James Holmes

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Holmes Plotted Colo. Massacre for 4 Months

Bomb experts defuse traps in apartment

(Newser) - James Holmes began receiving "a high volume of deliveries" of weapons and ammunition at his home and work beginning at least four months ago, indicating that the man behind Thursday night's massacre in Aurora, Colo., had been plotting his massacre even longer than police originally thought , reports Reuters...

Cops Trying to Enter Booby-Trapped Apartment
Cops Trigger Bombs in Booby-Trapped Apartment

Cops Trigger Bombs in Booby-Trapped Apartment

Robot triggers first explosion at James Holmes' place

(Newser) - Police disabled a trip wire and successfully set off another triggering device today at the booby-trapped apartment of Dark Knight suspect James Holmes in Aurora, Colo., MSNBC reports. They sent in a robot to disable the trip wire with an explosive water-bottle device, notes the Denver Post . The second controlled...

Holmes in Solitary; Inmates Talk of 'Killing Him'

Suspected 'Dark Knight' killer kept on suicide watch

(Newser) - Suspected Dark Knight killer James Holmes was acting erratically when put behind bars and placed on suicide watch yesterday, the New York Daily News reports. “He was spitting at the door and spitting at the guards,” said a fellow Colorado inmate. “He's spitting at everything. Dude...

James Holmes Is Insane, But So Are Our Gun Laws
 James Holmes Is Insane, 
 But So Are Our Gun Laws 
Roger Ebert

James Holmes Is Insane, But So Are Our Gun Laws

Roger Ebert: Now would be a good time to change things

(Newser) - Roger Ebert guesses that Dark Knight shooting suspect James Holmes isn't obsessed with Batman, just publicity. He "must also have been insane," writes Ebert in the New York Times . The problem is that our nation's gun laws are equally so. The US "is one of...

Colorado Gun Laws Still Lax 13 Years After Columbine

Skeptics don't expect much to change after nearby Aurora massacre

(Newser) - Thirteen years after the Columbine High School shootings, gun laws remain little-different in Colorado, reports the New York Times , as James Holmes over the past two months was able to legally buy an assault rifle, a shotgun, and two handguns. Colorado has enacted a few minor restrictions on guns since...

Aurora Suspect May Have Posted Profile on Sex Site

'Will you visit me in prison?' asks James Holmes

(Newser) - Most of the descriptions of Dark Knight suspect James Holmes revolve around the "quiet, smart, loner" variety, but TMZ says police are investigating a bit of a seedier angle. Someone named James Holmes from Aurora posted a profile on the sex site AdultFriendFinder on July 5. The accompanying photo...

Dark Knight Suspect Planned Attack: Officials

Director Christopher Nolan calls carnage 'devastating'

(Newser) - James Holmes appears to have planned his assault on Dark Knight fans for some time. Law enforcement officials say he began buying weapons from gun stores around Aurora, Colorado, two months ago, and came to the Dark Knight Rises premiere fully stocked—with a Smith & Wesson AR-15 assault-style rifle,...

Dark Knight Suspect: I'm 'The Joker'

James Holmes wore red hair like Heath Ledger in 'Dark Knight'

(Newser) - Looks like Dark Knight Rises suspect James Holmes may have been imitating a Batman foe when he killed 12 and wounded 59 in a Colorado theater this morning, TMZ reports. The evidence: James Holmes wore red hair and said he was "The Joker" when arrested by police. "It...

Colorado Victim Escaped Mall Shooting Last Month

Jessica Ghawi is among the 12 reported fatalities

(Newser) - One of the first victims to be identified in Colorado is Jessica Ghawi, an aspiring sports journalist, reports People . Especially wrenching is the fact that last month, she wrote of being in Toronto's Eaton Centre mall just moments before a fatal shooting there. "I was shown how fragile...

Dark Knight Suspect Was Grad Student

James Holmes' apartment filled with booby traps: police

(Newser) - The 24-year-old accused of a movie theater shooting rampage was attending medical school until just last month, says a rep for the University of Colorado. The spokeswoman didn't know why James Holmes dropped out of the university, the AP reports. He lived in an apartment building exclusive to med...

Obama Calls for Day of Reflection

'What if Malia and Sasha had been at the theater,' he asks

(Newser) - Politicking is mostly taking the day off in the wake of the Colorado shooting, notes Roll Call . President Obama stepped away from his stump speech in Florida to speak of the shooting, and Mitt Romney was expected to do the same later today. The Romney camp also pulled ads from...

Stories 81 - 91 | << Prev