Republican Party

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Tea Party Should Stand Alone, But Lose the Nuts

The movement is better off independent

(Newser) - Tea partiers should stay post-partisan, urges Karl Rove. Rather than align with either party the group should preserve its independence and "hold the feet of politicians in both parties to its fire," he writes in the Wall Street Journal . But, to maximize its influence on policy, the movement...

Tea Partiers Attempt GOP Takeover From the Inside
 Tea Partiers 
 Attempt GOP 
 Takeover From 
 the Inside 


Tea Partiers Attempt GOP Takeover From the Inside

Activists fill local posts that set policy, choose candidates

(Newser) - If you thought tea partiers weren’t joiners, think again, as conservative activists across the country fill vacant local Republican Party positions in an effort to change the GOP from the inside. Precinct representatives have a hand in electing county leaders, who determine the platform and even which candidates to...

GOP Courts Tea Partiers
 GOP Courts Tea Partiers  

GOP Courts Tea Partiers

But many in both parties remain wary of affiliating with the other

(Newser) - Valentine's Day may be over, but the Republican Party is still doing some serious wooing: With the 2010 midterm elections approaching, the GOP is working hard to court tea partiers, with RNC chair Michael Steele set to meet with 50 leaders tomorrow. And while some welcome its advances, many tea...

Palin Makes Good Copy, Not Good Candidate
 Palin Makes Good Copy, 
 Not Good Candidate 

Palin Makes Good Copy, Not Good Candidate

Sarah Palin is good for business, but beware inflating presidential prospects

(Newser) - That Sarah Palin drives up TV ratings and online traffic is clear, but listen up, mainstream media—that doesn’t mean she’s the next big thing in Republican politics. Just look at the polls , Jim Vandehei and Jonathan Martin write for Politco . They say they “know we’re...

Democrats Maul Indiana Senate Hopeful Dan Coats
 Democrats Maul 
 Indiana Senate 
 Hopeful Dan Coats 
Payback for Mass.

Democrats Maul Indiana Senate Hopeful Dan Coats

Former senator gets painted as lobbyist, carpetbagger

(Newser) - Dan Coats would like to take his seat again as senator from Indiana, but first the Republican needs to get by an avalanche of Democratic opposition research. In the week following his announcement of plans to challenge Evan Bayh, Dems, resolved not to repeat the unexpected loss in Massachusetts, hit...

Obama's GOP Outreach Too Little, Too Late

Obama allowed Democrats to scorn Republican input: Rove

(Newser) - President Obama's televised question-and-answer session with House Republicans was a photo-op aimed at boosting his poll numbers instead of a real effort to seek input from the GOP, writes Karl Rove. The beleaguered president did get a modest bounce after the meeting, but it came at the expense of further...

Senate Majority in Reach for Republicans
 Senate Majority in Reach 
 for Republicans 

Senate Majority in Reach for Republicans

It's a long shot, but many races competitive, Lieberman could switch

(Newser) - It still isn’t likely—OK?—but suddenly it's "within the realm of speculation” that the Republicans could recapture the Senate in November. With Mark Kirk’s primary win in Illinois and competitive races in Colorado, Pennsylvania, and California, a 10-seat pickup is now a distant possibility, Jim Vandehei...

39% of Republicans Want Obama Impeached

And 36% believe he's foreign-born, says Daily Kos poll

(Newser) - Self-identified Republicans are more than unhappy with President Obama—63% think he’s a socialist—and a host of other social ills, says a survey commissioned by liberal blog Daily Kos . Regarding Obama, 39% of the 2,003 Republican respondents say the president should be impeached, 36% believe he was...

Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin Lead GOP Fundraising

He's got about $3M, and she's got $2.1M

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin lead the pack of possible 2012 GOP presidential challengers when it comes to fundraising, with $2.9 million and $2.1 million coming in over the last year, respectively. Romney still had $1.1 million in the bank at the beginning of the year after...

Illinois Primary Could Muffle Tea Party Buzz

Moderate favored over 2 conservatives in today's Senate vote

(Newser) - If polls prove accurate, moderate Mark Kirk will emerge victorious from today’s Republican Senate primary in Illinois, beating out two more conservative candidates with tea party backing. His victory would put a dent in the tea party panic gripping the GOP, says Talking Points Memo . Republicans in states including...

