Republican Party

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As McCain Falls, NH Senator Faces Trouble

Sununu in hotly fought battle as Granite State turns on GOP

(Newser) - One of this year's most bitterly contested Senate races is in New Hampshire, where the Republican John Sununu is facing a rematch with Jeanne Shaheen, whom he defeated in 2002. In the famously independent Granite State, Sununu was counting on the popularity of John McCain to propel him to victory....

Voters Flee GOP Fury Like It's 1964
 Voters Flee GOP 
 Fury Like It's 1964 

Voters Flee GOP Fury Like It's 1964

Angry base has handed election to Obama, writes Cohen

(Newser) - Eight years ago George W. Bush made it to the White House as a "compassionate conservative," with plans to reform education and build a multiracial coalition. In 2008, writes Richard Cohen, that vision of the GOP is dead—replaced by "a mean, grumpy, exclusive, narrow-minded and...

'Outsider' Palin Used Media Insiders to Win VP Nod

PR firm helped her woo pundits, make case

(Newser) - Sarah Palin likes to play up her outsider credentials while decrying the media elite, but she’s relied on both throughout her career. Belying her mockery of the “mainstream media,” Palin hired a well-connected PR firm to target East Coast journalists and courted conservative media insiders who eventually...

Sacramento GOP Site Takes Down Obama Hate Images

Officials voice disgust over local party linking Dem to bin Laden

(Newser) - Sacramento Republicans yesterday removed images from their website urging voters to “Waterboard Barack Obama” and declaring “The Only Difference Between Obama and Osama is a Little BS.” State party leaders condemned the content, with a spokesman for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger calling it “completely and totally inappropriate,...

Va. GOP Chair Links Obama to Osama
Va. GOP Chair
Links Obama
to Osama

Va. GOP Chair Links Obama to Osama

Says both 'have friends that bombed the Pentagon'

(Newser) - In the latest volley in the battle for Virginia, the state's GOP chief compared Barack Obama to Osama bin Laden, reports the Washington Post, and Democrats and even Republicans are reacting angrily. Jeffrey Frederick slammed Obama's links to radical political activist Bill Ayers in a recent meeting with McCain campaign...

Populism Killed the Republican Party
Populism Killed the Republican Party

Populism Killed the Republican Party

Anti-elite attitude personified by Palin drove away base

(Newser) - Anti-intellectual populism has reduced the Republicans to a resentful rump party, writes David Brooks in the New York Times. A movement that once prized good ideas began to rely on bashing the educated as a political tactic. “What had been a disdain for liberal intellectuals slipped into a disdain...

Palin's Rise Proves GOP Just Doesn't Care
Palin's Rise Proves GOP
Just Doesn't Care

Palin's Rise Proves GOP Just Doesn't Care

Governing not foremost in GOP's mind

(Newser) - If the polls are right, Republicans are about to lose the election, and when that happens Sarah Palin "will reign as the party’s crown princess,” writes Jay Bookman in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. That would be a travesty, because Palin epitomizes the reason Republicans are falling from favor:...

Obama Ordered to Return Illegal Donations

Newsweek report prompts GOP to request federal inquiry

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s record-breaking $485-million war chest includes a number of small, illegal donations that federal officials have ordered the campaign to return, reports Newsweek. The GOP has requested a federal investigation into Obama’s campaign finances, the Washington Post writes. Roughly half of Obama's funds have been raised through...

'Nihilist' House GOP Doomed US to Recession
'Nihilist' House GOP Doomed US to Recession

'Nihilist' House GOP Doomed US to Recession

American leadership is 'scarcer than credit,' writes Brooks

(Newser) - When FDR became president, writes David Brooks, his first priority was to give Americans faith in their leadership, to show that someone was running the show. Now that the US is facing the greatest financial crisis since the Depression, today's political leaders "have failed utterly and catastrophically to project...

Time for Hopefuls to Wax Philosophical

We still don't know how the candidates think: Noonan

(Newser) - Barack Obama is rising in the polls, but he still seems “exotic”; John McCain is playing the maverick but his maneuvering on the bailout may have been “too cute.” In a week with “all categories upside-down and out the window,” it’s time for both...

