Rick Santorum 2012

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Santorum's College 'Snob' Zinger Backfires

'I wish he'd said it differently,' says GOP Gov. Bob McDonnell

(Newser) - Labeling President Obama as an elitist is a tried and true way of resonating with an electorate that doesn't give a fig about the price of arugula at Whole Foods , but lambasting him as a "snob" for his efforts to get Americans a college education is falling flat...

Santorum to Daytona Driver: Race Like Me

Tony Raines is given the 'Santorum strategy'

(Newser) - Is Rick Santorum the role model for winning the Daytona 500? That's what he told NASCAR driver Tony Raines before tonight's race: Use the "Santorum strategy," the Republican presidential candidate said today on Fox News. "Hang back and let the other cars in front get...

Rick Santorum: Here's My Alternative to 'Obamanomics'

Unveils 'Economic Freedom Agenda'

(Newser) - Rick Santorum unveils his "Economic Freedom Agenda" in the Wall Street Journal today, arguing that "Obamanomics has left one in six Americans in poverty, and one in four children on food stamps" and opponent Mitt Romney's economic plan doesn't go far enough. He lists 10 key...

Faith Experts to Santorum: Stop Ripping Colleges

Calls Obama academic 'snob'

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has a bone to pick with college. This weekend, he called President Obama "a snob" for wanting "everybody in America to go to college"—perhaps a bit strange coming from a man with more degrees than the president, the Washington Post notes. Added Santorum: “...

Obama Leads Romney, Santorum by Double Digits
Obama Leads Romney, Santorum by Double Digits 
new poll

Obama Leads Romney, Santorum by Double Digits

President's approval rating shoots to 53%

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating has jumped 9 percentage points over four months to 53%, and he's posting double-digit leads over his top Republican opponents, a poll finds. Obama leads Mitt Romney by 10 points, 53% to 43%, and Rick Santorum by 11 points, 53% to 42%. Competing against...

Santorum: JFK Religion Speech Made Me Sick

Candidate defends role of religion in public life

(Newser) - Rick Santorum says reading John F. Kennedy's famous 1960 speech about the separation of church and state in America made him want to hurl. "To say that people of faith have no role in the public square? You bet that makes me want to throw up," the...

Santorum Getting Secret Service Protection

Gingrich still waiting for protection request to be approved

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's request for Secret Service protection has been approved and the candidate will start receiving protection tomorrow, as Arizona and Michigan votes, an administration official tells the AP . Each party's nominee receives Secret Service protection but it can be provided earlier if Homeland Security approves. Mitt Romney...

Ann Coulter: Jeb&#39;s Going to Run
 Ann Coulter: 
 Jeb's Going 
 to Run 

Ann Coulter: Jeb's Going to Run

And 'we don't need another Bush'

(Newser) - Ann Coulter today added to the chatter about a white knight riding in to swipe the GOP nomination at a brokered convention—and the Mitt Romney supporter is none too pleased about the prospect, reports Politico . "It looks like we can throw Jeb Bush's hat into the ring,...

Rick Santorum: Obama Wrong to Apologize for Korans

Says Afghans are the ones who need to apologize

(Newser) - Afghanistan may still be seething over US troops who burned Korans last week, but Rick Santorum is joining those conservatives taking aim at President Obama's efforts to diffuse the situation. Speaking today on Meet the Press, Santorum slapped at the president's apology over the incident, saying he...

Radicals Creating &#39;Ghastly Outdated Party&#39;
 Radicals Creating 
 'Ghastly Outdated Party' 
Maureen Dowd

Radicals Creating 'Ghastly Outdated Party'

Even Republican leaders turning against current 'losers'

(Newser) - With even top Republicans such as Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani, and Alan Simpson turning on the current crop of GOP candidates, "their crazed Reagan fixation," and their antiquated views on sex, gays, and more, it's becoming clear the GOP has become the "Ghastly Outdated Party,"...

