Rick Santorum 2012

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'Outrageous' Santorum Cries Hitler All the Time

'Evil' metaphors landing candidate in hot water

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's evil metaphors are not playing well: While the Drudge Report berated Santorum for warning that Satan is after America's soul , Dana Milbank of the Washington Post is now skewering him for hinting that there's a Nazi in the White House. Santorum compared the 2012 election...

Romney, Santorum Tied in Arizona: Poll

Mitt's lead disappears

(Newser) - A week ahead of the Arizona primary, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are virtually tied, a CNN/Time/ORC poll finds. Romney has 36% support among likely voters, while Santorum has 32%—but the gap between them is within the poll's margin of error. Some 18% are set to vote for...

Drudge Hitting Santorum Hard Over Old 'Satan' Speech

Sign of trouble for him among conservatives?

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's two biggest problems today appear to be Satan and Matt Drudge. The latter is using his influential Drudge Report to highlight a 2008 speech Santorum gave in which he warned about Satan having his "sights on" the US, reports Politico . "Drudge is making Santorum look...

Santorum: Big Beer's Best Friend

Beer lobby poured money into his Senate campaign coffers

(Newser) - Rick Santorum is a tireless crusader for Christian values, the traditional family, and… beer? Yep, during his Senate career, Santorum was the beer industry's main man, in part because some major breweries are located in Pennsylvania. From 1995 to 2006, brewers, beer executives, and wholesalers pumped $80,000 into...

Santorum Is Victim of Double Standard
Santorum Is Victim
of Double Standard

Santorum Is Victim of Double Standard

Obama opposes gay marriage, too, but nobody cares: William McGurn

(Newser) - William McGurn complains in the Wall Street Journal today about what he sees as the "most glaring double standard in American life today:" Candidate Obama in 2008 declares marriage to be a union between man and woman, and the media yawns. Rick Santorum says the same in 2012...

Santorum: Obamacare Bad for Marriage

Latest poll gives Santorum 10-point lead

(Newser) - Rick Santorum kept up the attacks on President Obama yesterday as polls showed his nationwide lead over Mitt Romney widening. Santorum accused Obama's policies, including health care reform, of hurting traditional families, Reuters reports. "Do you realize that if you are married under Obamacare, you pay a lot...

Romney Super PAC Spent 2x What It Raised Last Month

Restore Our Future spent $13.9M in January

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and the pro-Romney super PAC Restore Our Future were big spenders in January, according to the latest campaign filings. Restore Our Future spent $13.9 million in January—mostly on attack ads—and raised less than half that amount during the same period, Politico reports. Romney's campaign...

Contested Convention Would Be Disastrous

David Frum explains how it would pan out

(Newser) - As the GOP struggles to settle on a candidate , some are talking about a "brokered convention," at which party leaders would choose the nominee. But today's parties don't have the kind of power players that used to dominate the political scene—and "you can't...

Jittery GOP Eyes Daniels, Christie

But some call new candidacy a 'fairy-tale'

(Newser) - Republican insiders are increasingly worried that Mitt Romney will come up short with voters—so once again, they're looking toward Indiana and New Jersey for help. Mitch Daniels and Chris Christie are hearing renewed calls to enter the race, sources close to the governors tell Politico . For Daniels, "...

Romney Closing Gap in Michigan

Rick Santorum's 15-point lead shrinks to 4

(Newser) - Last week, Rick Santorum led Mitt Romney in the Michigan race by 15 points ; now, that lead is down to just four points, Public Policy Polling finds. Some 37% of voters say they support Santorum, compared to 33% for Romney; Ron Paul follows with 15%, while Newt Gingrich stands at...

Santorum Opposes Prenatal Tests

He rips insurance for amniocentesis, which 'creates abortions'

(Newser) - Amniocentesis for pregnant women? Forget it, says Rick Santorum. Such prenatal testing only results in more abortions, the candidate says. Santorum reiterated views he first expressed over the weekend in Ohio, where he ripped President Obama's support of insurance coverage of the test "because it ends up in...

Santorum Rips Obama's Earth Worship

But he backtracks on accusations of 'phony theology'

(Newser) - Rick Santorum set his sights on the president this weekend. On Saturday, Santorum accused President Obama of believing a "phony theology," not a theology "based on the Bible." Then, yesterday, he clarified that he wasn't talking about Obama's religious faith, just his faith in...

Beware the Birth Control Grizzlies

Women could come flying off the bench in 2012 over health issues

(Newser) - Forget the mama grizzlies. In 2012, Hell may hath no fury like a woman voter scorned by the right, reports Politico . Between Rick Santorum's call for states to be able to ban birth control, Komen's defunding of Planned Parenthood , Catholic bishops' contraception brouhaha , a Santorum backer who defined...

Gingrich: Mitt Must Win Home State
 Mitt Must Win 
 Home State 

Gingrich: Mitt Must Win Home State

Says Romney loses all credibility if he can't win Michigan

(Newser) - Woe be to the GOP candidate who can't carry his own home state, says Newt Gingrich: "If Santorum loses Pennsylvania, Romney loses Michigan, or I lose Georgia, I think you have a very, very badly weakened candidacy, for any one of the three of us," Gingrich said...

Forget Hope: Obama Shops Slogan Change for 2012

Incumbency, economy changes 'Change' message

(Newser) - After four years in office and facing continued unemployment and a weak economy— albeit with some signs of life —"Change we can believe in" just isn't going to cut it anymore. So the Obama campaign team is on the hunt of a new slogan, reports Reuters . Some...

Santorum Has a Woman Problem

 Has a Woman 

Santorum Has a Woman Problem

Female voters would be a tough sell in general election

(Newser) - This was just a matter of time: Rick Santorum has been rising in the polls , but he's also making headlines with his views on women in combat ( not a fan ) and birth control ( ditto ), and for his rich backer's crack about "gals" putting...

Gingrich to Get $10M From Billionaire Backer

Sheldon Adelson will write another big check to super PAC

(Newser) - It's good news for Newt Gingrich—and maybe Mitt Romney: Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson will fork over at least $10 million more to the pro-Gingrich super PAC Winning Our Future, a source tells CBS News . That about doubles the family's contribution to the super PAC, whose barrage of...

Santorum Backer Sorry for Birth Control 'Joke'

Foster Friess' unfunny comment not campaign's problem: candidate

(Newser) - After making headlines yesterday by saying aspirin "between [gals'] knees" once served as birth control , Foster Friess explained his comments to Lawrence O'Donnell last night. "I love the expression, 'It’s not so much what people say, it’s what people hear,' and obviously...

Debate Frenzy Ending? CNN Cancels One in March

Everyone but Newt Gingrich turned it down

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich would probably love to fill an hour or more of debate time all by his lonesome, but CNN would rather he not. The network canceled a debate scheduled for March 1 after Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum bowed out, reports the National Journal . The trio cited...

Santorum Backer on Birth Control: 'Gals' Put Aspirin Between Knees

Foster Friess raises eyebrows with odd recollection

(Newser) - The billionaire pouring money into a super PAC in support of Rick Santorum went on Andrea Mitchell's MSNBC show today to make the case that Santorum's views on birth control ( he's not a fan ) were being blown out of proportion, reports USA Today . In the...

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