Republican Party

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Republicans Fear Census Undercounting

Tea partiers' push for noncompliance may backfire, GOP warns

(Newser) - The GOP is worried that an anti-government backlash could lead to underrepresentation of conservatives in the census and shrink the number of Republican lawmakers. Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul have urged supporters not to provide anything to census workers except the number of people in their household. "The census...

Surprise Edge for McCain Over Rival

Hayworth polls well with far right; not GOP, independents, Dems

(Newser) - John McCain faces a challenge from the right in the Arizona primary, but a new Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll finds him in a remarkably strong position. Rival JD Hayworth excites far-right conservatives, but his favorability/unfavorability spread with Republicans overall is slightly weaker, at 61% to 16%, than McCain's 76% to...

Tea Party, GOP Must Work Together
 Tea Party, GOP 
 Must Work Together 

Tea Party, GOP Must Work Together

Third party challenges historically benefit those they oppose: Quayle

(Newser) - Watching the emergence of the Tea Party movement is giving Dan Quayle flashbacks—about Ross Perot. Perot's Reform Party siphoned off 19% of the votes in the 1992 presidential election, effectively denying the elder George Bush a second term. "There's a well-worn path of third-party movements in American history,...

Conservatives Can't Stop Playing the Victim
Conservatives Can't Stop Playing the Victim

Conservatives Can't Stop Playing the Victim

Bullies claim they're being martyred by the elite, writes Thomas Frank

(Newser) - Republicans and tea partiers whine that the threats, violence, and slurs directed at Democrats over health care reform are being used by their opponents to score political points and smear the right. And in doing so, they're just demonstrating modern conservatism's "cult of victimhood," in which even the...

Fix US Democracy or China Wins
 Fix US Democracy 
 or China Wins 

Fix US Democracy or China Wins

Conservatives are a bad advertisement for American way

(Newser) - The conservatives chucking wrenches into the works of American democracy have apparently failed to notice that there's a rival superpower out there again, warns Harold Meyerson. The Senate's efforts to thwart majority rule, and the Supreme Court's decision to allow corporations to make unlimited election donations are fueling Chinese arguments...

GOP's Future Could Be Californian

 GOP's Future Could 
 Be Californian 

GOP's Future Could Be Californian

Party is more electable with a Californian at the helm

(Newser) - A revived and more electable GOP could be on its way to the White House by way of California, writes David Frum. Ronald Reagan's state turned blue in the '90s as its economy and demographics changed, causing Texas to replace California as the party's anchor. The Texas-led GOP found it...

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
health care reform

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'

Health care reform law opposition becomes Republican litmus test

(Newser) - The push to repeal health care reform has become a rallying cry for GOP candidates pushing for big congressional victories this year and eager to show their willingness to take on the Democratic agenda. In Florida, Gov. Charlie Crist and conservative upstart Marco Rubio agreed on little else in a...

Sarah Palin Stumps for McCain

Tea Party hero lends support to former running mate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin spoke at a rally for John McCain today in Tucson, the first time the two have stumped together since the 2008 presidential campaign. McCain is in a tight primary fight with JD Hayworth, who is attempting to paint the senator as insufficiently conservative. Palin delivered some much-needed Tea...

Anti-Reformers, We Dare You to Pledge:
Anti-Reformers, We Dare You
to Pledge: 

Anti-Reformers, We Dare You to Pledge:

'Neither I nor anyone in my family' will use bill's protections

(Newser) - If Republicans hate health care reform so much, they shouldn't benefit from it, writes Matt Millen. He suggests a pledge: “I hereby vow that neither I nor anyone in my family will take advantage of the protections offered by this law.” He can hear the whining already. "...

'Repeal, Replace, Reform' Should Be GOP's Rallying Cry

Dems' morale boost will be short-lived, predicts Karl Rove

(Newser) - The Democrats may be in good spirits now, but passing health care reform won't help them politically any more than the stimulus package helped them in New Jersey's 2009 gubernatorial elections, argues Karl Rove. The public remains mostly opposed to "ObamaCare," and Republicans can ride that sentiment to...

