GOP candidates

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Candidate: No Way Female Journalist Is Following Me

Robert Foster is following the 'Billy Graham Rule'

(Newser) - A Republican candidate for Mississippi governor says he would not let a woman journalist follow him while campaigning unless she was accompanied by a male colleague—and now he's trying to raise campaign money based on that because he says the "liberal media" are attacking him, the AP...

GOP Operative Handled Ballots Illegally: NC Elections Chief

Congressional contest between Mark Harris and Democrat Dan McCready hangs in the balance

(Newser) - A Republican operative, who last year rounded up votes for a GOP candidate running for Congress, conducted an illegal and well-funded ballot-harvesting operation, North Carolina's elections director said Monday. The director's testimony came on the first day of a hearing into whether mail-in ballots were tampered with in...

She Vowed to Stay in the Race. Her 'Diploma' Did Her In

Melissa Howard says she's dropping out of state House of Representatives race

(Newser) - She had vowed to keep fighting for a House seat in Florida, but Melissa Howard says she's now out. "I have come to the realization that the right thing to do for my community is to withdraw from the race," she texted the Sarasota Herald-Tribune on Tuesday....

GOP Candidate Vows to Stay in Race After Fake Diploma

Florida's Melissa Howard says the whole thing was a 'mistake'

(Newser) - It wasn't fake news , but a fake diploma: A Florida GOP candidate has admitted she lied about having a degree from Ohio's Miami University, though she says she didn't mean to dupe the public. "It was not my intent to deceive or mislead anyone. I made...

GOP Candidate's Diploma Looks All Wrong: School

Melissa Howard may be in hot water

(Newser) - A Florida GOP candidate appears to be in trouble after producing a university diploma that doesn't look quite right, the Herald-Tribune reports. Melissa Howard, running in the state House District 73 primary, showed reporters a bachelor's diploma from Miami University in Ohio after Florida News Online claimed she...

Congressional Candidate Claim: I've Ridden an Alien Spaceship

Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera says she's kept in touch with alien abductors since incident at age 7

(Newser) - ET, phone … Miami? The Miami Herald reports on a GOP congressional candidate out of the South Florida city who once said she's remained in contact with aliens (though telepathically, not by phone) ever since she was abducted at age 7 by "three blond, big-bodied beings" who took...

NJ GOP Candidate Reportedly Calls for Journalist's Rape

Mike Krawitz claims his account was hacked

(Newser) - A Republican running for office in New Jersey allegedly told a Daily Beast journalist he hoped she'd be raped. After she shared a story about Donald Trump's ex-wife, Marla Maples, reporter Olivia Nuzzi says Mike Krawitz sent her threatening messages reading , "I. Hope. Somebody. Rapes. You. Today....

Priebus' Bungling May Destroy the GOP

'Over his head,' writes Washington Post pundit

(Newser) - The last time a major US political party broke apart was 160 years ago. The issue: slavery. Dana Milbank predicts the GOP might follow in the Whigs' footsteps over a matter far less serious: Donald Trump. Republicans are split over "whether to embrace as their nominee a man who...

Cruz Learns Fate in NJ Birther Debate Tuesday

Judge could remove him from the ballot

(Newser) - Ted Cruz's fate in New Jersey might come down to a single vote—or rather, a single ruling. A judge will rule Tuesday on whether the Canadian-born senator is eligible to appear on the June 7 Republican primary ballot in the state, per the Star-Ledger . On Monday, three residents...

Scott Walker: I'm 'Proud' to Back Ted Cruz

Wisconsin governor says Cruz is 'best-positioned candidate' to take on Hillary

(Newser) - In a move that USA Today calls "not surprising," Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker offered up his "proud" endorsement for Ted Cruz on Tuesday, and he swears it's a real show of support he's throwing behind the Texas senator, not a protest vote against Donald Trump,...

Ben Carson Backs 'Cerebral' Trump

Ex-presidential candidate calls Trump a 'leader with an outsider's perspective'

(Newser) - Donald Trump may have once called out Ben Carson's "pathological temper" and likened him to a child molester , but in the world of campaign politics, rivals often have short memories—or extremely forgiving ones. Proof positive: Ben Carson's official endorsement of the GOP front-runner, which he announced...

Florida Paper Burns GOP Candidates With Rare Move

'Sun Sentinel' refuses to endorse Trump, Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich

(Newser) - A New Hampshire paper regretted its GOP endorsement , but a newspaper in Florida isn't giving itself that chance. The editorial board for the South Florida Sun Sentinel is refusing to endorse any GOP candidate in the March 15 state primary because "the kind of person who should be...

Rick Santorum Drops Out, Backs Rubio

Room for all the candidates on one debate stage now

(Newser) - And then there were nine : Rick Santorum this evening became the latest Republican presidential candidate to drop out of the race. Santorum, who won the 2012 Iowa caucuses but didn't make much of a dent this year , made the announcement on Fox News and paired it with an endorsement...

Ohio Politician Questioned for Running as a Young Mom

Jennifer Herold has two sons, ages 1 and 3

(Newser) - Ohio state Sen. Tom Patton is a term-limited Republican who's now going after an Ohio House seat, and he's running against a real "sweetie." At least, that's what the 62-year-old called his chief Republican opponent in a radio interview last week, but it's a...

In Latest Poll, No One Comes Close to Trump

He's up 20 points over Ted Cruz in CNN poll

(Newser) - Last week's dip in poll numbers was apparently no indication of things to come for Donald Trump. A new CNN/ORC poll shows the Republican contender with his biggest lead yet: 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents support him, while his next-closest opponent, Ted Cruz, sits 20 percentage points...

'The Doctor Sinks' in New Quinnipiac Poll

Ben Carson falls 7 points to 3rd place, with 16% to Trump's 27%

(Newser) - While nothing seems to be able to topple Donald "Teflon Don" Trump, Ben Carson isn't enjoying the same kind of luck. The former neurosurgeon plummeted 7 percentage points in a newly released Quinnipiac University poll , falling to third place with 16%, Politico reports. Meanwhile, Trump absorbed 3 points,...

Bobby Jindal Drops From Presidential Race

'This is not my time'

(Newser) - The GOP presidential field just got a little less crowded as Bobby Jindal announced he was giving up his bid for the nomination Tuesday. "I've got nobody to blame but myself," the Washington Post quotes the Louisiana governor as saying. "I'm not going to make...

There's a New Leader of GOP Pack: Ben Carson

Ben Carson has overtaken Donald Trump in new national poll

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is probably still shaking his befuddled head after results from the latest national poll showing who's in the lead for the GOP nomination. This time it's Ben Carson on top, per a CBS News/New York Times poll, showing that the retired neurosurgeon has obviously not taken...

Bush Slashes Staff Pay for Struggling Campaign

Bush camp makes 40% payroll cut, downsizes Miami HQ

(Newser) - Donor pressure, plummeting poll numbers, and a wrench named Trump have caused Jeb Bush's campaign team to start what Reuters calls "reboot mode" and make a drastic decision: slash pay for campaign workers and downsize its Miami headquarters, leading to a 40% payroll decrease and $1 million savings...

Poll Shows Biden's 2 Big Advantages Over Clinton

He's viewed more favorably, would best GOP contenders: poll

(Newser) - Now would be a good time for Joe Biden to enter the 2016 race. Sure, he'd lose the element of surprise come debate time, but he'd pop up as the most popular candidate according to a recent poll . The survey from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal ...

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