Republican Party

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To See GOP's Future, Look to the House
To See GOP's Future, Look to the House

To See GOP's Future, Look to the House

In long term, Obama victory could make minority party reform

(Newser) - The Republican Party brand is tainted, its leaders recognize, and regardless of John McCain's fate, the institution is in soul-searching mode as the scaled-down convention kicks off today. Many House Republicans have come to believe an Obama victory might be better for the GOP in the long term, reports Politico,...

Gustav: Risks, Rewards for GOP
 Gustav: Risks, Rewards for GOP

Gustav: Risks, Rewards for GOP

McCain appears presidential; Repubs, compassionate

(Newser) - For Republicans, the challenge of Hurricane Gustav's disruption of the party convention is to use it to their advantage without looking like political opportunists, writes Susan Page in USA Today. The cancellation of today's events offers risks and rewards—on the one hand, the loss of an evening of prime-time...

GOP Watching Gustav to Decide on Convention

Mac says party won't celebrate if US is battling hurricane

(Newser) - GOP leaders are monitoring Hurricane Gustav "from day to day" to decide whether to delay the Republican National Convention, John McCain said today. “It just wouldn't be appropriate to have a festive occasion while a near-tragedy or a terrible challenge is presented in the form of a natural...

A Mac Victory Would Crush GOP
 A Mac Victory Would Crush GOP

A Mac Victory Would Crush GOP

An Obama win will energize the struggling party, but McCain won't accomplish anything in office

(Newser) - A John McCain win in November would be the worst loss Republicans have endured in decades, Peter Beinart writes in Time. On the other hand, an Obama win—and subsequent torrent of liberal legislation—would reinvigorate demoralized Republicans. If McCain takes the White House, he will likely compromise with Democratic...

Young Republicans Staking Out Positions on the Web

Seattle group targets youth voters with video series

(Newser) - Online activism has long been a strength of the Democratic party, but a group of young Republicans is taking its message to the Internet in an attempt to sway younger voters, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. is attempting to make up lost ground for the GOP online by targeting...

Lobbying Law Won't Crimp Convention Parties

Loopholes allow lavish bashes for lawmakers

(Newser) - Tough new rules aimed at weakening the influence of lobbyists won't keep Democrats and Republicans away from some of the most lavish convention parties ever seen, funded by those seeking to influence legislation, the Wall Street Journal reports. Dozens of loopholes allow lawmakers to skirt the legislation by accepting gifts...

GOP Fears Big Losses in Northeast
GOP Fears Big Losses in Northeast

GOP Fears Big Losses in Northeast

Dems likely to pick up a dozen seats in Congress, parties say

(Newser) - Up to a dozen Republican Congressional seats in the Northeast could fall to Democrats this November, and the New York Times looks at some of the tightest races in the region, where a well-financed Democratic party has won ever more supporters. "There could be a dramatic political realignment in...

Unlikely GOP Candidate Runs for Montana Senate Seat

85-year-old wants a British-style parliament

(Newser) - Montana senator Max Baucus looks certain to win reelection this November, writes the New York Times, but his Republican challenger is gaining some attention for his unorthodox proposals. Bob Kelleher, 85, wants to nationalize oil companies, end the Iraq war to fund cancer research—and, most shockingly, eliminate the separation...

GOP Voter Enrollment in Sustained Freefall

Year-on-year declines highly uncommon

(Newser) - Disenchanted voters have left Republican Party enrollment in freefall since 2005, with more Americans registering either with the Democrats or no party at all. While changes in party membership are common, a sustained drop like that is remarkable, say psephologists. The shift might have little effect on this year's presidential...

GOP Finds Hope in Last-Ditch Fla. Candidate

Prisoner abuse scandal not impeding Congressional bid

(Newser) - South Florida Republicans are thrilled with Congressional candidate Allen West. They see the black Army veteran as a potential GOP standard bearer. There’s just one problem: In 2003, West was accused of abusing an Iraqi detainee and violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice. But some Republicans actually see...

