
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Romney: Obama's Timing Is Just Dreadful

In op-ed, former candidate takes on president's foreign policy

(Newser) - Pundits have lately been lining up to second-guess President Obama's foreign policy, and the latest to do so is the guy who wanted Obama's job. In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today, Mitt Romney laments that America's hands seem tied everywhere from Crimea to North...

US Calls G7 Crisis Meeting, May Kick Russia Out of G8

While Ukraine decries 'robbery'

(Newser) - Moscow has officially signed a treaty making Crimea part of Russia, and the West is not happy. President Obama today called for an emergency meeting of the G7 to decide whether to kick Russia out of the G8, the AP reports. The G7, which consists of the US, Britain, Japan,...

Putin: Crimea Was Always Part of Russia

Blasts West as Kremlin approves annexation treaty

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin opened his mouth and let the West have it today during his fiery formal proposal to annex Crimea, which he claimed "has always been part of Russia"; he likened the annexation to the reunification of East and West Germany. Putin declared the referendum to join Russia "...

Putin Signs Crimea Decree ... Romania Shudders?

Romania's president: Other Eastern-European countries are next

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree today recognizing Crimea as a "sovereign and independent country," hours after the strategic Black Sea peninsula declared it had broken from Ukraine and would merge with Russia following a weekend referendum. The moves triggered the toughest Western sanctions against Russia since...

Truth About Crimea: We Can&#39;t Do Squat
 Truth About Crimea: 
 We Can't Do Squat 

Truth About Crimea: We Can't Do Squat

What are we even arguing about, asks Michael Cohen

(Newser) - If foreign policy pundits agree on anything, "it's that President Obama must do moar to stand up to Vladimir Putin," observes Michael Cohen at the Guardian ; (that's "more" plus "roar," he explains for those unfamiliar.) "We need more strong leadership and...

Obama Slaps Key Russians With Sanctions Over Crimea

Says US support for Ukraine is 'unwavering'

(Newser) - The White House has responded to Crimea's secession vote by expanding its sanctions to target several Russian officials, people providing "material support" to them, and players in the arms industry, President Obama announced today. In brief remarks, Obama characterized yesterday's referendum as illegal, and said the sanctions...

State-Run TV: Russia Could 'Turn US Into Radioactive Ash'

Anchor Dmitry Kiselyov was hand-picked by Vladimir Putin

(Newser) - The man Vladimir Putin hand-picked to run a new state-run news agency turned a number of heads yesterday when he stood before an image of a mushroom cloud and declared that "Russia is the only country that could really turn the US into radioactive ash." Dmitry Kiselyov then...

Obama: US Will Never Accept Crimea Vote
 Crimea Applies to Join Russia 

Crimea Applies to Join Russia

US, EU says 'costs' will be imposed on Russia

(Newser) - Crimea declared independence from Ukraine today, with officials claiming an overwhelming 96.7% of voters voted to join Russia —but the US and its European allies say the vote in the Ukrainian region was illegal and the results will never be accepted. The White House says President Obama has...

Crimea Reports Landslide in Russia Vote

95% want union with Russia, officials say

(Newser) - Nothing like a nail-biter: 95% of voting Crimeans want closer union with Russia and only 5% prefer greater independence from Ukraine, according to an official tally of half the ballots in today's vote, CNN reports. Crimean officials hailed the vote as an example of democracy in action while Western...

Amid Tensions, Crimea Votes
 Amid Tensions, Crimea Votes 

Amid Tensions, Crimea Votes

Ukrainian forces wrest village from Russia

(Newser) - The Crimean region voted today about whether to demand greater autonomy from Ukraine or split off and seek to join Russia, in a referendum that has been condemned as illegal by the United States and European countries. Russia raised the stakes yesterday when its forces took control of a village...

