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Pete King: White House Breach Was &#39;Inexcusable&#39;
 Pete King: 
 White House 
 Breach Was 

Pete King: White House Breach Was 'Inexcusable'

Calls for hearings on failure to stop 'basic' attack

(Newser) - The White House fence-jumper was an "absolutely inexcusable" security breach, and Politico reports that Peter King wasted no time today in calling for a "full investigation into what happened, why it happened and what needs to be done to make sure it never happens again." The New...

ISIS Hostage's Wife Pleads for Release of 'Peaceful' Man

Alan Henning was driving in an aid convoy when captured

(Newser) - The wife of a British aid worker held hostage by the Islamic State group has issued a statement pleading for the militants to release him and respond to her messages "before it is too late." Alan Henning's wife, Barbara, implored the militants to "see it in...

ISIS Frees 49 Hostages From Turkey

They were held in Iraq, and it's not known what deal Turkish officials struck

(Newser) - Dozens of Turkish hostages seized by Islamic militants in Iraq three months ago were freed and safely returned to Turkey today, ending the nation's most serious hostage crisis. The 49 hostages were captured from the Turkish Consulate in Mosul, Iraq, on June 11, when ISIS overran the city in...

Senate Backs ISIS Bill, but Some Big Names Balk

Rand Paul, Elizabeth Warren in the 'no' camp

(Newser) - The Senate today followed the lead of the House and passed a spending bill that gives President Obama the authority to train and arm Syrian rebels in the fight against ISIS. The measure passed easily, 78-22, but the Hill notes that some potential presidential candidates were in the "no"...

New ISIS Video: UK Journo Vows to Show West 'Truth'

John Cantlie blasts government that 'abandoned' him

(Newser) - ISIS militants have apparently released their latest video, but this one is decidedly different: It features British journalist John Cantlie , a hostage since October 2012, in a three-minute address to the Western public titled "Lend Me Your Ears." Though he's clad in an orange jumpsuit, there are...

Australia Foils Gruesome ISIS Beheading Plot

In largest raids in country's history, 15 are detained

(Newser) - Fifteen people have been detained in Australia, and police there say that in so doing, they have thwarted a plot to carry out a random beheading in Sydney. More than a dozen properties across Sydney were raided today by a force of 800 federal and state police officers, making it...

House OKs US Help for Syrian Rebels Fighting ISIS

Senate expected to pass it tomorrow

(Newser) - The House voted grudgingly today to give the US military the authority to train and arm Syrian rebels fighting ISIS. The 273-156 vote crossed party lines to an unusual degree in a Congress marked by near ceaseless partisanship. Top Republican and Democratic leaders backed the plan seven weeks before midterm...

Chelsea Manning: Let ISIS Destroy Itself
Chelsea Manning:
Let ISIS Destroy Itself

Chelsea Manning: Let ISIS Destroy Itself

'Bombs and bullets' only make the group stronger, writes the Wikileaker

(Newser) - It's tempting to go after ISIS with military might, but that strategy will eventually backfire, writes Chelsea Manning from her prison cell at Fort Leavenworth. Based on her stint as an analyst in Iraq, Manning says that using "bombs and bullets," is exactly what the group wants....

Obama: I Repeat, No 'Ground War in Iraq'

But critics are worried the slope is getting slippery

(Newser) - A day after a top US general raised the possibility of US ground troops in the fight against ISIS, President Obama reiterated the promise he's been making of late: "I will not commit you, and the rest of our armed forces, to fighting another ground war in Iraq,...

ISIS Threatens US Troops— via Video 'Trailer'

Terror group channels Hollywood in 52-second clip

(Newser) - ISIS has released a new video, apparently threatening to kill ground troops should the US deploy them—and it looks a lot like a movie preview, the New York Times reports. Amid slow motion, quick cuts, and music clips, the 52-second video (which YouTube has taken down), apparently titled "...

NY Man Was ISIS Recruiter: Federal Indictment

Mufid Elfgeeh also charged with plotting to kill US troops back from Iraq

(Newser) - A man from Rochester, NY, was indicted yesterday on charges of attempting to help three people (two of them FBI informants) travel to Syria to take up arms with ISIS, reports the LA Times . The Justice Department statement further alleges that Mufid Elfgeeh sent $600 to a potential recruit in...

US General: We Might Need Ground Troops Against ISIS

Martin Dempsey says special circumstances might come up

(Newser) - President Obama has been adamant that American military intervention against ISIS will not involve US ground troops. But as it turns out, the people who will be doing the actual intervening aren't so sure about that. In testimony today before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff...

Iraq Envoy Warns Pope of 'Credible' ISIS Death Threats

Says militants could strike during his trips to Albania, Turkey

(Newser) - Pope Francis may have solidified his enemy status when he said last month that ISIS must be stopped . Now Iraq's ambassador to the Vatican is warning that "threats against the pope are credible," and that he could be at risk during his visit to Albania this weekend...

US Strike Near Baghdad Marks New Phase in Fight

Strikes on ISIS were in direct support of Iraqi military

(Newser) - An American airstrike in Iraq yesterday was the 162nd since early August—but unlike the previous 161, this one took place near Baghdad and marked what Central Command calls the start of "our expanded efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian missions," the Guardian reports. The strike...

Florida Woman 'Isis' Would Like Everyone to Use 'ISIL'

'Every word after my name is incredibly negative'

(Newser) - It used to be that Isis was an Egyptian goddess of the sky, and people would name their daughters for her. These days we have ISIS, and all the atrocities and violence that name now calls to mind. Enter Isis Martinez, 38, who is sick of the pall the latter...

Iran: We Turned Down US' ISIS Offer

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says US made request, he wasn't interested

(Newser) - Iran wants the world to know that the United States came knocking—and it didn't answer the door. Though it was previously reported that John Kerry had barred the country from joining a coalition formed to combat the self-proclaimed Islamic State, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei today...

World Plots Against ISIS in Paris

Conference opens in France today

(Newser) - The world is discussing the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Paris today, with President Francois Hollande opening a conference attended by leaders and diplomats from 25-plus countries by saying "there is no time to lose. Iraq's combat against terrorism is also ours." Or so hopes Iraqi president Fuad...

White House: We Did Not Threaten Foleys or Sotloffs

'We made clear what the law is,' when families weighed paying ransom

(Newser) - The White House hit back at allegations from the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff that they were threatened with prosecution as they weighed whether to pay Islamic State militants ransom for their sons. "In terms of what was communicated to the families, in the midst of many,...

UK to ISIS: We'll Hunt You for 'Act of Pure Evil'

Cameron comes out swinging after apparent execution of David Haines

(Newser) - David Cameron emerged from an emergency meeting this morning with harsh words for Islamic State militants in the wake of yesterday's video that purports to show the beheading of British aid worker David Haines : Calling the execution—which hasn't been officially verified, though a UK Foreign Office rep...

ISIS Claims Beheading of British Hostage

Video purports to show execution of David Haines

(Newser) - ISIS appears to have carried out its threat to behead yet another Western hostage, this time a British citizen named David Haines. The executioner who killed Steven Sotloff in the last video had threatened that Haines would be next . Britain's foreign office said it is "working urgently" to...

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