Christine Blasey Ford

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Kavanaugh to Revisit 2018 Brouhaha in Memoir

Supreme Court justice writing book to be released in 2025 or 2026: Axios

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is about to spill the beans. The 59-year-old justice who's been relatively quiet since his animated 2018 confirmation hearings is writing a legal memoir to touch on "everything from the fracas over his 2018 confirmation to the 2022 plot to kill him,"...

FBI Reveals Kavanaugh Check Drew 4.5K Tips

Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers say the background investigation was 'a sham'

(Newser) - The FBI has revived criticism of its handling of the 2018 background check on Brett Kavanaugh by conceding it received more than 4,500 tips on him. Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings for a seat on the US Supreme Court included testimony by Christine Blasey Ford, a professor who accused the...

Senator: FBI's Kavanaugh Investigation Was a Joke

Sheldon Whitehouse wants the attorney general to investigate

(Newser) - The Brett Kavanaugh controversy might not be over just yet. Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse says the FBI's inquiry into sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearing in 2018 was a joke, and the senator is calling on the attorney general to take a look. Whitehouse...

Nadler Sounds Leery About Kavanaugh Impeachment
Kavanaugh Controversy
Picks Up Steam
the rundown

Kavanaugh Controversy Picks Up Steam

Both sides of the debate are convinced they're right

(Newser) - A new allegation of sexual impropriety emerged over the weekend about Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh, but it's one of those cases where the story about the story is a thing unto itself. Where we're at: Democrats say the new allegation is cause to impeach Kavanaugh, but his...

Roseanne Barr Finds Controversy Again

She goes after MeToo accusers as 'hos'

(Newser) - Roseanne Barr is making headlines yet again over controversial statements, this time in regard to the MeToo movement, Sen. Kamala Harris, and Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused the Supreme Court's Brett Kavanaugh of assault. The comments came during an interview with conservative radio host Candace Owens. The...

Here Is the Shortlist for Person of the Year

At least in the eyes of Time magazine

(Newser) - Time will choose its Person of the Year on Tuesday, and a short list out Monday has the usual suspects, along with a few surprises. The person (or group) will be announced during the Today program. Here are the 10 finalists:
  • President Trump
  • Robert Mueller
  • Jamal Khashoggi
  • Christine Blasey Ford

Trump: Kavanaugh Accusations a 'Hoax'

President says Democrats will pay for it in November

(Newser) - Before Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed, President Trump belittled the accusations made by Christine Blasey Ford. On Monday, Trump went further, saying Kavanaugh was the victim of a "hoax" perpetrated by Democrats, reports NBC News . What's more, he said Democrats would pay for that in the midterms. Trump made...

Connie Chung Reveals a 'Monster' Once Assaulted Her

She writes that the family doctor who delivered her assaulted her when she was in college

(Newser) - " Bravo, Christine , for telling the truth," concludes Connie Chung in an op-ed for the Washington Post . In the piece, the longtime journalist says she is "terrified" to do so, but shares her truth: that she was assaulted by her unnamed family doctor nearly five decades ago, a...

FBI's Kavanaugh Report Done, and White House Is Confident

Senators can read interviews about Kavanaugh Thursday, may vote on Saturday

(Newser) - A big overnight development in the Brett Kavanaugh saga: The White House said it has received the FBI's new report about the Supreme Court nominee and sent it on to the Senate, reports the Washington Post . The move puts the Senate on track for a final confirmation vote as...

3 Key Senators Have Problem With Trump's Ford Imitation

Sens. Flake, Murkowski, and Collins respond

(Newser) - Three senators on Wednesday publicly criticized President Trump's imitation of Christine Blasey Ford on Tuesday night, and they're senators who matter. GOP Sens. Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski, all "critical Republican swing votes," as CNN puts it, shared their reaction to Trump's account...

NYT Prints 1983 Letter From High School Kavanaugh
NYT Prints 1983 Letter From
High School Kavanaugh

NYT Prints 1983 Letter From High School Kavanaugh

He jokes about 'loud, obnoxious drunks'

(Newser) - The New York Times has unearthed an artifact from Brett Kavanaugh's youth: A letter preparing for "Beach Week" in the summer of 1983. In it, the 18-year-old Kavanaugh gives seven Georgetown Prep classmates details of a rented condo in Ocean City, Md.—and warns of the dangers...

Trump Mocks Kavanaugh Accuser as Crowd Cheers

'These are really evil people,' he says

(Newser) - When Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, President Trump struck a respectful tone, saying he found her "very credible." That tone went out the window at a rally in Mississippi on Tuesday night, where the president mocked Ford's testimony in front of...

Prosecutor From Hearing: Ford's Case Is Weak
Kavanaugh Would Face
Ethical Issue on Bench
the rundown

Kavanaugh Would Face Ethical Issue on Bench

Columnist argues he'd have to recuse himself from all cases with left-leaning participants

(Newser) - The accusations leveled against Brett Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford may come down to his word against hers, and the prosecutor who questioned them both before a Senate panel writes that Ford's case is weak even by those standards. In a memo to Republican senators, the sex-crimes prosecutor hired...

Blasey Ford Doesn't Like One Aspect of New Inquiry

She applauds FBI investigation into Kavanaugh but doesn't think it should have a time limit

(Newser) - President Trump said he would go along with whatever Senate leaders wanted to do in regard to Brett Kavanaugh, and the president followed through Friday by ordering the FBI to launch a new investigation before a full Senate vote. "Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett...

Beer, Blackouts, Brains: Late Night Takes on Ford vs. Kavanaugh

Hosts take on the 'big showdown'

(Newser) - President Trump praised his Supreme Court nominee Thursday evening, after both Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford had a chance to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Late-night hosts had slightly different takes after the dust had settled on the day:
  • Trevor Noah addressed the "big showdown,

Fox Fires Contributor for 'Reprehensible' Comments on Kavanaugh Hearing

He called accusers 'lying skanks'

(Newser) - Fox News has fired a contributor for making some deeply unpleasant remarks about Christine Blasey Ford and other women during Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. In one tweet , Kevin Jackson described Ford and two other women who accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct as "lying skanks," Variety...

American Bar Association Calls for Delay on Kavanaugh

Confirmation will depend on 8 senators

(Newser) - Republicans say they're going ahead with a Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Brett Kavanaugh on Friday—but the American Bar Association thinks they should wait. In a letter released late Thursday, the ABA, which previously declared the nominee "well-qualified" for the court, said the process should be halted...

GOP Is Going Ahead With Friday Vote on Kavanaugh

Jeff Flake says he's still making his mind up

(Newser) - The future of Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination is unclear after Thursday's dramatic hearing —but Republicans still plan to hold a Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Friday. GOP Sen. John Cornyn said after a Thursday night meeting that the plan is to hold a vote Friday, paving...

Graham Calls Kavanaugh Hearing 'Most Unethical Sham'

And asks judge if he's a gang rapist

(Newser) - An angry Lindsey Graham unloaded on his Senate colleagues during the Christine Blasey Ford-Brett Kavanaugh hearing Thursday, declaring during the questioning phase of Kavanaugh's testimony, "This is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics" and later telling his Republican colleagues that anyone who votes against...

Kavanaugh: Confirmation Process Is Now 'National Disgrace'

His testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee has begun

(Newser) - Christine Blasey Ford is done testifying , and now Brett Kavanaugh has begun his testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Supreme Court nominee, speaking in what CNN refers to as a "stern, aggressive tone," once again denied Ford's allegation that he sexually assaulted her in...

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