Russian Forces Seize Village in Ukraine

Tensions mount ahead of tomorrow's referendum in Crimea

(Newser) - Russia hasn't seemed much interested in lowering tensions ahead of tomorrow's secession vote in Crimea, and today's actions reinforce the point. The Washington Post reports that Russian forces have seized the small village of Strilkove in Ukraine territory near Crimea, along with a gas-distribution station either in...

US, Russia Talks on Crimea Flop

'We have no common vision,' says Russia's foreign minister

(Newser) - John Kerry and his Russian counterpart have wrapped up a last-minute bid to try to defuse tensions ahead of this weekend's big vote in Crimea, and the results are ... not good. In the quote getting picked up everywhere, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared afterward that "we don’...

Now at Ukraine Border: 10K Russian Troops

Just an exercise, Moscow says ahead of Crimea vote

(Newser) - In what Moscow says is merely a training exercise, Russia has massed around 10,000 troops along its border with Ukraine two days before Crimea is set to vote on breaking away from the country to join Russia. Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk blasted the troop buildup as "...

Kerry Warns 'Serious Steps' if Crimea Votes to Join Russia

'Very serious steps' will be taken if referendum goes forward

(Newser) - John Kerry is meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov tomorrow regarding the crisis in Crimea, and in advance of that meeting, Kerry offered a sternly-worded statement today, NBC News reports. If Crimea's planned referendum on whether to join Russia goes forward on Sunday and, based on Russia's...

In Crimea, Putin Might Find His &#39;Brezhnev Moment&#39;
In Crimea, Putin Might Find His 'Brezhnev Moment'

In Crimea, Putin Might Find His 'Brezhnev Moment'

Andrew Kuchins: Russian leader may have made a big mistake

(Newser) - Plenty of foreign policy analysts think Vladimir Putin's moves in Ukraine are signs of a brilliant tactician. But Andrew Kuchins begs to differ in Politico Magazine . He thinks Putin has blundered into a huge mistake, on par with Leonid Brezhnev's misguided decision to invade Afghanistan in 1979. While...

Ousted Prez: Ukraine Gov't a 'Gang of Fascists,' Civil War Looms

Crimea parliament adopts 'declaration of independence'

(Newser) - Ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich blasted his country's new government today as a "gang of fascists," saying that it was paving the way toward civil war. Speaking from Russia, Yanukovich said he was still commander-in-chief and that "I will be back in Kiev," and called...

Pro-Russia Gunmen Seize Crimea Hospital

Men are said to be Russian soldiers or militia

(Newser) - As many as 30 armed men said to be Russian soldiers today seized control of a military hospital in Crimea , threatening staff and 30 patients in the regional capital of Simferopol. The men broke into the hospital, which treats soldiers and veterans, some of whom are said to be seriously...

Robert Gates: Crimea &#39;Gone&#39; to Russia
 Robert Gates: 
 Crimea 'Gone' 
 to Russia 


Robert Gates: Crimea 'Gone' to Russia

Former defense sec says critics could lay off Obama while he handles crisis

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin has a new piece of his empire, Robert Gates said today. "I do not believe that Crimea will slip out of Russia's hand," the former defense secretary told Fox News. Asked by Chris Wallace, "You think Crimea's gone?" Gates responded , "I do....

Ukraine PM: We Won't Budge '1 Centimeter'

Yatsenyuk will head to Washington this week for Crimea talks

(Newser) - Ukraine PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk will head to Washington this week for talks on the Crimea situation, Fox News reports. Yatsenyuk announced his US visit, which he said will seek a "resolution of the situation in Ukraine," after a government meeting. Meanwhile, Yatsenyuk was talking tough today, adds the...

Russian Leaders to Crimea: Come on Over

Leaders say lawmakers will 'certainly' agree to let Crimea join Russia

(Newser) - A delegation from Crimea's parliament visited Moscow today, where they got a warm reception and assurances that Russia would back their secession play . "If the people of Crimea decide to join Russia in the referendum, we ...will certainly support this decision," Valentina Matvienko, the chair of Russia'...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>