Donald Trump 2016

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Trump, Cruz Smooch on a Giant Cleveland Billboard

Anti-homophobia message in sign located near GOP convention site

(Newser) - First they painted a house across from the Westboro Baptist Church the colors of the rainbow. On Thursday the Planting Peace charity erected its next measure of support for the LGBT community: a giant billboard on West 25th Street in Cleveland showing Donald Trump and Ted Cruz about to smooch....

'Never Trump' Movement Possibly Dealt Final Blow

Unbinding proposal rejected by Rules Committee

(Newser) - A major and perhaps final blow to the "Never Trump" movement: The Republican National Convention's 112-member Rules Committee rejected an "unbinding" proposal Thursday that would've allowed delegates bound to Donald Trump to use a "conscience clause" to dump Trump and choose another as the nominee....

Trump Delays VP Announcement After Attack in Nice

He says he still hasn't made a 'final, final' choice

(Newser) - Donald Trump had planned to reveal his VP pick at a Friday morning news conference but the big announcement has been put on hold. "In light of the horrible attack in Nice, France, I have postponed tomorrow's news conference," Trump tweeted Thursday night as news of the...

Trump Gives Weird Reason Why Palin's Not Attending RNC

Alaska is just too far away from Ohio, apparently

(Newser) - Sarah Palin won't be speaking at next week's Republican National Convention in Ohio, and Donald Trump explained to the Washington Examiner on Thursday why that is. "She was asked," Trump says, but "it's a little bit difficult because of where she is. We love...

Trump: I'll Announce VP Pick on Friday

He says he's narrowed it down to 2, 3, or 4

(Newser) - After days of mounting suspense, the finale of Donald Trump's VP search will take place Friday morning. Trump tweeted Wednesday night that he will make the announcement in Manhattan at 11am. His tweet followed what CNN calls "frenzied, last-minute try-outs" in person and over the phone from the...

Newt Gingrich Out at Fox Thanks to VP Speculation

Meanwhile, here's who Hillary is vetting

(Newser) - Fox News says it is suspending its contributor agreement with Newt Gingrich "due to the intense media speculation" about him as a potential vice presidential candidate of Republican Donald Trump. Jay Wallace, executive vice president of news at Fox, said Tuesday the network thought it was best to stop...

Trump on Ginsburg: I Hope She 'Gets Off the Court'

He slams her SCOTUS justice's 'highly inappropriate' comments about him

(Newser) - Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been criticized by analysts for her recent anti-Trump remarks , and now Donald Trump himself is getting in on it. "I think it’s highly inappropriate that a United States Supreme Court judge gets involved in a political campaign, frankly," Trump told the New York ...

Judge Rules in Favor of 'Never Trump' Delegate

Virginia can't force him to vote against his conscience

(Newser) - A GOP delegate from Virginia who says his conscience won't let him vote for Donald Trump scored a big victory in federal court Monday. The judge ruled that Virginia can't force Carroll Correll Jr. to vote for Trump because a state law requiring Republican National Committee delegates to...

Being Trump&#39;s VP Would Make Sense for Pence
Being Trump's VP Would Make Sense for Pence

Being Trump's VP Would Make Sense for Pence

For one thing, it gets him out of a tough re-election fight

(Newser) - People who bet money on such things say Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is the big favorite to be Donald Trump's running mate, reports MarketWatch . And Pence will be with Trump Tuesday at a campaign stop in the state, notes the Indianapolis Star . At the National Review , Eliana Johnson gets...

Kristen Bell Has Something to Say to Donald Trump

'Zip it Don'

(Newser) - Donald Trump called out the six-pointed stars on a Frozen coloring book amid his own Star of David controversy, and Frozen star Kristen Bell was having none of that. "Zip it Don & get ur head outta ur ass. We've more important things 2 think abt today #AltonSterling...

Trump Holds Testy Meetings With House, Senate GOP

He vowed not to change, called senator a loser

(Newser) - A defiant Donald Trump made it clear he won't change his brash tone or message as he courted anxious Republican lawmakers Thursday, blaming the media for stumbles that continue to alarm GOP leaders and energize Democrats. In his second Capitol Hill tour in three months, Trump called for unity,...

No, Trump, Saddam Wasn't 'Good' at Killing Terrorists

Fact Checker gives him 4 Pinocchios on that one

(Newser) - Earlier this week, Donald Trump repeated a statement he's made before about Saddam Hussein: "He was a bad guy. Really bad guy. But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good." Well, the Fact Checker blog at the Washington Post has...

Employee Knocks Trump's Jewish Son-in-Law: 'How Do You Allow This?'

One of Jared Kushner's own employees pens open letter about Trump's Star of David tweet

(Newser) - Donald Trump isn't the only one taking heat for tweeting an anti-Hillary Clinton image with a Star of David . Now his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who owns the New York Observer, is dealing with fallout from one of his own employees. Entertainment writer Dana Schwartz penned a scathing open letter...

Trump Praises Saddam at Campaign Rally

'Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism'

(Newser) - In scenes that would probably have confounded time travelers from as recently as last year, the presumptive GOP nominee for president praised Saddam Hussein in front of an enthusiastic crowd Tuesday night. Saddam was a "really bad guy," Donald Trump told a rally in Raleigh, NC, per the...

Trump: Star of David Was 'Sheriff's Badge'

Clinton campaign says image was 'blatantly anti-Semitic'

(Newser) - With just over four months to go until Election Day, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are locked in battle over the shape of a star. In a statement issued Monday, the Clinton campaign's director of Jewish outreach slammed the Trump campaign's use of a Star of David in...

Hillary's Chances of Winning, per Nate Silver: 79%

Though he concedes 'there's a lot of football left to be played'

(Newser) - If you're looking for odds on what's going to happen in Election 2016, you can ask a Las Vegas bookie or Nate Silver. And according to what the numbers whiz told George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday's Good Morning America , Hillary Clinton has an almost 80% chance...

Trump Is Awful, but I&#39;ll Probably Vote for Him
Trump Is Awful, but I'll Probably Vote for Him

Trump Is Awful, but I'll Probably Vote for Him

Because he's not Hillary Clinton, writes op-ed columnist

(Newser) - An op-ed in the Washington Post reads in parts like a standard attack against Donald Trump, calling him a "classic bully" and a "world-class demagogue," and predicting that he'll "continue to demonize his perceived enemies and take the low road at every opportunity." It...

NRA Makes $2M Pro-Trump Benghazi Ad Buy

Marine Corps vet who fought against Libyan assault featured in 'Stop Clinton' promo

(Newser) - One of the biggest political ads for Donald Trump yet is being released, and none other than the National Rifle Association is behind it, USA Today reports. The NRA's Political Victory Fund PAC put up $2 million to back the 30-second spot , the association's first ad campaign of...

'Slayer-in-Chief' Warren and Clinton Tag-Team on Trump

Mass. senator makes fun of his 'goofy' hat, says he would 'crush you into the dirt' to get his way

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's eventual running mate or not, as Elizabeth Warren headed out on the campaign trail Monday, she embraced a role she's already been practicing on her own: the "chief public antagonist" against Donald Trump, as CNN describes it (or the "Trump slayer-in-chief," per...

Who Wants to Speak at GOP Convention? Not Many, Apparently

At least one state rep is going to the beach instead, per Politico inquiry

(Newser) - Almost as bad as a party no one RSVPs to: a national political convention where you're the presumed nominee and people are either reluctantly attending, turning down high-profile speaking opportunities, or not coming at all. That's what Politico reveals after a somewhat cringe-inducing inquiry into who's interested...

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