Palin Effect Reinvigorates GOP Slate
Palin Effect Reinvigorates GOP Slate

Palin Effect Reinvigorates GOP Slate

Enthusiasm for VP pick may help limit damage in Senate, House races

(Newser) - The Sarah Palin factor has energized Republican donors and campaign volunteers, giving the party a boost in the fall’s congressional races, the Washington Post reports. Everyone agrees the GOP won't be able to win back the House or Senate, but it looks like the Democrats won't get to a...

GOP Mailing Confuses Voters in Swing States
GOP Mailing Confuses Voters in Swing States

GOP Mailing Confuses Voters in Swing States

Wrong addresses, missing information muddle absentee ballot forms

(Newser) - Republican mass mailings have some swing-state residents confused about their voting status, Miller-McCune reports. Mailers with absentee-ballot applications or requests for updated voter-registration records in at least eight states were either missing information or organized confusingly, which could lead to discounted votes or registration errors.

Obama Hopes to Find Southern Comfort in Va.

State demographics shifting blue, but Dems haven't won since '64

(Newser) - Barack Obama is seeking to become the first Democrat to win Virginia since LBJ in 1964. He's got a good shot, writes the New York Times: demographic changes favor his party, and Virginia has now elected two Democratic governors and a senator. But John McCain has the support of several...

Palin Plans Meet-and-Greet at UN Next Week

McCain plans to introduce her to foreign leaders at general assembly

(Newser) - John McCain plans to introduce Sarah Palin to foreign leaders at the United Nations next week to boost her foreign-policy experience, the Wall Street Journal reports. McCain advisers say they hope the running mate will demonstrate her diplomatic prowess and understanding of foreign-policy issues during the visit Tuesday, the same...

Where Conservatives Have it Wrong
 Have it Wrong 

Where Conservatives Have it Wrong

Individualism can't solve everything for a social species

(Newser) - Barry Goldwater wrote that the key to conservatism is “maximizing freedom,” and since his time, individual liberty has been the party’s central tenet. But people are a “deeply interconnected,” social species, as study after study has found —and today’s conservatives need to recognize...

GOP: Incumbents in Opposition Clothing
GOP: Incumbents in Opposition Clothing

GOP: Incumbents in Opposition Clothing

Establishment party adopts anti-establishment stance

(Newser) - The Republican National Convention was so full of calls for change and vows to clean up Washington that it was almost easy to forget that the GOP has been in power for the last 8 years, writes Peter Baker in the New York Times. John McCain is seeking to distance...

GOP Throws a Very White Party
 GOP Throws a Very White Party 

GOP Throws a Very White Party

Diversity not strong for GOP

(Newser) - Scan the faces in the Xcel Energy Center, and you’ll see a sea of white. This year’s Republican National Convention is the whitest on record, the Washington Post reports, with just 36 black delegates —out of 2,380. “It’s hard to look around and not...

Noonan: 'Over' Didn't Mean Mac
 Noonan: 'Over' Didn't Mean Mac 

Noonan: 'Over' Didn't Mean Mac

But she does apologize for 'vulgar epithet'

(Newser) - Columnist Peggy Noonan has been catching flak since being caught on tape saying "It's over" during a frank assessment of John McCain's veep choice. But the Wall Street Journal writer insists she wasn't pronouncing Mac's White House hopes dead —she was simply remarking that the days of the...

Dems Better Organized, Top Righties Say

DeLay, Santorum: Left is poised for big gains at expense of GOP

(Newser) - Top Republicans are convinced Democrats have out-organized them, and hold a significant tactical advantage heading into the fall, Politico reports. “The left has been incredible,” Rep. Eric Cantor said today. “When you’re talking about tactics … we’re at a disadvantage.” Former House Majority Leader...

At Muted RNC, Cindy, Laura Plead for Gustav Aid

Focus on Gustav keeps mood subdued, 'party free'

(Newser) - The GOP convention kicked off yesterday with the most subdued opening anybody can remember, Wayne Slater writes in the Dallas Morning News. The focus was firmly on Hurricane Gustav, Politico reports, and Cindy McCain and Laura Bush stepped in to appeal for aid for storm victims—in lieu of canceled...

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>