North Korea missile launch

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Trump Not 'Personally Bothered' by NK Launches

He breaks with host during Japan visit

(Newser) - President Trump said Monday that he is not "personally bothered" by recent short-range missile tests that North Korea conducted this month, breaking with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is hosting the president on four-day state visit full of pageantry. Standing beside Trump at a news conference after hours...

North Korea&#39;s New Missiles Are Eerily Familiar to Experts
North Korea's
New Missiles Are
Eerily Familiar
the rundown

North Korea's New Missiles Are Eerily Familiar

They bear a strong resemblance to the Iskander

(Newser) - The three new missiles North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has tested over the past week are eerily familiar to military experts: They look just like a controversial and widely copied missile the Russian military has deployed to Syria and has been actively trying to sell abroad for years. Ending...

Trump: 'Nobody's Happy' About N. Korea Launches

Seoul confirms 2 missiles were fired Thursday

(Newser) - The US and South Korean militaries evaluated the two projectiles North Korea flew Thursday as short-range missiles, a South Korean military official said Friday, a day after the North's second launch in five days raised jitters about an unravelling detente between the Koreas and the future of nuclear negotiations...

S. Korea Says North Fired 'Unidentified Projectile'

South says it is 2nd test in under a week

(Newser) - North Korea fired at least one unidentified projectile from the country's western area on Thursday, South Korea's military says. It was the second such launch in the last five days and a possible warning that nuclear disarmament talks could be in danger, the AP reports. The South's...

Kim Jong Un Is at It Again
Kim Jong Un Is at It Again

Kim Jong Un Is at It Again

North Korea tests long-range rocket launchers and apparently a short-range ballistic missile

(Newser) - North Korean state media on Sunday showed leader Kim Jong Un observing live-fire drills of long-range multiple rocket launchers and what appeared to be a new short-range ballistic missile, a day after South Korea expressed concern that the launches were a violation of an inter-Korean agreement to cease all hostile...

Report: North Korea Is Building New Missiles

ICBM facility 'is not dead, by any stretch of the imagination'

(Newser) - Satellite images show that North Korea is behaving like a country working hard on its missile program, not a country preparing to disarm, the Washington Post reports, citing "officials familiar with the intelligence." The officials say the evidence shows that North Korea is working on at least one...

Days After Hawaii Missile-Alert Gaffe, a Repeat in Japan
Now, a Missile-Alert
Goof in Japan

Now, a Missile-Alert Goof in Japan

Broadcaster NHK sent it out via its app

(Newser) - It's deja vu all over again. Following Saturday's erroneous alert of an incoming "ballistic missile threat" in Hawaii comes a similar gaffe from Japanese national broadcaster NHK. A message was sent out via the NHK app Tuesday that read: "NHK news alert. North Korea likely to...

US Tightens Screws on 2 of Kim's Most Trusted Aides

Treasury sanctions top officials, bans them from dealing with US citizens

(Newser) - The US Treasury Department has issued sanctions against two officials it describes as "key leaders of North Korea's unlawful weapons programs." The sanctions against Kim Jong Sik and Ri Pyong Chol block them from any property or interests in property within US jurisdiction and prohibit them from...

North Korea Calls New Sanctions an 'Act of War'

UN Security Council will 'pay heavy price'

(Newser) - North Korea now considers itself at war with all 15 members of the United Nations Security Council, according to a blistering statement issued after the council unanimously approved tough new sanctions . The country's foreign minister described the latest round of sanctions as an "act of war" that was...

Photos of North Korea Missile Launch Capture Worrying Sign

Missile flew 10 times higher than space station

(Newser) - North Korea says its latest missile is capable of reaching the entire US mainland—and experts warn that Pyongyang could be right. The Hwasong-15 missile launched early Wednesday went up almost 2,800 miles—10 times the height of the International Space Station—and flew around 590 miles, demonstrating what...

Trump Responds to N. Korea Missile: 'We Will Take Care of It'

Pyongyang ends 2-month lull with launch toward Japan

(Newser) - The two-month lull is over: North Korea has launched another missile, ending a pause in testing that had raised hopes for diplomatic progress. The ballistic missile went up about 3am Wednesday local time and flew east before coming down in the Sea of Japan. "We will take care of...

North Korea Slams US 'Surprise Nuclear Drill'

McMaster says Trump won't hold back in Asia talks

(Newser) - The North Korea situation is heating up again—just in time for President Trump's visit to the region. On Thursday, two Guam-based American B-1B Lancer strategic bombers joined Japanese and South Korean jets for drills near the Korean Peninsula, Reuters reports. American authorities describe the exercises as a routine...

Russian Official on North Korean Visit: 'Their Mood Is Rather Belligerent'

He claims North Korea is preparing to test missile that can reach US

(Newser) - A Russian lawmaker has returned from a trip to Pyongyang with some alarming news, Reuters reports. Anton Morozov says North Korea is preparing to test a missile it believes can reach the west coast of the US. Morozov says "they even gave us mathematical calculations" to prove it, though...

Key to North Korea's Missile Success: 'Devil's Venom'

It may be too late to cut off supply of rare, highly volatile rocket fuel

(Newser) - A highly volatile fuel known to the Russians as the "Devil's Venom" has been powering the success of North Korea's missile program, analysts say—and it may be too late to cut off its supply. Intelligence memos from as far back as the George W. Bush administration...

Kim Jong Un Vows to Complete North Korea's Nuclear Program

Says country is nearing goal of 'equilibrium' in military force with US

(Newser) - North Korea leader Kim Jong Un said his country is nearing its goal of "equilibrium" in military force with the United States, as the United Nations Security Council strongly condemned the North's "highly provocative" ballistic missile launch over Japan on Friday, the AP reports. The North's...

Seoul Responded to Latest Pyongyang Launch Within Minutes

Test shows Guam is now in range, experts say

(Newser) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called for "direct actions" against North Korea from oil suppliers China and Russia after the country launched another missile over Japan early Friday. China and Russia "must indicate their intolerance for these reckless missile launches by taking direct actions of their own,"...

North Korea Fires Another Missile
North Korea Fires
Another Missile

North Korea Fires Another Missile

South Korea says missile flew over Japan

(Newser) - South Korea's military says North Korea fired an unidentified missile from its capital Pyongyang that flew over Japan on Friday before landing in the northern Pacific Ocean, the AP reports. It was the second aggressive test-flight over Japan in less than a month, and it followed North Korea's...

Fearing New ICBM Launch, South Korea Turns Up Heat

With activity around N. Korean launch sites, South simulates attack on Kim's nuke test site

(Newser) - With activity around missile launch sites suggesting North Korea planned more missile tests, Jang Kyoung-soo, South Korea's acting deputy defense minister, warned parliament Monday that the North also could be planning to "fire an intercontinental ballistic missile." Seoul wasn't letting grass grow under its feet: South...

Trump: North Korea a 'Great Threat,' 'Embarrassment'

As other global leaders leap to condemn reported test of H-bomb

(Newser) - President Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea— branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States. North Korea says it has conducted its sixth and most...

N. Korea Says It Tested H-Bomb in 'Perfect Success'

First nuke test of Trump era as technological advances appear to come fast and furious

(Newser) - North Korea detonated a thermonuclear device Sunday in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test to date, which it called a "perfect success" as its neighbors condemned it. Though the strength of the blast is undetermined, the artificial earthquake it caused was several times stronger than tremors generated by...

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