Tea Party Could Doom GOP in November
 Tea Party Could Doom 
 GOP in November 
quinnipiac poll

Tea Party Could Doom GOP in November

If they run candidates, Democrats will win: Quinnipiac

(Newser) - Just 13% of Americans self-identify as members of the Tea Party movement, but a new Quinnipiac poll shows they may well hold the key to the 2010 midterm elections. Respondents say they would vote for a Republican over a Democrat by 44% to 39%. But if a Tea Party candidate...

Boehner to Bankers: Beware Pro-Reform 'Punk Staffers'

Still, House minority leader says bill will take a year to pass

(Newser) - John Boehner gave comfort to an “enthusiastic” gathering of bankers yesterday, telling them that even if the Senate passes financial reform legislation it will languish in the House for many moons. “It’s just as likely that we’ll be talking about the same issue a year from...

Rep. Delahunt Is Latest Dem to Bow Out

Mass. veteran is 17th to decide against re-election bid

(Newser) - Joining 16 of his fellow House Democrats, Massachusetts Rep. William Delahunt says he will not seek re-election this fall. “It’s got nothing to do with politics,” Delahunt, 68, tells the Boston Globe . “It’s time.” And while Delahunt had to be talked into seeking re-election...

Obama's Unpopularity Hands GOP Chance to Redraw Map

Targeting state legislatures will let Republicans control redistricting

(Newser) - President Obama's unpopularity could end up hurting the Democrats for more than a decade thanks to congressional redistricting, writes Karl Rove. Lines will be redrawn in many areas based on the US Census results, and with the GOP likely to gain plenty of seats in state legislatures this fall, it'll...

Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison
Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison

Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison

Republican will face Democrat Bill White, who wins easily

(Newser) - Incumbent Rick Perry claimed the Republican nomination for Texas governor in today’s primary, beating back a challenge from US Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison—who has conceded in the past hour, the Austin American Statesman reports—and the Tea Party-backed Debra Medina. He’ll face Bill White, the former Houston...

Fellow Republicans Turn on Jim Bunning

Kentucky senator's freeze on employment measure draws bipartisan ire

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are breaking ranks as Jim Bunning continues to stall a $10 billion employment and health measure, with Susan Collins of Maine taking to the floor of the chamber this morning to express her "hope that we can act together for the American people." She urged Bunning...

Sen. Kyl: Jobless Benefits a 'Disincentive' to Find Work

If people are getting aid, they won't look for new job, he says

(Newser) - Federal unemployment benefits that expired over the weekend because of Republican objections in the Senate should maybe stay that way, says Sen. Jon Kyl, the minority whip. They don't “create new jobs,” he argues. “If anything, continuing to pay people unemployment compensation is a disincentive for them...

GOP's Marco Rubio Charged Party for His Groceries

Florida Senate candidate says he repaid personal expenses

(Newser) - Marco Rubio, a Republican candidate for Senate in Florida, used his party’s credit card to pay for his groceries, repairs for his family minivan, purchases at his local wine store, and other personal expenses while he was speaker of Florida’s house. Documents obtained by the Miami Herald outline...

Rep. Weiner: GOP Is 'Subsidiary' of Insurance Industry

'You gotta love these Republicans'

(Newser) - New York congressman Anthony Weiner laid into the GOP's attitude in health care in a fiery diatribe on the House floor. "You gotta love these Republicans," Weiner said. "I mean, you guys have chutzpah. The Republican Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of insurance companies." Offended...

Brown Ripped for Vote on Jobs Bill

Senator mounts defense as Facebook friends mutiny

(Newser) - Scott Brown is getting flack from all sides for his decision to cross the aisle and vote to end debate on the Senate's $15 billion jobs legislation. The Drudge Report splashed the story on its homepage and tinted a photo of the Massachusetts senator an incriminating red. Far more vociferous...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>