
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Ukraine Foray Is Costing Russia Dearly

Ilan Berman breaks down the cost of Putin's adventurism

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin's approval rating has jumped 10 points during the Ukraine crisis, to 72%, according to the state polling group. But that could change when Russians see what their adventure there is really costing them, Ilan Berman of the American Foreign Policy Council writes in the Wall Street Journal...

Russia Forces Aid Ukraine Separatists, Photos Suggest

Images 'further confirm' ties: White House

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin has steadfastly denied that Russian units are working with separatists in eastern Ukraine, but photos suggest otherwise, the New York Times reports. Expert gunmen known as "green men" have led the way as separatists take over government buildings, and their gear matches that of Russian special forces...

1 Dead, Others Wounded in Russia-Ukraine Gun Battle

Each side blames the other for starting it

(Newser) - Ukraine and Russia traded blame today for a shootout at a checkpoint manned by pro-Russia insurgents in eastern Ukraine that left one person dead and others hospitalized with gunshot wounds. The identity of the attackers remained unclear. Russia blamed militant Ukrainian nationalists and the Ukrainian government said the attack near...

NASA Yanks Cooperation With Russia —Sort of

They're kinda our ride to the ISS

(Newser) - NASA is cutting off much of its contact and cooperation with Russia—except when it comes to the International Space Station, which NASA relies on Russia to reach. "Given Russia's ongoing violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity," all contact with Russian representatives are suspended, "...

Friedman: To Defeat Putin, Kick Him in the Wallet

Globalization can be used to our advantage: op-ed

(Newser) - Some may argue that Vladimir Putin's actions in Crimea prove globalization isn't all that it's cracked up to be; Cold War-style politics haven't been wiped out forever. But Thomas Friedman argues that in order to stop Putin, we need to view him in the context of...

NATO Axes Cooperation With Russia

'Complete combat force' still at border

(Newser) - Russia can't expect "business as usual" after its annexation of Crimea, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said after a meeting, announcing that the alliance is "suspending all practical cooperation with Russia, military and civilian." After the first meeting of the 28-member alliance since the crisis began,...

Russia Jacks Ukraine's Gas Price 40%

And NATO boss says Russia hasn't moved troops yet

(Newser) - Russia's state-owned energy giant Gazprom is increasing the price of the natural gas it sells to Ukraine by 40%, it announced today, in what Reuters sees as an attempt to increase economic pressure on Kiev. But Gazprom didn't explain the move in terms of geopolitics; the company said...

Russia: We're Not Interested in Invading Ukraine

Foreign Minister Lavrov insists before meeting with John Kerry

(Newser) - The rhetoric from Russia continues to ease up a bit: "We have absolutely no intention of—or interest in—crossing Ukraine's borders," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Russian TV, reports the BBC . He spoke a day before a scheduled meeting with John Kerry about defusing tensions...

US Fears Russia Has Invasion Force Ready

Troops near Ukrainian border are concealing their positions

(Newser) - Is Russia planning to follow up its annexation of Crimea with an invasion of eastern Ukraine? American officials say they're not sure what Vladimir Putin's next move will be, but Moscow appears to have everything in place for a potential long-term deployment, the Wall Street Journal finds. At...

Russia Hijacks Ukraine's Spy Dolphins

'Combat dolphins' to change sides

(Newser) - Another humiliation for Ukraine: Russia, which now controls all military installations in Crimea, has also taken control of the country's military dolphin program. The secretive program, started in Soviet times, is based in the Crimean city of Sevastopol and has long been rumored to include training the mammals to...

Ukraine Dumps Defense Minister

With military in shambles, it seeks public's help

(Newser) - Ukraine's parliament has ousted acting defense minister Ihor Tenyukh without offering an immediate explanation, CNN reports. Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov prompted the move, which saw the country's parliament replace Tenyukh with Col. Gen. Myhaylo Koval. The switch comes as Ukraine's weakened military turns to the country's...

Ukrainian Women: Russians Beat and Jailed Us

Three activists say they were kidnapped in Crimea

(Newser) - Three female Ukrainian activists drove into Crimea just before its referendum and ended up kidnapped, beaten, and tossed in the same jail, they tell the Daily Beast . They were driving into Crimea—one on her own, and two together—to spread their views when Cossacks, Russian militia, and Ukrainian "...

Russians Overrun One of Ukraine's Last Crimea Bases

NATO warns of troop buildup at border

(Newser) - Ukraine has ordered all of its troops to evacuate from Crimea starting at 3pm today, after Russia seized one of its last remaining military installations in the peninsula. Russian forces seized the marine base after attacking from two directions early this morning using armored personnel carriers and stun grenades, a...

Russians Seize Base, Ask, Don't You Watch TV?

Another Ukraine outpost in Crimea is gone

(Newser) - The last of the Ukraine troops still on the job in Crimea are packing it in. Pro-Russian forces used armored vehicles to smash through the gate of a military base in Belbek and seize control today, reports AP . Gunfire and explosions could be heard, and two people were taken away...

Putin Officially Finishes Annexing Crimea

As Ukraine signs European Union trade pact

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin officially signed the bills completing Russia's annexation of Crimea today, hailing the move as a "remarkable event," the AP reports. It was one of the day's two auspicious signings; earlier, interim Ukrainian President Arseniy Yatsenyuk signed on to what Reuters refers to as a...

Obama Announces Drastic Sanctions Against Russia

Says he could target whole sectors of Russia's economy

(Newser) - President Obama may not want to send troops to Ukraine , but he's all too willing to fight Vladimir Putin with dollars. Obama today announced that he is expanding sanctions to yet more individuals both within and outside of the Russian government, and to a bank that has provided them...

Obama: No One Wants 'Actual War With Russia'

Meanwhile, Ukrainian commander released after ultimatum

(Newser) - The US won't be sending troops to Crimea anytime soon. President Obama effectively ruled out a military response to Russia's land grab yesterday, USA Today reports. "We do not need to trigger an actual war with Russia," he told KSDK-TV , in an interview ostensibly about raising...

Ukraine Gives Up on Crimea, Pulls Troops

Thousands being relocated to mainland

(Newser) - It looks like Vladimir Putin's swift annexation of Crimea will be a largely peaceful one, too. Ukraine is pulling all of its troops and their families out of the peninsula and relocating them on the mainland, reports the Guardian . The announcement by the government "effectively amounted to a...

Crimean Forces Seize Ukraine Navy HQ

Pro-Russian forces reportedly holding Ukrainian navy chief

(Newser) - Crimea's self-defense forces stormed the Ukrainian navy headquarters in the Black Sea port of Sevastopol today, taking possession without resistance a day after Russia signed a treaty with local authorities to annex the region. An AP photographer witnessed several hundred self-defense forces take down the gate and make their...

South Ossetia a Cautionary Tale for Crimea

South Ossetians starting to get sick of Moscow

(Newser) - The ethnic Russians who make up most of Crimea's population are pretty excited about the reunion with the motherland , but a look at other regions reveals that the love from Moscow may not last long, the New York Times finds. In South Ossetia, recognized as an independent state by...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>