Santorum: Romney and Paul Made Secret Deal

Republican candidate suggests opponents colluding against him

(Newser) - Rick Santorum: conspiracy theorist? The Republican candidate suggested today that Mitt Romney has already picked Ron Paul as his VP candidate in a back-room deal, CBS News reports. At a Tea Party rally in Michigan, Santorum noted how Romney and Paul seemed to gang up on him at the GOP...

Why Even Liberals Should Root for Santorum

So he can lose to Obama, and GOP can return to normalcy: John Heilemann

(Newser) - John Heilemann assesses what he calls the "most volatile, unpredictable, and just plain wackadoodle Republican-nomination contest ever" in New York magazine and finds the GOP at the brink. Many Republicans already fear a loss in the general election, which will "unleash a GOP apocalypse on November 7—followed...

Rick Santorum: &#39;Good Man in the Wrong Century&#39;
Rick Santorum: 'Good Man
in the Wrong Century'
Kathleen Parker

Rick Santorum: 'Good Man in the Wrong Century'

Republicans will lose if he's the nominee: Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - Rick Santorum and President Obama can agree on one thing, writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post . Both desperately want Santorum to be the Republican nominee. "Let me be blunt," she writes. "If Republicans nominate Rick Santorum to run for president, they will lose." She praises...

Mitt Romney: the 'Gotcha Candidate'

Politico says he's become adept at going on offense

(Newser) - Heavy opposition research and 'gotcha' moments—never have they been used by a front-runner as much as Mitt Romney has used them this political season, writes Politico . (The article even dubs him the "gotcha candidate.") Throughout 20 Republican debates, Romney has been the most consistently ready...

GOP Women Increasingly Sweet on Santorum

Birth control issue hasn't driven them away

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's controversial positions on issues like birth control and prenatal screening haven't alienated women voters, contrary to predictions , a Washington Post poll finds. Santorum's favorability rating among Republican women has surged over the last few weeks to 57%, just four points below Romney's. Even among...

GOP Has No Good Choices
 GOP Has No Good Choices 
Gail Collins

GOP Has No Good Choices

Gail Collins mocks the latest GOP debate

(Newser) - Last night's debate threw the GOP race into focus for Gail Collins, and it predictably begins with her favorite prop, Seamus Romney: "Take your pick, Republicans. On one hand, the guy who once drove to Canada with the family dog strapped to the roof of the car,...

Santorum Blew It, Pundits Say
 Santorum Blew It, Pundits Say 

Santorum Blew It, Pundits Say

Mitt Romney edged win by putting Rick on defensive

(Newser) - The GOP debate in Arizona was a huge opportunity for Rick Santorum to gain momentum ahead of crucial votes next week, but the consensus is that he blew it with a weak performance. A rundown of what the pundits are saying:
  • Santorum seemed "nervous, tired, and uncomfortable" in the

GOP Hopefuls Would Pile on US Debt
 GOP Hopefuls 
 Would Pile on US Debt 

GOP Hopefuls Would Pile on US Debt

...except for Ron Paul's plan

(Newser) - The GOP presidential candidates do an awful lot of talking about fiscal conservativism, but when their budgets meet the road, there seems to be plenty of rubber involved. The budget plans of Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich would all greatly expand the national debt, independent analysts find. The...

Last Debate? GOP Rivals Square Off
 Santorum, Romney Spar Often 
gop debate

Santorum, Romney Spar Often

Republican candidates debate in Arizona

(Newser) - The Republicans went back at it tonight in an Arizona debate, with the stakes seemingly higher than usual given next week's primaries in Michigan and Arizona. Much of the live coverage centered on the frequent sparring between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum:

Tonight&#39;s Debate Could Change the Race
 Tonight's Debate 
 Could Change the Race 

Tonight's Debate Could Change the Race

Santorum's on the hot seat, Romney's back is to the wall, Gingrich needs a comeback

(Newser) - It's been a while, but America's favorite political game show is back. Yes, the Republican presidential candidates will square off in Mesa tonight for their first debate in nearly a month. Here are the storylines in play:
  • The final showdown—The stakes are "about as high as

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