Read recent news stories and reports about ISIS on

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Are We at 'War' With ISIS? Yes, Says White House; No, Says Kerry

Spokesman Josh Earnest seems to trump secretary of state today

(Newser) - The White House seems a little off on its talking points about the military strategy against ISIS. President Obama consistently says the goal is to "degrade" and "destroy" the group. But does that mean we're at war? White House spokesman Josh Earnest thinks so, reports the Hill ...

ISIS&#39; Many Monikers Explained
ISIS' Many

ISIS' Many Monikers Explained

The story and confusion behind ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State

(Newser) - You've likely seen different names thrown around this summer in reference to the group that beheaded two American journalists and wreaked havoc in the Middle East. But which is the right one? Jonah Blank, formerly of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, tells NPR 's Steve Inskeep that the...

CIA: Here's How Many Fighters ISIS Has

Recruitment has surged, agency says

(Newser) - The CIA says the number of fighters it believes ISIS can muster in Iraq and Syria has tripled in the space of months. The new estimate of between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters on the ground is based on intelligence gathered between May and August, reports the BBC . "...

James Foley's Mom Rips US Over Son's Death

Says government threatened to prosecute if family paid a ransom

(Newser) - James Foley's mother has some blistering words for the US government in how it handled her son's abduction . In an interview with Anderson Cooper that airs tonight on CNN , Diane Foley says she is "embarrassed and appalled" at how American officials acted. Officials threatened family members with...

Yazidi Girl Given as Gift to ISIS Recounts Escape

'Narin' tells Post journalist: 'I still have nightmares'

(Newser) - A 14-year-old Yazidi girl, captured and given as a gift to ISIS members, recounted her tale of escape to journalist Mohammed A. Salih in the Washington Post . The girl Salih calls "Narin" and her family were among the thousands of Yazidis who fled ISIS fighters to Mount Sinjar in...

How Obama's ISIS Speech Went Over

Mixed reaction to plan to 'degrade and ultimately destroy' terror group

(Newser) - President Obama laid the foundation last night for his strategy to "degrade and ultimately destroy" ISIS, citing possible expanded airstrikes from Iraq into Syria and explaining how these efforts would be different from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. "If you threaten America, you will find no safe...

Saudi Arabia 'Full Partner' in Fight Against ISIS

Kingdom to arm, train militant group's foes

(Newser) - Islamic state versus Islamic State: Saudi Arabia has agreed to help step up the fight against ISIS and will host a training camp for moderate Syrian rebels fighting the extremists as well as the Syrian regime, reports the New York Times . A senior Obama administration official says details are still...

Obama: I Won't Hesitate to Hit ISIS in Syria

President says US-led coalition will go after militants 'wherever they exist'

(Newser) - In a prime-time address tonight, President Obama laid out the US strategy to "degrade" and "destroy" ISIS, and he made clear that he's ready to expand US airstrikes from Iraq into Syria . The president says a US-led coalition will go after militants from the Islamic State "...

Majority of Americans Want to Hit ISIS

Obama poised for speech as poll shows Americans fear new attack

(Newser) - Some six in 10 Americans say they would support a strike against ISIS, as President Obama appears to be moving toward such a hit . The figure comes from an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll that also finds Americans feeling unsafe: Some 47% of the country now feels the US is...

ISIS Tweets: Death to Twitter Employees

Extremists warn of 'lone wolf assassins'

(Newser) - ISIS has got a social media problem and it seems to think it can kill its way out of it. A Twitter account linked to the extremist group has called for the assassination of Twitter employees, apparently in response for the site's attempts to shut down ISIS accounts, reports...

ISIS Eyed as Blast Wipes Out Syria Rebel Leaders

Suicide bomber takes out hardline Islamist group

(Newser) - The leadership of a hardline Islamist group battling the Syrian regime has been wiped out by a suicide bomber—and suspicion has fallen on the even more hardline Islamists of ISIS. The blast hit a meeting of Ahrar al-Sham, a powerful member of the Islamic Front rebel coalition, killing leader...

Obama: I Can Hit ISIS Without Congressional OK

President appears ready to approve airstrikes in Syria: Washington Post

(Newser) - President Obama will lay out his plan to cripple the Islamic State tomorrow night, and the Washington Post reports that he looks poised to order airstrikes in Syria. That controversial action probably won't come right away, but Obama has met with foreign policy experts and believes he is within...

Sotloffs: Steven Sold to ISIS by Other Rebels

Spokesman says family's relationship with White House is 'very strained'

(Newser) - A family spokesman for the family of Steven Sotloff appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 last night and revealed that the location of the journalist had been sold to ISIS by "so-called moderate rebels," leading to Sotloff's capture, CNN reports. "Somebody at the [Syrian] border crossing made...

Expert: 12K Foreigners Fighting in Syria

Conflict has drawn fighters from 74 countries

(Newser) - More than 12,000 foreigners from 74 countries have gone to fight with rebels in Syria, 60% to 70% from other Middle Eastern countries and about 20% to 25% from Western nations, a leading expert on terrorism warned yesterday. Prof. Peter Neumann, director of the International Center for the Study...

US Fights ISIS Propaganda —With Propaganda

State Department has gotten into the business of posting graphic videos

(Newser) - A new YouTube video depicts ISIS in all its brutality, but this time ISIS isn’t responsible—bizarrely, the US State Department is, the Washington Post reports. Mock recruitment video "Welcome to ISIL-Land" is 69 seconds of graphic violence meant to undermine the abundance of ISIS online propaganda. The...

Cruz on ISIS: Obama Should &#39;Take Them Out&#39;
 Cruz on ISIS: 
 Obama Should 
 'Take Them Out' 

Cruz on ISIS: Obama Should 'Take Them Out'

GOP has lots of advice, even Feinstein says action 'overdue'

(Newser) - With President Obama's speech outlining his ISIS "game plan" coming Wednesday, there was no shortage of opinion today on the talk shows about what he should do. "What we ought to have is a directed, concerted, overwhelming campaign to take them out," Ted Cruz told ABC...

Obama: We Will 'Hunt' ISIS 'Wherever They Are'

Plans policy address on Wednesday

(Newser) - President Obama will address the nation on Wednesday, outlining the threat posed by the Islamic State and his plans for dealing with it on the eve of the 13th anniversary of 9/11. While pledging to "hunt down" militants "wherever they are," Obama tells Chuck Todd in an...

US Airstrikes Hit ISIS Near Critical Iraq Dam

Militants were trying to capture Haditha Dam

(Newser) - The US military today launched airstrikes around Haditha Dam in western Iraq, targeting Islamic State insurgents there for the first time in a move to prevent the group from capturing the vital dam. The strikes represented a broadening of the US campaign against the Islamic State militants, moving the military...

Obama Lines Up 9 Allies Against ISIS

But next step is to get more Arab nations on board

(Newser) - After taking grief for saying the US lacks a strategy in the fight against the Islamic State, President Obama sought to fix that yesterday by lining up nine nations at the NATO summit in a new coalition. The other nine are Britain, Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and...

Only 'Superior Version of Islam' Can Stop ISIS

David Brooks: Military might will go only so far to stop these extremists

(Newser) - The militants of ISIS could have executed their American hostages in any number of ways, but they deliberately chose beheadings . David Brooks susses out what makes this method so "revolting" to the rest of us, and he concludes that it's mostly a "moral revulsion" we feel. A...

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>