have been seared into my memory'

(Newser) - Millions of Americans— including President Trump —will be watching Thursday's high-stakes Senate Judiciary Committee starting at 10am Eastern. In a hearing room that seats a few dozen spectators, Christine Blasey Ford, who says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers, will be the...

Kavanaugh Accuser Submits 4 Affidavits Backing Her Claim

But nominee's lawyer complains Christine Blasey Ford hasn't submitted polygraph

(Newser) - Lawyers for Christine Blasey Ford say they have submitted sworn affidavits to the Senate Judiciary Committee from four people who say she told them she had been assaulted in high school. The four sworn affidavits are among the information the committee is considering on the eve of Ford and Supreme...

Senate Judiciary Committee Will Vote on Kavanaugh Friday

The day after he and Christine Blasey Ford testify

(Newser) - The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote Friday on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, the AP reports. The committee vote is being set for the day after Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are to testify about her allegation he sexually assaulted her when they were teens....

Kavanaugh: &#39;I Know I&#39;m Telling the Truth&#39;
Kavanaugh: 'I Know
I'm Telling the Truth'

Kavanaugh: 'I Know I'm Telling the Truth'

He tells Fox he was a virgin for 'many years' after high school

(Newser) - "What I know is the truth, and the truth is I've never sexually assaulted anyone," Brett Kavanaugh told Fox News in an interview Monday. The Supreme Court nominee, appearing with his wife, Ashley, repeatedly denied allegations of misconduct and insisted that he had always treated women with...

Lawyer Says He Has &#39;Significant Evidence&#39; Against Kavanaugh
Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Says
He Has Kavanaugh Evidence

Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Says He Has Kavanaugh Evidence

Feinstein says hearing should be delayed

(Newser) - Stormy Daniels' lawyer is now involved in the battle over Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination—and he says he has a client with "credible information" to support some shocking allegations. In an email to the Senate Judiciary Committee , Michael Avenatti said he was aware "of significant evidence"...

Grassley Grants Extension on Kavanaugh Testimony

Senate Judiciary Committee chair's tweet on accuser Christine Ford: 'I want to hear her'

(Newser) - A high-stakes standoff between Republicans and the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of a three-decade-old sexual attack stretched into the weekend after the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman said his panel would vote Monday on Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination without a deal on her conditions for testifying. Nearly two hours after...

Trump Questions Credibility of Kavanaugh Accusation

If the attack were as bad as Ford says, she would have gone to police, says president

(Newser) - President Trump has largely held his tongue in defense of Brett Kavanaugh, but he is now challenging the account of accuser Christine Blasey Ford and questioning why she didn't come forward much sooner with her allegation of sexual misconduct. "I have no doubt that, if the attack on...

GOP Congressman Makes 'Inappropriate' Joke About RBG, Lincoln

SC rep Ralph Norman's 'groping' humor isn't going over well

(Newser) - "Scattered nervous laughter" was the first response to a joke a GOP congressman made during an election debate in South Carolina on Thursday, notes Roll Call . But disgust and "condemnation" took over afterward toward what some called an "inappropriate" reference to sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court...

Christine Blasey Ford May Testify Next Week After All

Kavanaugh accuser's attorney wants to discuss conditions for her appearance

(Newser) - The woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in the 1980s is willing to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week, the Washington Post reports. Just not on Monday, the day that Republicans set for the hearing. In an email to committee aides, the lawyer...

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'

Cristina King Miranda now says she has 'no idea' whether Brett Kavanaugh assaulted Ford

(Newser) - A former classmate of Christine Blasey Ford has changed her tune a bit after initially stating, "This incident did happen" in a Facebook post about Ford's allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school. You can see a screenshot of Cristina King Miranda'...

Grassley: There Is No Reason to Delay Kavanaugh Hearing
GOP: If Ford Won't Testify,
Let's Vote on Kavanaugh

GOP: If Ford Won't Testify, Let's Vote on Kavanaugh

Grassley says there is no reason to delay hearing

(Newser) - Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers say she wants the FBI to investigate her alleged sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh before a Senate hearing on the incident—but such an investigation is highly unlikely to happen by Monday, and Sen. Chuck Grassley says he's not going to delay the hearing,...

Lawyers: Kavanaugh Accuser Has Received Death Threats

She wants an FBI investigation before she testifies

(Newser) - The woman who accuses Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her doesn't want to relive the "traumatic and harrowing incident" until the FBI has carried out an investigation. Lawyers for Christina Blasey Ford released a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday saying an investigation...

Anita Hill to Senate Panel: Don&#39;t Blow It Again
Anita Hill Offers
Advice to Senators

Anita Hill Offers Advice to Senators

Have a neutral investigation done, and don't rush

(Newser) - The Senate Judiciary Committee has invited Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, to testify on Monday . Too soon, writes Anita Hill in the New York Times . In an op-ed offering senators advice on how to proceed from her unique perspective, Hill suggests that senators first employ a neutral,...

Kavanaugh Accuser: I've Tried 'to Forget This All My Life'

Kavanaugh, accuser will testify before Senate

(Newser) - This isn't the smooth path to confirmation Republicans were hoping for: Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accuses him of sexually assaulting her in high school, will both testify in a public hearing before the Senate on Monday. Plans for a Senate Judiciary...

A Famous Alum Backs Kavanaugh's Accuser

Julia Louis-Dreyfus signs letter in support of Christine Blasey Ford

(Newser) - Julia Louis-Dreyfus has joined more than 200 other alumnae of Maryland’s Holton-Arms School in signing an open letter in support of Christine Blasey Ford, a Holton graduate who accuses Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers. "We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and...

Crucial Senators Are Calling for a Kavanaugh Delay
So Now What Happens
in the Kavanaugh Hearings?
the rundown

So Now What Happens in the Kavanaugh Hearings?

Committee vote on Thursday looks iffy amid questions whether he and accuser will testify

(Newser) - The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation saga heated up in a big way Monday, with increased calls for a delay in the process to examine the allegation that he tried to sexually assault a girl at a high school party in the 1980s. President Trump himself said a "little delay" is...

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