Donald Trump 2016

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Mitch McConnell Won't Answer Key Question About Trump

Senate Majority leaders hedges on this one

(Newser) - Does Sen. Mitch McConnell consider Donald Trump qualified to be president? Well, it's a good question—and it's still a question, Politico reports. "You know, he won the Republican [nomination] fair and square," he said Sunday on ABC's This Week when asked whether Trump is...

The Question That Did In Corey Lewandowski

'What's your plan here?'

(Newser) - For all the drama associated with Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, it was his inability to answer a simple question from the boss that sealed his fate, writes Gabriel Sherman at New York . "What's your plan here?" Trump asked Lewandowski at a meeting Monday morning in which the...

Trump Loses Top Staffer Who Posted, 'The Witch Is Dead!'

Michael Caputo is out, too

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign lost yet another top man Monday—Michael Caputo, who had just celebrated the firing of the campaign's manager with a mocking tweet, the AP reports. "Ding dong the witch is dead!" Caputo tweeted , along with a photo from The Wizard of Oz showing...

Trump&#39;s Kids Got Lewandowski Fired
 Trump's Kids Got 
 Lewandowski Fired 
the rundown

Trump's Kids Got Lewandowski Fired

Seems Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka were done with him

(Newser) - Donald Trump may have done the firing, but his adult children apparently led the charge. A senior Trump staffer tells New York that Trump's kids—Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka—launched the coup that resulted in Corey Lewandowski, Trump's campaign manager, getting the ax Monday morning . "Things...

Democrats' 'Oppo Research' on Trump Is Mostly Old News Stories

'Underwhelming,' declares Gawker after a deep dive

(Newser) - So what are the secretive sources the Democratic National Committee uses to compile its opposition research on Donald Trump? In examining what is purported to be a DNC file obtained by hackers, Gawker reports that the sources are actually pretty familiar: The Washington Post leads the way with 75 references,...

Trump on Obama, Islam: 'There's Something Going On'

'It's inconceivable'

(Newser) - Donald Trump took his criticism of President Obama in the wake of the Orlando shooting to a new level Monday:
  • On Fox: "Look, we're led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he's got something else in mind. And the something else in

Hillary Rolls Out Fake 'Trump U' Infomercial

It's part of Clinton's pivot to the general election

(Newser) - Want to attend Trump University? Well, it's currently shuttered and embroiled in two lawsuits claiming fraud at the school—allegations revived Saturday in a biting, fake infomercial by Hillary Clinton's campaign, Time reports. "Donald Trump is world-famous for making a fortune from being famous for having a...

GOP Senator May Back ... Clinton

Susan Collins says it's 'unlikely,' but still possible

(Newser) - The endorsements are rolling in quickly for Hillary Clinton—from the likes of President Obama , Elizabeth Warren , Joe Biden , etc—and now comes word of possible support from a highly unusual source: a sitting Republican senator. Maine's Susan Collins tells the New Yorker that she's not ruling out...

First Elected Official Quits GOP Over 'Bigot' Trump

David Johnson compares Trump's campaign to that of Hitler

(Newser) - The first elected official to leave the GOP over its presumptive nominee compares Donald Trump's campaign to the rise of Adolf Hitler and says he won't stand idly by anymore. Iowa state Sen. David Johnson, 65, who has served in the Iowa Legislature for 18 years, changed his...

Trump Gives Speech Hinting at Big Speech on Clinton

Speaks of putting 'America first' on night of California primary

(Newser) - In advance of Donald Trump's 9pm speech at the Trump National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor, NY, he tweeted , "I will be speaking about our great journey to the Republican nomination"; the media marveled that he would be speaking with a teleprompter for what CNN proclaimed was only...

Ryan: Trump's Judge Remark Is 'Textbook' Racism

But he'll still vote for Trump over Clinton

(Newser) - Only Paul Ryan knows for sure if Paul Ryan regrets saying he'll endorse Donald Trump for president, but the House speaker is being somewhat more frank about his thoughts on other Trump matters—specifically, the presumptive GOP nominee's remarks on Gonzalo Curiel, the Indiana-born federal judge Trump's...

Trump Fails Pinocchio Test on Claims About Judge

Washington Post gives him worst possible rating

(Newser) - Donald Trump continues to publicly attack the judge handling the lawsuits against him over Trump University, arguing that the case against him is so weak that the judge should have tossed it out of court a long time ago. But the fact-checking blog at the Washington Post has just dismissed...

Texas Congressman to Trump: 'Shove It'

Filemon Vela not a fan of Trump's border wall idea

(Newser) - More fallout from Donald Trump's claim that the US-born judge presiding over two fraud lawsuits against Trump University has a "conflict of interest" and should recuse himself because of his "Mexican heritage." Trump says US District Judge Gonzalo Curiel must be biased against Trump because of...

Calling Trump a 'Health Hazard,' BuzzFeed Kills $1.3M Ad Deal

CEO: 'Trump campaign is directly opposed to freedoms of our employees'

(Newser) - There've been no shortage of complaints about how the media is handling the candidacy of Donald Trump—but now one media outlet is putting its advertising revenue where its mouth is and axing a deal to run ads this fall from the Republican National Committee. That outlet is BuzzFeed...

Trump's 'African-American' Is 'Not a Supporter'

Gregory Cheadle not offended by Trump's remarks, but doesn't know if he'll vote for him

(Newser) - Donald Trump lauded a man he called "my African-American" at a California rally on Friday, and that man, Gregory Cheadle, came out almost immediately to say he hadn't been bothered by the reference and was even "happy" about it. Yet that doesn't mean the Republican, who'...

David French: 'I'm Not Going to Run' for President

'I'm not the right person,' French says—but he thinks 'path remains open for others'

(Newser) - Election 2016 still has a good five months or so to tick off the calendar, but David French isn't going to be part of it. The Iraq War veteran and National Review writer hand-picked by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol to be the third-party savior against Hillary Clinton and...

Guy at Trump Rally: I'm His 'African American'

Gregory Cheadle seems happy to be noticed

(Newser) - Gregory Cheadle says he didn't mind a bit when Donald Trump called him "my African American over there." In fact, he tells the Redding Spotlight , he was happy about it. Cheadle was at a sweltering Trump rally in Northern California on Friday when the presumptive GOP nominee...

San Diego Newspaper Endorses ... Ronald Reagan

Paper looks to send a message to the GOP, Trump

(Newser) - A San Diego newspaper is endorsing a pretty unlikely presidential candidate: Ronald Reagan. Not in the hopes that the former president, who already served his two terms and died in 2004, might actually be elected, but to send the GOP a message. "Certainly, the Republican Party has an argument...

Trump: Judge in My Case Has 'Conflict' Because He's Mexican

'I'm building a wall'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has previously called the judge presiding over the two fraud cases against Trump University a "hater of Donald Trump" and made note of his Mexican ethnicity. Now, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal , Trump expands on the two themes: Judge Gonzalo Curiel, he says, has...

Protesters Attack Trump Supporters in San Jose

Hats were burned and eggs were thrown

(Newser) - A group of protesters attacked Donald Trump supporters who were leaving the candidate's rally in San Jose, Calif., on Thursday night. A dozen or more people were punched, at least one person was pelted with an egg, and Trump hats grabbed from supporters were set on fire on the...

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