North Korea missile launch

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North Korea Could Respond 'With Fury' to Latest US Move

US flies bombers, fighters in show of force

(Newser) - The United States flew some of its most advanced warplanes in bombing drills with ally South Korea on Thursday, a clear warning after North Korea l aunched a midrange ballistic missile designed to carry nuclear bombs over Japan earlier this week, South Korea's military said. North Korea hates such...

North Korea Warns Guam: Missile Launch Just a 'Prelude'

Guam is back in Pyongyang's sights, as UN slams aggression

(Newser) - The UN blasted North Korea's missile launch over Japan as "outrageous" while Pyongyang promised the latest provocation was only a "first step," Reuters reports. The UN Security Council called on North Korea to stop its aggressions, saying it was of "vital importance" the rogue nation...

North Korea Fires Projectile Over Japan

Aggressive test flight likely to rattle the region

(Newser) - North Korea fired an unidentified projectile from its capital Pyongyang that flew over Japan, officials said, an especially aggressive test-flight that will rattle an already anxious region, the AP reports. Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff on Tuesday said the South Korean and US militaries were analyzing the launch and...

North Korea: We'll Hold Off on Guam Missile Launch

Kim Jong Un has reviewed plans, state media says

(Newser) - North Korea says its plan to fire ICBMs into the waters around Guam is on hold while it waits to see what the "foolish Yankees" do next. North Korean state media said Tuesday that Kim Jong Un has reviewed the plan for "the enveloping fire at Guam,"...

North Korea Details Guam Strike Plan
North Korea Details
Guam Strike Plan

North Korea Details Guam Strike Plan

Pyongyang calls Trump 'bereft of reason'

(Newser) - North Korea took things up yet another notch Thursday by issuing detailed plans for a strike near Guam —and some insults directed at President Trump. Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency said a plan to fire four Hwasong-12 intermediate-range ballistic missiles into waters 25 miles off Guam will...

N. Korea Threat Rattles Guam Residents
Guam on Edge After
North Korea Threat

Guam on Edge After North Korea Threat

Pastor says God is on Trump's side

(Newser) - North Korea has threatened to use missiles to create "enveloping fire" around Guam —and while residents of the American territory are used to hearing Pyongyang mention Guam, they are understandably a little on edge. Residents tell the AP that they are worried about being caught in the middle...

North Korea Promises 'Righteous Action' Over New Sanctions

Experts worry effect may not be fast enough

(Newser) - North Korea has responded to tough new United Nations Security Council sanctions with typical defiance, calling the measures a "violent violation" of its sovereignty and promising "righteous action" in return. In statements carried by the official Korea Central News Agency on Sunday, Pyongyang rejected calls for it to...

Big Flaw Spotted in N. Korea Missile Test

Mock warhead apparently failed to survive re-entry

(Newser) - North Korea's latest missile launch was seen as a worrying success that means much of the US mainland is now in reach of Pyongyang's missiles—but analysts have seen signs that not everything went according to plan. Video shows that the mock warhead on the intercontinental ballistic missile...

UN Ambassador: US 'Is Done Talking About N. Korea'

'The time for talk is over,' Nikki Haley says

(Newser) - "The time for talk is over" on North Korea, so the United States isn't planning to call a United Nations Security Council meeting for discussion of the country's latest ICBM launch , US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley says. In a statement , Haley said there would be...

Responding to N. Korea, US Takes Bombers for a Run

B-1 bombers fly over South Korea in show of strength as military says 'we are ready'

(Newser) - The United States flew two supersonic bombers over the Korean Peninsula on Sunday in a show of force against North Korea following the country's latest intercontinental ballistic missile test. The B-1 bombers were escorted by South Korean fighter jets on a low pass over an air base near Seoul...

N. Korea Pop Concert Celebrates Missile Launch

Uniformed crowd cheers Kim

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was feted at a concert replete with pop music and thunderous applause marking the successful launch of his country's first intercontinental ballistic missile . Leading the bill at the concert was the Moranbong Band, an all-female ensemble that was hand-picked by Kim and serves...

N. Korea Missile Something 'We've Not Seen Before'

Pentagon says missile launch 'has our attention'

(Newser) - North Korea's test of an intercontinental ballistic missile Tuesday—already causing a stir—is now said to have featured a new type of missile the Pentagon has "not seen before," Reuters reports. Pentagon spokesperson Navy Capt. Jeff Davis says the ICBM, which was fired from a mobile...

Pyongyang: Missile Launch Was &#39;Gift to US&#39;
N. Korea: ICBM Launch
Was 'Gift' to America

N. Korea: ICBM Launch Was 'Gift' to America

Kim says more 'gifts' are on the way

(Newser) - North Korea's first successful launch of an ICBM has shocked the world—and caused some gloating in Pyongyang. North Korea's KCNA news agency quoted Kim Jong Un as saying "American bastards would be not very happy with this gift sent on the July 4 anniversary," the...

North Korea Says It Launched ICBM
North Korea Says
It Launched ICBM

North Korea Says It Launched ICBM

Pyongyang claims it can now 'strike anywhere on earth'

(Newser) - The stakes just got even higher on the Korean Peninsula: North Korea says the missile it test-launched early Tuesday was an intercontinental ballistic missile, not the intermediate-range missile that US and South Korean authorities initially said they detected. North Korea's military described the launch of the Hwasong-14 as the...

Trump Calls for 'Heavy Move' After N. Korea Missile Launch

'Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?'

(Newser) - "North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?" President Trump tweeted Monday night after Pyongyang's latest missile launch. The Japanese government estimates that the intermediate-range missile launched early Tuesday local time flew for around 40 minutes—longer than...

North Korea Issues Defiant Boast About Missile

Says it can hit US, South Korean ships 'at will'

(Newser) - North Korea on Friday commented on its Thursday test-launch of a new type of cruise missile, saying the weapon is capable of striking US and South Korean warships "at will." The missiles are the fourth new missile system North Korea has disclosed and tested this year, sending a...

North Korea Fires Missiles, Slams Trump's 'Egotism'

Ground-to-ship missiles land near site of US drills

(Newser) - North Korea angered the US and its own neighbors Thursday morning with yet another missile launch, this time involving what South Korean officials believe were multiple anti-ship missiles from Wonsan on the country's east coast. Officials say the missiles traveled around 125 miles. Pyongyang is trying to develop missiles...

North Korea Fires 'Highly Problematic' Missile

That would be 3rd in 3 weeks, and it landed in Japanese waters

(Newser) - North Korea carried out its third missile test in as many weeks Monday, firing what is believed to have been a short-range Scud-type missile into waters Japan considers to be part of its exclusive economic maritime zone. Japanese government spokesman Yoshihide Suga says Tokyo has protested the "intolerable" action...

North Korea Says Missiles Are 'Answer to Trump'

Kim calls for mass production of new weapons system

(Newser) - North Korea says it's ready to deploy and start mass-producing a new medium-range missile capable of reaching Japan and major US military bases there following a test launch it claims confirmed the missile's combat readiness and is an "answer" to President Trump's policies. The solid-fuel Pukguksong-2...

N. Korea Fires Missile That South Says Tanks Peace

Ballistic missile had shorter range than last 3 tests

(Newser) - North Korea fired off yet another missile on Sunday, but the latest salvo shot down South Korea’s new government’s hopes of extending any olive branch, reports Reuters . Combined with an earlier test in the week, Seoul’s foreign ministry was blunt, calling the tests "reckless and irresponsible...

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