
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

How a Tortured City Fought Back Against Heroin

Rutland is working to shed its reputation as 'heroin city'

(Newser) - Rutland, Vt., is fed up with heroin. Tom VanEps and his neighbors used to just watch, disgusted, as dealers worked Baxter Street, their buyers sometimes littering the ground with used syringes. Now, they confront the dealers and the junkies. "We'll make them throw their crap right down that...

Why CEO Hasn't Cut Drug's 5K% Price Hike

Turing chief Martin Shkreli says it will be a 'long' process to figure out demand

(Newser) - As of a week ago , pharmaceuticals purveyor Martin Shkreli hadn't kept his promise to lower the cost of a toxoplasmosis drug after outcry over its 5,000% price hike over the summer. Nothing much has changed since—except now the Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO is explaining why Daraprim is still...

Video Shows Drivers High on Drugs Before Crash

Their families released the footage for a reason

(Newser) - A newly released video shows two young men joking and laughing as they drive at high speeds through dark country lanes. Then they crash, and their lives are over. Families of the two British friends—Kyle Careford, 20, Michael Owen, 21—have released the footage as a warning to others...

Canada Tries to Cut Cost of Lifesaving Drug, Gets Sued

Canada wants to lower dizzying price of Soliris; Alexion says no way

(Newser) - Soliris is one of the world's most expensive drugs, running about $500,000 a year in the US. In Canada, a year's supply of the drug, used to treat two rare blood diseases—paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome (AHUS)—is even pricier at about $525,...

Here's How Price-Gouging Drug CEO Says He Sleeps at Night

'You know, Ambien' suggests Martin Shkreli is A-OK with exorbitant price hike

(Newser) - Price gouging for a tuberculosis drug may have been walked back , but the CEO of another pharmaceutical company is standing firm with his decision to drastically raise the price of a drug that treats the potentially deadly parasitic infection toxoplasmosis. Turing Pharmaceutical's Martin Shkreli—an ex-hedge fund manager who...

Drug's Price Changed From $13.50 a Tablet to $750

Daraprim move doesn't go over well

(Newser) - "This isn't the greedy drug company trying to gouge patients, it is us trying to stay in business. It really doesn't make sense to get any criticism for this." The "this" Martin Shkreli is referring to is the price hike his company instituted after it...

Author: Nazi Soldiers Were High on Crystal Meth
Author: Nazi Soldiers Were High on Crystal Meth
in case you missed it

Author: Nazi Soldiers Were High on Crystal Meth

Norman Ohler's new book also describes Hitler's drug use

(Newser) - You can add drug abuse to the long list of Nazi exploits, according to author Norman Ohler, who claims Adolf Hitler's soldiers were as high as a kite during World War II. When a friend mentioned Nazi soldiers used drugs, Ohler began scouring US and German archives and uncovered...

Mom's Viral Photo Shows the Harsh Reality of Heroin

Eva Holland poses with her 2 kids next to their dad's dead body

(Newser) - An Ohio woman who lost the father of her two kids earlier this month responded by posting the rather jarring photo of herself and the children standing next to his open casket in an attempt to warn people about the harsh reality of heroin addiction, reports CBS News . The photo,...

Shakespeare Gets a 400-Year-Old Drug Test

Scientists determine what was in tobacco pipes found in his garden

(Newser) - "To smoke or not to smoke" was not the question. Something had been smoked in the pipe bowls and stems unearthed from William Shakespeare' garden in Stratford-upon-Avon; the question was what. Researchers in South Africa now have gas chromatography mass spectrometry to thank for their answer. A piece in...

New DEA Chief: Pot 'Probably Not' as Dangerous as Heroin

But 'I'm no expert,' Chuck Rosenberg adds

(Newser) - Marijuana advocates celebrated when DEA head Michele Leonhart stepped down , with a rep for the Marijuana Policy Project telling Bloomberg , that Leonhart held up an era of "Reefer Madness" at the DEA and "maintained an opinion about marijuana akin to the opinion people had back in the '...