Obama Spars With GOP

 Obama Spars 
 With GOP 

Obama Spars With GOP

President chides Republicans for telling constituents he'll 'destroy America'

(Newser) - President Obama went toe-to-toe with House Republicans today, accusing them of opposing legislation for political gain. Obama chastised the Republicans for labelling health care reform as a "Bolshevik plot" and said, "The fact of the matter is, many of you, if you voted with the administration on something,...

Republicans Beat Dems on News Quiz

GOP averaged 6 of 12 questions right, Democrats 5

(Newser) - Republicans are a bit more up on current events than Democrats, says a new Pew survey. Americans overall scored 5 out of 12 on the questionnaire; on average, Republicans had a score of 6, ahead of Democrats' 5. A measly 2% of respondents got all 12 questions right; 6% got...

Hey, GOP: It's Time for Contract With America 2.0
Hey, GOP: It's Time for Contract With America 2.0

Hey, GOP: It's Time for Contract With America 2.0

Strong statement of principles could win more seats this year

(Newser) - Republicans will probably gain seats this year by doing nothing, Matt Lewis writes for Politics Daily . But if the GOP wants a real victory, it should take a page from Newt Gingrich’s playbook and come up with Contract with America, version 2.0, "a promise that if Republicans...

Top GOP Fundraiser Mosbacher Dead at 82

Bush 41's commerce secretary helped grease the skids for NAFTA

(Newser) - Robert Mosbacher, a legendary GOP fundraiser who served as George HW Bush's commerce secretary, died of cancer today in Houston. The multimillionaire oilman was 82. Mosbacher, an influential NAFTA proponent, was "the shrewdest dealmaker I ever knew," Bush, a friend of half a century, said in a statement....

GOP Set to Cash In On Campaign Spending Ruling

Obama promises 'forceful response' to Supreme Court decision

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's decision to lift a ban on direct corporate campaign spending will be a bonanza for the Republicans and another blow to the Democrats ahead of this year's elections, analysts say. Business lobbies that had been persuaded to back President Obama's initiatives are now taking stock of the...

New, Less Creepy GOP is Emerging
 New, Less Creepy 
 GOP is Emerging 

New, Less Creepy GOP is Emerging

Brown's victory shows America's now permanently in play

(Newser) - Scott Brown's victory may signal the beginning of the end of the standoff between the free-spending, big government nuts and the free-spending, hypocritical creeps, writes Peggy Noonan. Voters thought President Obama was a moderate before they saw his governing attitudes and what they would cost, and decided he was a...

Big Mistakes of Obama's First Year
 Big Mistakes 
 of Obama's 
 First Year 

Big Mistakes of Obama's First Year

President's miscalculations include scale, momentum

(Newser) - Scott Brown’s Senate victory in Massachusetts is the final nail in the coffin of the Obama administration’s first-year political strategy, John F. Harris and Carol E. Lee write for Politico . The miscalculations cover “three major counts":
  • Believing 2008 was a game-changer: The Obama team thought the "

Beware Overconfidence, GOP
 Beware Overconfidence, GOP 

Beware Overconfidence, GOP

Brown victory can galvanize Dems, warns righty blogger

(Newser) - Republican confidence is sky-high after Scott Brown’s win, but, conservative blogger Mindy Finn warns, the “victory is an enormous opportunity—for the Democrats … if we repeat the mistakes of the past in interpreting a ‘change’ election.” But yesterday’s election showed that voters “have...

Coakley Loss: 6 Ways Dems Will Have to Change
 Coakley Loss: 6 Ways Dems Will Have to Change

Coakley Loss: 6 Ways Dems Will Have to Change

Supermajority is gone, sure, but so is entire Democratic strategy

(Newser) - “While the sun will still come out on Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill” now that Republican Scott Brown has won Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat, Ron Elving writes on NPR , “the political globe will have a new tilt.” Here, six things that have changed:
  • The supermajority: That's

GOP Needs to Be Obama's Ally Against Terror
GOP Needs to Be Obama's Ally Against Terror

GOP Needs to Be Obama's Ally Against Terror

'GOP-Obama entente' is in country's best interests, writes Daniel Henninger

(Newser) - The GOP should give no quarter to President Obama and congressional Democrats on domestic issue, but the fight against terror's a different story, writes Daniel Henninger. Obama has some serious people—including Robert Gates, Mike Mullen, and Leon Panetta—on his national-security team and the GOP should stay the course...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>