Hillary Clinton 2016

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Clinton Wants Amendment to Dump Citizens United

She's working hard to shore up Bernie Sanders' following

(Newser) - In a bow to Bernie Sanders' campaign, Hillary Clinton picked up one of the causes he championed on Saturday, reports the Hill —that of overturning the 2010 Supreme Court ruling that opened the floodgates on corporate political donations. "Today I’m announcing that in my first 30 days...

Newt Gingrich Out at Fox Thanks to VP Speculation

Meanwhile, here's who Hillary is vetting

(Newser) - Fox News says it is suspending its contributor agreement with Newt Gingrich "due to the intense media speculation" about him as a potential vice presidential candidate of Republican Donald Trump. Jay Wallace, executive vice president of news at Fox, said Tuesday the network thought it was best to stop...

One Defining Trait Helps Explain Clinton

She's a listener, writes Ezra Klein at Vox

(Newser) - Ezra Klein at Vox writes that he's been puzzled by something about Hillary Clinton for years: Those with whom she works closely express an extraordinary admiration for her, both personally and professionally, that is rare in DC. At the same time, the general public doesn't seem to like...

Bernie Finally Endorses Hillary

'Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president,' Sanders says at NH event

(Newser) - With Hillary Clinton enthusiastically nodding and clapping by his side, Bernie Sanders appeared Tuesday at a high school in Portsmouth, NH, and finally offered what many Democrats have been waiting for : an endorsement, USA Today reports. "Secretary Clinton … will be the Democratic nominee for president and I intend...

Dowd: Just Think of Hillary as Daisy Buchanan
Dowd: Just Think of Hillary
as Daisy Buchanan

Dowd: Just Think of Hillary as Daisy Buchanan

This is not a compliment

(Newser) - FBI chief James Comey called Hillary Clinton " extremely careless" over her use of a private email server, and Maureen Dowd goes him one better in the New York Times . She likens Bill and Hillary Clinton to Tom and Daisy Buchanan of the Great Gatsby in that their "vast...

FBI: Clinton Email 'Careless' but Not Criminal

But Justice Department will have final say

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has dodged a huge bullet ahead of the convention: The FBI chief said Tuesday that after an exhaustive review of her use of a private email server as secretary of state, the agency will not recommend criminal charges. James Comey did criticize Clinton and her staff for being...

Official: AG to OK What Prosecutors Want in Hillary Email Case

This after a controversial meeting with Bill Clinton on a plane in Arizona

(Newser) - Attorney General Loretta Lynch intends to accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and federal agents make in the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server, a Justice Department official speaking on condition of anonymity said Friday, per the AP . The revelation comes amid a controversy surrounding an...

Hillary's Chances of Winning, per Nate Silver: 79%

Though he concedes 'there's a lot of football left to be played'

(Newser) - If you're looking for odds on what's going to happen in Election 2016, you can ask a Las Vegas bookie or Nate Silver. And according to what the FiveThirtyEight.com numbers whiz told George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday's Good Morning America , Hillary Clinton has an almost 80% chance...

'Slayer-in-Chief' Warren and Clinton Tag-Team on Trump

Mass. senator makes fun of his 'goofy' hat, says he would 'crush you into the dirt' to get his way

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's eventual running mate or not, as Elizabeth Warren headed out on the campaign trail Monday, she embraced a role she's already been practicing on her own: the "chief public antagonist" against Donald Trump, as CNN describes it (or the "Trump slayer-in-chief," per...

Sanders: I Will Vote for Hillary

But that doesn't mean he's endorsing her or dropping out of the race

(Newser) - While Bernie Sanders still hasn't officially thrown in the towel on his run for the Oval Office, he did make one thing clear on MSNBC Friday: He'll vote for Hillary Clinton in November, even if it's just to keep her main opponent out, Politico reports. "Yes,...

Obama Immigration Defeat Could Help Dems Win

Democrats plan to mobilize Hispanic vote

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's tie vote on President Obama's immigration pla n yesterday killed off that part of his legacy—but it may have made it more likely that Hillary Clinton will be his successor. Democrats say the ruling, which blocks a plan to shield more than 4 million...

GOP Stalwart Says He'll Back Hillary

Brent Scowcroft was national security adviser for Ford, George HW, served 3 other GOP presidents

(Newser) - When you hear the name "Brent Scowcroft," certain things may come to mind, including "retired lieutenant general " and "heavyweight foreign policy adviser" to several GOP presidents, CNN notes. He served as national security adviser to Presidents Ford and George HW Bush, as well as in...

If Clinton Wants to Be Bold, This VP Pick Would Do It

Columnist makes the case for Sheryl Sandberg

(Newser) - The smart money is on Hillary Clinton making a predictable pick for her running mate—think Tim Kaine or Sherrod Brown, or perhaps Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, or Julian Castro, writes William Whalen at RealClearPolitics . But Whalen suggests another name that doesn't appear on the regular short lists: Facebook...

Clinton Wins DC Primary, Meets With Sanders

Primary season is in the books

(Newser) - The 2016 presidential primary season is over. And in the last race of the year, it's a win for Hillary Clinton. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee capped her primary campaign on Tuesday with a win over Bernie Sanders in the Washington, DC, primary, reports AP . As elections officials started...

Clinton: I'll Say 'Radical Islamism'

Trump boasts that he forced her into it

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has avoided using the phrase "radical Islam" when describing terror attacks, but that reluctance appears to be over. "To me, radical jihadism, radical Islamism, I think they mean the same thing," she said on the Today show at NBC . "I'm happy to say...

Hillary Rolls Out Fake 'Trump U' Infomercial

It's part of Clinton's pivot to the general election

(Newser) - Want to attend Trump University? Well, it's currently shuttered and embroiled in two lawsuits claiming fraud at the school—allegations revived Saturday in a biting, fake infomercial by Hillary Clinton's campaign, Time reports. "Donald Trump is world-famous for making a fortune from being famous for having a...

GOP Senator May Back ... Clinton

Susan Collins says it's 'unlikely,' but still possible

(Newser) - The endorsements are rolling in quickly for Hillary Clinton—from the likes of President Obama , Elizabeth Warren , Joe Biden , etc—and now comes word of possible support from a highly unusual source: a sitting Republican senator. Maine's Susan Collins tells the New Yorker that she's not ruling out...

Warren: I'm Ready to Work My Heart Out for Clinton

She endorses Hillary, praises Bernie on 'Maddow'

(Newser) - Things are falling into place for Hillary Clinton: Her endorsement from President Obama Thursday was followed by that of Elizabeth Warren, the progressive senator who could be key to winning over Bernie Sanders supporters. "I'm ready. I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart...

Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton

'I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office'

(Newser) - President Obama officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for president on Thursday, Politico reports. According to ABC News , the president made the endorsement via a video posted by the Clinton campaign. “I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office," Obama says in his...

Clinton Worried She'd Have Trouble Getting Through Speech

'It just was a sense of momentous historic experience'

(Newser) - After making history on Tuesday , the first female presumptive nominee of a major US party spent much of Wednesday talking to the media about how it felt to make history—and about her plans for the future. Some highlights from Hillary Clinton's interviews with CNN , the New York Times...

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