Police Raid Pot Farm, Find Bowe Bergdahl

US soldier charged with desertion not charged in California incident

(Newser) - What a California drug task force probably expected to find when it raided a Mendocino County pot farm: pot. What it probably didn't expect to find: Bowe Bergdahl . The US soldier, charged with desertion after he went missing in Afghanistan and was held by the Taliban for five years,...

Your Medication Could Be Making You More Selfish
Your Medication Could Be Making You More Selfish

Your Medication Could Be Making You More Selfish

Two common drugs alter a person's moral compass: study

(Newser) - Medications do more than treat an illness: Certain ones may also make you more considerate or selfish. A new study finds two common medications, an antidepressant and a treatment for Parkinson's disease, actually alter your moral compass, reports Medical Daily . Researchers assigned 89 healthy people a dose of the...

FDA OKs Pricey New Cystic Fibrosis Drug

It'll cost patients about $250K a year

(Newser) - Federal health officials have approved a new combination drug for the most common form of cystic fibrosis. But it will come at a steep price—more than $250,000 for a year's treatment. The FDA cleared the twice-a-day pill from Vertex Pharmaceuticals for a variation of cystic fibrosis that...

2 New Cholesterol Drugs May Be Game-Changers

FDA advisory panel recommends both after 2 days of hearings

(Newser) - A new batch of cholesterol-lowering drugs could bring new hope to patients who can't take popular statins, or for those who don't feel their effects. Today, an FDA advisory committee recommended approval of Amgen's Repatha, reports AP , just one day after it gave the green light to...

Microbes May Be Doing Something Wild in Our Sewage

Levels of certain pharmaceuticals go up after wastewater is treated

(Newser) - Drugs in our sewage are an issue of continuing concern: A few years back, researchers found that treatment plants were only getting rid of about half of them. Now, a new study suggests that the problem goes beyond a failure to eradicate the drugs: Researchers found that levels of two...

FDA OKs Shot to Zap Your Double Chin

Kybella injections said to be noninvasive, can be performed in 5 minutes

(Newser) - About 70% of participants in a 2014 survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery about cosmetic procedures pointed fingers at chin and neck fat as a "top concern," per the Washington Post . But a drug just approved by the FDA looks to banish double chins, ABC News...

Indonesia Firing Squad Executes 8, Spares Woman

Nation goes ahead with executions over drug charges

(Newser) - Intense international pressure failed to sway Indonesia: It executed seven foreigners and one of its own citizens today via firing squad over drug-smuggling charges, reports the Jakarta Post . However, the newspaper says that a Filipino woman, Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, was spared at the last moment because the drug courier...

'Most Dangerous' Drug Is Poisoning More Americans

Poison control centers fielded 1,008 calls about Spice in the first 22 days of April

(Newser) - "American Association of Poison Control Centers Issues Warning About Reemerging Synthetic Drugs." That's the title of a strongly worded press release issued yesterday about "Spice" following an upsurge in hospital visits and calls to state poison control centers due to the drug. Those centers received 1,...

New Designer Drug Makes People Violent, Delusional

Flakka is on the rise, especially in Florida

(Newser) - A new designer drug is making people delusional, paranoid, violent, and extremely high—and it's available for just $5 a hit. Called Flakka, it's already been reported in Florida, Ohio, Texas, and is likely circulating in other states, Forbes reports. Florida cases are particularly disturbing, CBS News notes,...

Ex-Blackwater Firm Makes Millions in Futile Fight on Afghan Drugs

Guardian: Academi pulled in $569M to kill Afghan narcotics industry, which is thriving

(Newser) - The company formerly known as Blackwater has pulled in a pretty penny from US taxpayers in its Pentagon-supported drive to flush out the Afghan narcotics industry: Nearly $570 million from fiscal 2002 to September 2013 was funneled to the firm now known as Academi—about 32% of the $1.8...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>