GOP Honcho to Hill Hopefuls: Attack Us

Slam both parties and skip convention, lawmaker advises

(Newser) - A key GOP lawmaker has urged hopefuls seeking office to fire away—at their own party. Rep. Tom Cole advised fellow office-seekers yesterday to blast the GOP when needed, keep away from incumbents, and skip John McCain's nominating convention. “Don’t be afraid to say you are disappointed in...

Competing Ambitions Split Camp McCain

Once again, his campaign is riven by squabbling factions

(Newser) - John McCain inspires an uncommon degree of loyalty among the advisers and strategists who've served on his campaigns. But they are less charitable toward each other, writes Adam Nagourney in the New York Times. McCain's 2008 campaign is riven by longstanding feuds and conflicting spheres of influence—a problem compounded...

McCain Camp 'Winces,' Waits for Powell Defection

Hagel not expected to endorse either candidate

(Newser) - John McCain’s team is holding its breath for the “expected” endorsement of Barack Obama by the ever-popular Colin Powell, Robert Novak writes in a Washington Post tour of the “Obamacon” movement. Such Republicans-turned-blue are less energized by Obama's candidacy than they are in agreement with one of...

Dowd to GOP: The Elitism Crap Won't Work
Dowd to GOP: The Elitism Crap Won't Work

Dowd to GOP: The Elitism Crap Won't Work

Rove's attempts to paint Obama as snooty a 'hypocritical comedy'

(Newser) - The Republicans have been unrelenting in their attempts to paint Barack Obama as an elitist—pretty rich stuff, writes Times columnist Maureen Dowd, coming from a party led by a Connecticut-born "Richie Rich" whose daddy has bailed out his snide self time and again. The cosseted conservatives' "hypocritical...

How America Fell for Peggy Noonan
How America Fell for Peggy Noonan 

How America Fell for Peggy Noonan

Lefties and righties alike love her critiques of Bush and Clinton

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan begged Women's Wear Daily to can its feature article on her, saying she "winced at things I'd said." But Jacob Bernstein's piece ran, revealing how the anti-Clinton, pro-Reagan pundit turned on President Bush and won a huge crossover audience with her Wall Street Journal column. "...

GOP Must Regroup With Balance, Relevance
GOP Must Regroup With Balance, Relevance

GOP Must Regroup With Balance, Relevance

Mac's reform thrust may help win outside South

(Newser) - Many Republicans think the party is on a losing streak because it’s gotten too “squishy,” but that’s a dangerous mistake to make, a former aide to Tom DeLay writes on Politico. John Feehery, who pleads guilty to being a “squish” (as "right-wing wackos" deride...

Giuliani Will Stump for GOP, for a Price

Rudy wants a cut of fundraising proceeds to pay off campaign debt

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has offered to appear at fundraisers for cash-strapped Republican candidates but with strings attached, the New York Times reports. The former New York mayor wants a cut of the proceeds to go towards paying off his presidential campaign's $3.6-million debt. The debt includes a $500,000 personal...

Quietly, McCain Makes Overtures to Evangelicals

But leaders are skeptical, wounded by Hagee, Parsley slams

(Newser) - John McCain faces a challenge uncommon among GOP presidential candidates: rallying evangelical Christians to vote for him. As the New York Times reports, the McCain campaign is holding meetings with evangelical leaders and blasting them with emails, but many are still taking a wait-and-see approach. And McCain's lack of rapport...

Which Party Has Better Primaries?
Which Party
Has Better Primaries?

Which Party Has Better Primaries?

NYT columnists debate merits of GOP, Democratic systems

(Newser) - Which system is better, the ruthless Republican winner-takes-all primary system, or the Democrats’ kindergarten-inspired everyone-gets-a-prize process? New York Times columnists David Brook and Gail Collins banter on just that point. Brooks thinks the Republicans' swift, clean process is superior, while Collins notes that it’s the results that matter. If...

Could McCain Win Big?
 Could McCain 
 Win Big? 

Could McCain Win Big?

GOP strategists say cards stacked for big electoral victory

(Newser) - Despite the odds stacked against Republicans, GOP analysts are cautiously saying that John McCain will not only win, but he might do so by a comfortable margin, Politico reports. When Obama’s specific and geographical weaknesses are played against McCain’s strengths, the result adds up to a win of...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>